Title: A Big Bad Girl in the Big Bad World
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Andrea Rojas/Lucy Lane
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: For "Lucy" and" Vengeance"
Summary: The world is a dangerous place... even for vigilantes
Word: 3511
Disclaimer: I own nothing and got nothing to give you if you sue me.
Note: Written for the prompts "Suicide Slums" and "Vigilante". This
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Comments 8
I was all over this "She was no longer looking at the innocent and naive little rich girl who had been her companion for the past fifteen minutes. All of that icing had melted away and there, clad in a short white dress and pink designer jacket too thin for the night, was a woman, a woman who had seen the world for what it is, seen too much of it. There wasn't an ounce of youth left in the depths of those bright blue eyes." and how perfectly you have captured the change of Andrea, the BOOM lex came along, and was in together with lucy!
hellish impressive!
btw, I just saw this, not sure if you know about it already, but there arent that many femslash coms as there are the usual slash coms:
In all, a most amusing read, mmmyes. Thanks for pimping this ^^
...although I have to say that I laughed a bit at the idea of Lex taking Lucy's threat seriously (well, letting her get away with it) but then I guess he wasn't quite so ruthless back when he was running 33.1...
Also I kinda made Lucy's reputation better (as in more infamous) in this one as well. Lucy is usually much more cold but her crush on Andrea is real, and she's not used to having actual feelings for someone besides her family at this point due to her career choice.
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