Gift for estriel!

Dec 31, 2007 13:58

Title: Don't Stand Still
Pairing: Denis Petukhov/Johnny Weir
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Denis appreciates Johnny for more than his costume design talents.
Word Count: About 1,400.
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. The characters herein are based on real people, but the words and events are completely made up. They are not intended to be mistaken for fact, and no libel is intended.


Denis had been counting the days to this costume fitting. It had shocked him at first, to have these feelings, but he'd learned to accept them. He loved Johnny's hands all over his body, his hips and ass, chest and legs, measuring and pinning, smoothing and tucking. The look of concentration on Johnny's face, his subtle and steady smile as he worked. How much he enjoyed designing and working on the costumes -- much more than skating, it seemed sometimes. But Denis loved most of all that it was Johnny's attention. There were so many things he'd come to love about Johnny: his wit, his warm heart, his fearlessness, his creative and passionate mind. And for reasons Denis did not dream of uncovering, Johnny adored him back.

"Stand still, bitch," Johnny said, laughing but serious.

Denis shook his hips and grinned.

"I mean it!" Johnny said. "Stand still." Playfully, he slapped Denis's butt back into place. When Johnny was physical with Denis this way, it perplexed him. Johnny was so comfortable with him, even though it was so clear that Johnny was attracted to him. Maybe Johnny had accepted that he would never have Denis as more than a friend, but that should have made it more difficult to touch, not easier.

Johnny stood and set about tugging at the upper part of Denis's costume. His head tilted very close to Denis's chest. At times like this, Denis wondered what it would be like to kiss him, if he would feel anything. He'd confessed this to Melissa, contrite, and to his surprise, she'd encouraged him. She thought it would be sexy. It was what he loved about her: she was a little too wild, a little too brave. It was what he loved about both of them.

Denis raised his hand up and ran his fingers through Johnny's hair. Johnny said, "Hey, if you don't hold still, I'm gonna stick you with pins. In sensitive places." He was looking Denis right in the eye this time, and that was Denis's opportunity to kiss him.

Johnny shook his head and backed away like he was trying to shake Denis off of himself. "What the hell?" he said.

"I thought... you would want to," Denis said.

"Not that," Johnny said. "Not like that."

"Not like what?" Denis said.

"Not all, like, feeling sorry for me," Johnny said. "Poor pitiful queer."

"I don't think that," Denis said.

"You do it all the time," Johnny said. "With how you talk to me, with what you call me. You -- you have a wife. A real wife."

"Melissa said it would be all right," Denis said.

"So you checked with her," Johnny said.

Denis nodded.

"But you never checked with me." Johnny turned around and walked toward the door, head high, shoulders thrown back.

"What about my costume?" Denis said, just before Johnny shut the door.

"I'll come back and finish in a minute," Johnny said. "I just need a minute."

Denis stood completely still. Now, he was afraid to move, terrified that he would damage the costume and disappoint Johnny further. He closed his eyes and daydreamed about Johnny's slim, smooth body. Now, he was sure that if he kissed Johnny, he would feel something -- it would feel wonderful. If only Johnny would let him.

Johnny was gone for a very long time. Denis shook out his arms and legs. He worried that if he sat down or stretched, he'd stick himself with a pin. He should have had the sense to wait until he'd put his everyday clothes on to shock Johnny.

"What are you doing?" Johnny said when he finally returned.

"Waiting for you," Denis said.

"Fidgeting," Johnny said. "You're never going to stand still for me, are you?"

"Don't..." Denis fumbled for the idiom. "Don't hold your breath."

"It's not that -- it's not that I didn't want you to. Kiss me. It's -- I'd gotten used to thinking you never would. I'd gotten used to being happy just being your fake wife. So when you did, I -- I didn't know how to feel, and I had to stand out in the hall for fifteen minutes and figure it out."

"Do you know now?" Denis said.

"Yeah," Johnny said. "I think."

"And?" Denis said.

Johnny smiled anxiously and took a few measured steps forward. He stopped and shuffled his shoulders like he was trying to calm himself down before a performance. He cleared his throat, bit his lip, and said, "Okay." Then, he closed the last of the distance between the two of them. He trailed his fingers down the side of Denis's face and along his neck. It tickled, and Denis shivered.

When Johnny kissed him, it was Denis's turn to feel shock and hesitation. Johnny's lips were so rough and aggressive, and the fine hair on his jawline wasn't as soft as it looked. Denis had never thought of Johnny as a man: Johnny was his own creature, unique. Kissing someone more masculine and conventional would be something else altogether. Still, Denis found himself noticing all of the parts of Johnny's kisses that were new to him, everything that made him question what he knew about himself, his body, his desires.

With meticulous concentration, Johnny unzipped Denis's costume. "I thought you were not finished," Denis said.

"I'm not," Johnny said. "But it's this, or I tear you out of it." Denis almost accused Johnny of just wanting to see him naked, but Johnny's motivations really were mixed. His fascination with textures and colors, fit and construction, was real and intense, and he'd be concerned about the garment. Denis closed his eyes, reveling in Johnny's warm and precise hands, for the first time unashamed that they made him hard.

When the costume was completely off, Johnny knelt in front of him. "Did you really talk to Melissa about this?" Johnny said.

"Several times," Denis said. "It was, um, it has been a... big question in our marriage."

"It has?" Johnny said. "I have?"

"When we got married, we didn't expect to meet someone like you," Denis said. "To love someone so much."

Johnny looked away, blushing at another revelation he couldn't have been prepared for.

"It's true," Denis said.

"Does Melissa expect me to -- I mean, does she want -- me and her?"

"You need to talk about it with her," Denis said. "I'll -- I will respect whatever you choose."

"Okay," Johnny said. "But, so, it's all right to, like, do this now?"

"It's very all right," Denis said.

Johnny put his hands on Denis's butt to pull him forward, making him lose his balance for a moment. Johnny could take him very deep with his mouth, which surprised and then pleased him. So much of the pleasure came from the newness, from the things Johnny did wrong and had to change, but especially from the things he did right, that Denis didn't know would be right. It felt dangerous and exciting to come with someone different, someone so thoroughly not Melissa, and so comforting that it was Johnny.

Denis was nervous about going down on Johnny, but there was no question that he both wanted to and needed to. Johnny had to understand how beautiful he was in Denis's eyes, that this wasn't a joke or an act of pity, or worse, a passing curiosity. Denis was awkward, but Johnny forgave him for messing it up, and guided him. Johnny's musky smell and powerful body captivated him, and so did the taste of his dick, salty and clean. When Johnny came, it was a relief and a proud accomplishment.

They were lying on the floor like children, snuggling and sleepy. Johnny kissed Denis's neck. "You really love me?"

"I tried every way to show you," Denis said. "You didn't notice."

"I noticed, I just didn't believe you," Johnny said. "I didn't think you could."

"Do you believe me now?" Denis said.

"Yeah, I do," Johnny said. He kissed Denis's lips softly. "And not because of the blow job. Not entirely."

Satisfied with that answer, at least for now, Denis said, "You should finish the costume."

"You just want my hands all over you some more," Johnny said, feeling him up.

"Not just," Denis said. "Never just."

denis, johnny, johnny/denis, estriel, gifts

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