Calico (PG-13, 100 words)

Oct 18, 2010 01:24

Title: Calico
Author: lilian_cho
Rating: PG-13 for squeamish details
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Future m/m, can't be more specific at this point ^^;;
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: People with doctor phobia probably shouldn't read this.
A/N: Part of the
simulacra 'verse.
Answers holidaysmut's Doctor challenge and mind_spark's Gothic Horror Challenge "clutch" and "kamikaze" prompts. And by "doctor" read mad scientist "not-usually-the-healing-kind wizard."

First post here =) Now that I've posted origific, I won't feel guilty posting fanfic here in the future. Probably.

“You must’ve impressed them to get outfitted with a new limb and eye,” Aurelianus said. Military simulacra didn’t get funerals; their suicide missions inevitably ended in scattered body parts.

“I survived an explosion, that’s all,” the simulacrum sat half-naked, mangled eye and charred, twisted limb exposed.

“Wouldn’t want the nation’s hope looking like mangled bird carcass.” Aurelianus pinched and prodded, impressed by the workmanship. “They authorized three hundred riah for sedatives and six thousand for your right arm and eye.”

His patient clutched at the threadbare cloth covering his lap.

“Blue costs five hundred extra, so brown eye it is.”


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