I've got one question, though: will the points bought from Shapadoinkles Shpadoinkleswhateverandever go away at the end of the month? Because my Owned Items list is long- I bought some 100 points for the luls to see it grow into eternity. (AND ALSO FOR RAVENCLAW!)
To be fair, I generally try not to over think hih systems, as it then becomes too much like my job. I like that at HiH I can just try things and then, well, fix them when it goes wrong and glee when it goes right :) I have a twisted kinda fun.
I don't have a suggestion right now, but I DO have a question - I have an activity pending that's supposed to start tomorrow, but it still hasn't gotten approved. Are you in charge of that, or are there a couple people who have to approve activities?
Thanks, lol, I just wanted to make sure, I figured maybe nobody saw it, cause I submitted two at the same time. *was a little busy at the start of the month* Maybe I should stop submitting them all at the same time, lol.
I love the changes! This is super. Also something that may be cool is having a bundle or bonus items for purchase. For example I have 5 books that you can purchase for DADA for bonus points and there could be an option on the page that is the DADA Book Bundle for 25 knuts or how ever much it cost.
That would be pretty nice, but I think that it might cause a few redundancy programs/slowness in the system. Although I understand at least a list of the items required is going to be added to the top of each page soon?
I cannot believe I am even doing this, but I just might be possibly volunteering to be interested in redoing the site's CSS. I've long thought it needed a facelift, and aside from the fact that I've already been tweaking CSS-based LJ layouts for a while now, this summer I started playing around with redoing my own website with CSS from scratch (here).
Well, I thought we could have quite a few in the end. But for trial purposes I thought we could do it like this:
I provide a copy of the sites css I make it so you see the site using a different css sheet to everyone else I hardcode a location for your css sheet, so you can play with it all you like?
What do you think? So you'd need webspace to hold the css sheet for the trial bits, but, well, yeah...
I'm going to go ahead and set it to the one you provided me with for your viewing of the system. Should take me about 5 mins. I'll reply when it's done, it should appear different to you...
Comments 97
I've got one question, though: will the points bought from Shapadoinkles Shpadoinkleswhateverandever go away at the end of the month? Because my Owned Items list is long- I bought some 100 points for the luls to see it grow into eternity. (AND ALSO FOR RAVENCLAW!)
(Also, yes, points will disappear at the end of the term :))
Thanks, lol, I just wanted to make sure, I figured maybe nobody saw it, cause I submitted two at the same time. *was a little busy at the start of the month* Maybe I should stop submitting them all at the same time, lol.
I provide a copy of the sites css
I make it so you see the site using a different css sheet to everyone else
I hardcode a location for your css sheet, so you can play with it all you like?
What do you think? So you'd need webspace to hold the css sheet for the trial bits, but, well, yeah...
Alright, the file and the directory don't exist right now because I'm making them up off the top of my head, but let's go with:
that's the system's css.
I'm going to go ahead and set it to the one you provided me with for your viewing of the system. Should take me about 5 mins. I'll reply when it's done, it should appear different to you...
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