Shipping Meme - Day 09, 10, 11, 12 & 13

Oct 18, 2010 11:26

Looks like I missed a few days again...are we surprised?

Day 09 - The most believable relationship?
Believable?  Not sure any of my favs really qualify for this.  They all have wonderful explosive chemistry but based on their series and characters, I’m not sure in the real world any of them would have a chance of really existing.  When you see my picks for Day 13, you will sort of see what I mean.

Day 10 - Why aren't these two married in real life?
Because its acting…repeat after me…it’s not real…it’s just acting.

Day 11 - What is your dream pairing?
Mark & Lexie - I think they are perfect for each other and good for each other.  I read somewhere (I think EW list of couples that should be couples NOW) that Lexie is Mark's center.  Without her, he feels and acts like he's lost at sea with no anchor, no course, no hope.  The same goes for Lexie.  With Mark she is confident, happy, efficient; without Mark she has turned into a fruitloop seeking approval, her confidence is gone, she gets involved with a man that treats her like crap and doesn't stand by her when she really needs someone.  But who does stand by her?  That's right...Mark.  I wish SOME people and so called fans would grow the fuck up and let Mark grow the fuck up.  Apparently they want him to stay forever the manwhore he perfected...that is until he finally ends up with whomever they want him to be with (Mallie [SHE'S GAY PEOPLE...GET OVER IT] and Maddison [SHE'S A WHORE PEOPLE...PLUS SHE'S SCREWING EVERY GUY IN LOS ANGELES....GET OVER IT] and then suddenly they want him to get over his manwhore ways and grow up.

These two love each other, despite of and maybe because of, their differences, their ages, their personalities, their experiences and their hearts.  I just love the way Mark loves her.  And if TIIC would ever have Lexie be Lexie instead of another insane Grey (isn't one enough?), I would love the way she loves him too.  It would have been so great to have the manwhore and invisible Grey be the one solid loving couple on that show...the one that no one could ever understand why it works, just that it does.  The surprise couple that others who thought they were so much better at love ended up going to for advice.  But instead of that we got 1) the soap-like overused unknown daughter brought in to facility the break-up; 2) the soap-like predictable break-up; 3) the soap-like screwing other people; 4) the soap-like hypocritical never going to forgive you for screwing so-and-so; 5) the soap-like trying to make relationships with other people you can barely tolerate let alone actually love; 6) the soap-like overdone tragedy that sends one over the edge and the other clinging too tightly which leads to 7) the yelling to stay out of their life and the broken hearted trying to move on.  When did Grey's turn into a second-rate daytime soap?  Add a mobster and hitman that apparently can do no wrong by every woman in town and they could rename GA to General Hospital.

But I got off on a tangent...despite all of that, I would love and dream about and hope for Mark & Lexie to make it through all of that and despite my disgust and long past what I would put up with on any other show or couple, I still cling to hope that my dream will come true and my dream couple will become a reality.

Day 12 - Who had the best wedding?
I’m hoping the best is yet to come.  But honestly, I’m not sure any of my “prime time” favorites ever really had a wedding.  There were lots of weddings for soap couples, multiple weddings for the same couples…LOL.  But can’t say any had the best wedding.  Surely that means that I will finally get a “best” wedding for one of my prime time couples…and soon!

P.S. I will say that I ALWAYS wanted a White House wedding for Josh and Donna on The West Wing.  Sigh....that would have been so lovely.

Day 13 - What is your favorite television pairing?
Of all time?  No way can I pick just one.  I’ve been watching TV for over **cough**40**cough** years.  I have loved so many couples and there is no way I can pick just one.  Here are my favorites (and I’m sure I will forget many that I love and have to keep editing this post to add them) in no particular order:

Mark & Lexie - Grey's Anatomy - Current favorite (just in case that is what this question was really asking)
Josh & Donna - TWW

Brian & Justin - Queer as Folk

Michael & Sara - Prison Break

Michael & Nikita - la femme Nikita

Michael & Fiona - Burn Notice

Jack & Jennifer - DAYS

Natalie & Jared - One Life to Live

Danny & Michelle - Guiding Light
Margaret Hale & John Thornton - BBC's North & South
Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth - A&E's Pride & Prejudice

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