Shipping Meme - Day 09, 10, 11, 12 & 13

Oct 18, 2010 11:26

Looks like I missed a few days again...are we surprised?

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shipping meme

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Comments 7

gwenaelle_24 October 18 2010, 17:37:28 UTC
that was quite some rant you gave about ML. not that I disagree with any of it, lol.

I also agree on the real life thing, it's way creepy when people ship real people, who aren't together or I've seen a couple of fics about real people floating around and that's just plain weird. although there are two people that I've always thought looked cute together but they're not together. and I get sad when some celebs I really like get divorced but I wouldn't obsess over it.

anyway, the only couple we have in commom from your list is ML, I don't even know what TWW stands for.:P

I love your icon btw.:) been a while since I watched Robin Hood.:P


hollyjo12 October 18 2010, 19:21:03 UTC
TWW - The West Wing. Sorry about that. I did go off on a rant about Mark & Lexie didn't I? LOL I just love them so and I really want Mark to get what he really wants and needs and most of all, LOVES. I am amazed at just how much he loves her and what he will do for her, even if it is giving her up and letting her go. I love his speeches about his love for her. I just wish that she could have heard that speech he gave Callie. Because I would love for her to know that kind of love, to feel that kind of love. I really miss the Lexie that crawled into a bed with him to stroke his hair when he got hurt. I miss the Lexie that made him laugh and smirk and genuinely smile. I miss Lexie ( ... )


gwenaelle_24 October 18 2010, 19:43:07 UTC
lol don't be sorry, I love a good rant.:D I love Mark's speeches too, the way he looked when he explained to Callie why he wanted to spend his life with Lexie was brilliant. I miss Lexie, I've been rereading old fics to keep me from losing it and keep hope alive too, I gotta hang on to something.

the first Disney movie I remember seeing at the theater is The Little Mermaid, Ursula scared me to death but I was so in love with Prince Eric.:D and I know it's one of the few movies I've been to with my dad. he's not a movie fan and I don't think he would be able to tell when was the last time he went to the movies.



lizzy29 October 18 2010, 21:44:09 UTC
Seriously I have re watched that one scene so many times the look he gives when he says its all I want to do for the rest of my life.

I just melt every freaking time, I need to go watch it again


lizzy29 October 18 2010, 18:41:48 UTC
Holly, your answers always make me cry with laughed maddison fans piss me off so bad. She treated him like crap again and again, oh and he never looked at her or Callie the way he looks at Lexie.

I have hope too, but my patience is growing short, it really can't be much longer. Lets hope they are still in the engangement E! SPOILER on weds.


hollyjo12 October 18 2010, 19:29:40 UTC
I have NEVER understood the appeal of Maddison. She never treated him with anything but contempt. Did she ever have a kind word for him? Smoking hot chemistry is what I usually hear about them but I don't see it at all. Yes, when Mark stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel...SMOKIN' HOT...but it was all Mark. Had nothing to do with his chemistry with her. And the sex between them may have been wall slammin a couple of times, but I do not understand the appeal at all when you know that in the scene before and the scene after (and sometimes during) it will be back to her treating him like he's scum and unworthy of being in the same hemisphere as her haughty self. How can anyone find that attractive or sexy? I will NEVER understand that. At all! If it was him talking about her, or him treating her like that, would people find them still hot? It disgusted me then, it disgusts me now, and it will always disgust me ( ... )


lizzy29 October 18 2010, 21:48:59 UTC
I know what you mean, if its not them I want them gone quickly, but part of me really believes it is them. So, really not sure.

And if they get taken out on Weds I am going to be a wreck and kinda hopeless again. I seem to go from hope to hopeless.

Its always annoyed me too at the scenes they have shot with maddison the best we got was the teach me scene (which I loved) and the bed scene before the 'daughter' interupted them. Even Teddy and Mark got more than Mark and Lexie, so I figure they owe us big time. We seem to be getting a lot more scenes than we ever had before which is strange considering the size of the cast, maybe we need to thank J capshaw pregnancy for that.

Whew ranting much! shutting up now promise


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