Gift for carioca!

Dec 31, 2007 13:53

Title: Fall On Through To Emotion
Pairing: Stephane Lambiel/Brian Joubert
Summary: A lot can change in a year
Timeline: Takes place during the 2006 Olympics and the 2007 World Championships
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction and no libel is intended. I have no personal knowledge of any of the people portrayed in this story.
Credit: Title taken from Complicated by The Cliks.
Note: I imagine Stephane and Brian would speak French with each other however the little I remember from my high school French classes would have led to a very short story.

The night after his Olympic free skate, Brian Joubert was the last person Stephane Lambiel expected to see at his door. No one had seen much of Brian once the competition ended. Stephane assumed he wanted some privacy after performing so poorly. Although they had competed against each other for years, Stephane did not know Brian well, but even he knew Brian had come to Torino with high expectations. He did not handle disappointment well.

“I wanted to come and congratulate you on your medal,” Brian looked at the floor as he spoke.

“Come in if you like,” Stephane stepped aside and was surprised when Brian entered his room. He had asked because it was the polite thing to do, but Brian had looked so uncomfortable, Stephane expected him to leave immediately.

“Thank you. My free skate was not as good as it could have been. But it is still an Olympic medal, and that is always good.” Stephane tried not to smile too much. He did not want to seem like he was bragging or reminding Brian of his disappointment, but he was very excited about his medal.

“May I see it?” Brian’s hands were in his pockets, and he still looked everywhere but at Stephane.

“Yes?” Stephane did not know what to make of Brian’s request. He went to get the medal, and realized Brian was still standing awkwardly near the door. “Please sit.” Brian surprised him again by walking past the chairs to sit on the edge of Stephane’s bed. Stephane shrugged and decided he would stop trying to predict what Brian would do. Perhaps he knew even less of Brian than he had thought.

Stephane sat next to Brian on the bed and handed him the medal. He watched Brian turn it over and over in his hands and wished he had something to say. Brian was different from him, so much more confident; Stephane did not know what he would want to hear.

“It’s beautiful. I thought I could have this.”

He did not say hope which is what Stephane would have said. But Brian Joubert did not hope, he expected, and that is where the difference between them lie.

“The gold, well it always belonged to Plushenko. The silver is what I thought of as mine.”

Stephane nodded. Everyone knew unless he completely fell apart, Plushenko would be the Gold Medalist. New judging system or not, skating was still skating, and sometimes the old ways held true. He imagined just knowing the gold was most likely out of reach had been a bitter pill for Brian to swallow. Not medaling at all was probably something he never considered.

“Is it everything you thought it would be?” Brian looked at Stephane as though his answer would somehow heal him.

“It is a wonderful thing to have this.” Stephane accepted the medal when Brian handed it back to him. He wished he had a real answer for Brian, but this was all so new. “I am very proud, but nothing feels finished. I still want to skate better. I still want to win.”

“Next time I will not make it so easy for you,” Brian managed a half-hearted smile.

There was something in that small smile that touched Stephane. He could see this defeat still weighed heavily on Brian, but he was already starting to fight back. There was a tiny spark in his eyes that Stephane wanted to see grow. He placed the medal in the drawer of the bedside table. He did not want it between them any longer. And then he kissed Brian.

Stephane was not sure what Brian’s reaction would be, but he returned the kiss eagerly. Of course, there were rumors about Joubert and his conquests, whispers that his partners were usually, but not exclusively, women. Stephane had also heard that while Brian had company whenever he wanted it, he did not spend much time with the same person. Stephane could not speak to any of those rumors other than to say Brian clearly had experience with men, and if the condom and lube he carried with him were any indication, he was prepared for anything.

As their kiss deepened, Brian fell back onto the bed, pulling Stephane with him. They worked quickly to remove their clothing and explore each other’s bodies. Brian welcomed Stephane’s touch and seemed to have a gift for lingering with his hands and mouth on places that made Stephane gasp. He’d watched both stunned and almost unbearably aroused, when Brian stretched out on his back, pulled his legs back, and prepared himself for Stephane. Once Stephane entered him, his voiced dropped to a husky whisper as he urged Stephane to move faster, to thrust deeper. Brian was a responsive and generous lover much to Stephane’s surprise and delight.

Stephane loved the feel of Brian’s body around him, loved how Brian moved to meet each of his thrusts. He kissed Brian’s neck, his shoulder; anywhere he could reach that wouldn’t silence him. Brian growled and tightened his legs around Stephane’s hips when Stephane reached between them to stroke Brian’s cock. A few moments later, Brian began to climax. Stephane stilled for just a moment transfixed by the look of ecstasy on Brian’s face. But his own need was too great, and Stephane began to move again quickly giving in to his own orgasm.

As Stephane lay next to Brian trying to catch his breath, he though he heard Brian whisper, “Thank you.” He kissed Brian one more time before going into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he came back, Brian was gone.

They avoided each other at the Worlds. Stephane hoped Brian was not embarrassed that Stephane had seen him so vulnerable, but he didn’t ask. Stephane held on to the “thank you” he thought he’d heard. He hoped it meant that Brian understood he had been reaching out with no expectations. He had found an unexpected beauty in those moments with Brian. Stephane would not have minded seeing if he could find that again, but he knew Brian was not ready. He thought maybe next season when the memory was not so fresh they could see if there was something to explore.

When the next season came around, Stephane had bigger things to worry about. He was lost in a way he had never been before. For once, he found no comfort on the ice. While he struggled to figure out what he wanted, Brian Joubert remained far from his thoughts. On the rare occasions he thought of their one night together, it felt like it happened to someone else.

In Tokyo, they were friendly like they had been before the Olympics. Stephane was too worried about his own skating to think about what Brian thought of him. He remembered very little of the medal ceremony and could not say how Brian had reacted to him. The relief of getting through the competition, of feeling good about skating again, was so great it eclipsed everything else. Yet, he was not surprised to find Brian at his door again.

“You fought well today, but it was not quite enough.” This night Brian was smiling. He had no trouble meeting Stephane’s eyes.

Stephane let him in and followed him once again to the bed. He did not mind Brian’s bragging. Somehow, he thought he understood Brian’s confidence better now, thought he knew why Brian wore it so loudly. It was not Stephane’s way, but he understood. And perhaps it was wistful thinking, but he also thought he knew a little of what was beneath it.

“The short program was terrible, but the free skate was much better. It is a start.” That was an odd thing to say at the end of a season, but Stephane was looking at his as a new beginning.

“We skate in opposites this time; I started strong, but faltered while you gained strength. When we can skate both programs well, it will be quite a fight.” Brian had acknowledged his free skate had not been his best, but it was enough.

“If you had skated your free program like you had before, there would be few who could keep up with you.” He would not pretend Brian had skated brilliantly here.

“It was different with you here.”

Stephane made a dismissive noise. His presence would not have affected Brian’s skating. Even if they meant something to each other, they were both too professional for that.

“It was good to see you back,” Brian tried again.

This time Stephane nodded. Perhaps that had been what Brian was trying to say all along. “I plan to stay.” Stephane thought they might be talking about more than skating. It didn’t matter; his answer would have been the same.

He was ready when Brian kissed him. It was what he’d been waiting for since opening the door. Stephane felt alive with Brian in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He held nothing back, wanting to experience every moment with passion. And this time, Brian did not leave. Stephane did not know what it meant, but as he pulled Brian close and drifted off to sleep, he let himself hope.

brian/stephane, carioca, stephane, gifts, brian

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