June 13: Death of a Swordsman

Jun 13, 2011 20:40

The renowned samurai Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings, died on June 13th, 1645.

Which sucks, honestly, because the man was a total badass! Musashi created an entire style of swordsmanship for dual-wielding swords ("Aw, you only fight with one katana? That's so cute!"). For his mastery of the sword (well, swords--dual-wielding, remember?), Musashi is widely considered a Kensei--a "sword saint," which, in D&D terms, means you've achieved Legendary status, or have perhaps become a Highlander, since There Can Be Only One Kensei at a given time. Musashi also won duels with such finesse that he became a household name! Oh, and in his free time, he wrote a book people still refer to 400 years later (ie. now) for crafty strategies.

Clearly, this Kensei is a guy worth celebrating. And what better way to celebrate a badass than with stories of your own badasses, swordsmen, tricksy characters, and multitasking writers (who happen to also be badass vampires, samurai (see above), superheroes, and charming sidekicks)?

Dual-wielding fics with headers is awesome!

In related news of utter WIN, holidaysmut is turning FOUR! Come celebrate Fourplay with us June 23-26!

challenge, hs4, badass, admin

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