Gift for estriel!

Dec 31, 2007 13:58

Title: Don't Stand Still ( Read more... )

denis, johnny, johnny/denis, estriel, gifts

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Comments 7

estriel December 31 2007, 19:28:48 UTC
Oooh, thank you, Secret Santa!!! <3
This was adorable!

I loved that Denis had asked Melissa about it before he did anything, that they talked about it - it's very imaginable that they would do that, in real life. <3
Johnny's reaction when Denis tried to kiss him was perfect, so very real.

"When we got married, we didn't expect to meet someone like you," Denis said. "To love someone so much."
Ah. I can imagine this, how surprising and new something like this would be for Denis & Melissa, how unsettling, but exciting at the same time.

"Does Melissa expect me to -- I mean, does she want -- me and her?"
This made me giggle, because I can totally imagine a situation like that, I can imagine Johnny being worried about this.

"Not just," Denis said. "Never just."
The final line was perfect. <3 And I loved the title, the idea behind it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


mosca January 14 2008, 23:49:43 UTC
Yay, I am so pleased that you liked this! It was a great request and a very interesting pairing to work with. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do it!


thistle90 January 1 2008, 23:39:27 UTC
That was lovely. I also like that Denis talked about it with Melissa, and told Johnny that they both loved him. Denis enjoying Johnny's hands all over him during the costume fitting was a yummy, hot detail. Um...and now I'd love a threesome. :D


mosca January 14 2008, 23:50:30 UTC
Thank you so much!

Of course, this fic really ends with the happily ever after threesome.


(The comment has been removed)

mosca January 14 2008, 23:51:11 UTC
Thank you so much! They do really seem to make each other happy and glowy.


jule1122 January 11 2008, 02:59:33 UTC
You somehow found a way to make this pairing work for me. I ended up really feeling for Denis and the struggle he and Melissa would have had coming to terms with Johnny -what he means to them and how he could affect thier relationship. I also love Johnny's pride and dignity in this - the way he won't settle for what he thinks is pity. This is so sweet and yet it hurts a little:

They were lying on the floor like children, snuggling and sleepy. Johnny kissed Denis's neck. "You really love me?"

"I tried every way to show you," Denis said. "You didn't notice."

"I noticed, I just didn't believe you," Johnny said. "I didn't think you could."


mosca January 14 2008, 23:53:05 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad the mixture of sweet and hurty worked for you.


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