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Comments 63

coxinsox October 16 2006, 04:12:17 UTC
That probably would have been easier for poor Lily if Cox hadn't followed her back. At least she would probably get her shouting in this way, right? Stalking after her to the bar, he promptly reached over and stole her glass, draining down the rest of it. "So," he said, turning back to her with a dark look on his face, "I'm just making sure, ha~s the English language changed such that 'Lily, wait' is now 'go the hell faster?' Because, if not, we might want to work on your hearing, Red."


toujours_sirius October 16 2006, 04:30:55 UTC
Sirius had been in Potions class for the company, and if the company was moving on, he would just move on with it. Trailing behind Cox, he slung himself into a seat on the other side of Lily and Accio'd a bottle of something called Moxie and a glass from the bar. It had looked interesting the last time he was there, so he figured he'd give it a try now. He motioned for Yang to come join them.

Lily was looking rather unhappy, and in a very mild effort to cheer her up (he figured more might draw the ire of Cox, which was not something he particularly wanted right now), he said, "Hey, Evans, cheer up, At least we didn't get detention. Besides, we learned how to make that potion ages ago. I think our time is much better spent here."

He poured the Moxie into the glass, gave it a quick sniff, and then stuck out his tongue. This did not bode well. Not at all.


beverlyhillsdoc October 16 2006, 04:38:22 UTC
Yang trailed after the others at Sirius's behest. She was particularly verklempt abut missing out on the potions lab; she'd expected something a little more on par with a college chemistry lab, not a home economics course.

Noticing Sirius's drink of choice, she leaned over and whispered, "Don't drink that- you'll regret it. It's almost as bad Celray."


lilypotter60 October 16 2006, 04:46:02 UTC
Growling softly, Lily summoned another glass over with a quick jerk of her wand. A bit too forcefully, as it smacked against her outstretched hand loudly, but she slammed it down and poured herself drink to replace the one Cox had taken. "Perhaps I didn't exactly feel like waiting," she muttered. "And no, Black, no detention. Just the Professor thinking I'm a complete idiot - which I am - and probably barring me from any future Potions classes. Which is just going to make my life a hell of a lot easier."

She tossed back her drink, wincing slightly as the harsh liquid burned its way down, and poured another. "And I don't go to classes to learn anything. I go to keep in practice." Sighing, she rubbed her forehead. "Which is a sodding great plan as long as I don't piss off the Professors." At least Cox seemed to have dropped the whole 'not sleeping' train of conversation. Look, a silver lining.


toujours_sirius October 17 2006, 05:11:09 UTC
Sirius picked up the bottle Yang gave him. The colour alone did not portend good things, which suited him fantastically right about now, because he was on the verge of Summoning a bottle of Firewhisky. He needed to calm down before he started acting like a complete bastard, especially since he knew he was being entirely irrational.

"Oh, I'm in it to win it," Sirius said to Yang as he opened the bottle to sniff the contents. Actually, it struck him that in this game (whatever the game was!), anyone who won was really just a colossal loser. Ah well, so be it!

"I'm taste testing," Sirius replied to Lily, feeling increasingly guilty at begrudging her her happiness over some stupid hangup he apparently hadn't got over. He smiled at her, hoping to snap himself back into place. He had been fine just a moment ago....

And down went half the bottle of the Sanbitter as Sirius poured it down his throat.

Oh, nasty. It was both sickly sweet and mouth-pursingly bitter - so much so that grapefruit taste was completely distorted. It was like ( ... )


beverlyhillsdoc October 17 2006, 05:19:24 UTC
"Waitwait- are you suggesting strip poker? Here? In the mddle of the common room." Yang reached over to grab a bottle of Galliano. There was no hospital to worry over, no Burke and his damn- well, that was behind her. Time to enjoy things, perhaps even in excess.

"Give me a minute or two with this," she gestured to the bottle, "and I'm game."


lilypotter60 October 17 2006, 05:30:59 UTC
Though she might be oblivious in several areas, Lily did notice that Cox suddenly seemed to be hexshy about PDAs and Sirius was trying to kill himself with odd Muggle sodas. Right. She gave Cox a quick, questioning look. Nothing much, just a bit of a query in her eyes as she grinned in response to his question. Not like they had to be attached at the hip or any such nonsense, but it wasn't like Cox to really be the one to pull away. Maybe he was still angry with her? Brilliant. "Just last week. Out of a book, from the Muggle Studies section of the library. Why? Worried I can kick your arse?"

Turning to Sirius, her grin widening as she laughed at him, she shook her head sadly. "Oh, poor bloke. See, if you're going to taste test, at least don't go straight for the most foul things you can find." Cocking her head as she considered the bottle he'd just drank from, Lily reached over and picked it up. Giving Sirius a wink, she tipped it back and took a long swallow. Making a horrible face, Lily started to laugh harder, ( ... )


coxinsox October 17 2006, 05:41:31 UTC
If Cox was still annoyed about anything, it was Lily and Sirius's karaoke night -- and he was still kind of annoyed about that, but that definitely wasn't what was stopping him. He wasn't about to explain the whole Sirius thing to Lily, though, and so while he did catch the question in her eyes, he chose to ignore it.

Which meant that rather than fighting with Lily or talking about issues, he got to listen to a proposition for strip poker. "I'm... sorry, I think my watch is slow. Is it crazy o'clock already? Listen, Fido, I know you de-hesperately want me to get a good look at Fido Jr., but this is really a terrible way to go about it. And, i~f I remember correctly, you can also play this game for cash."


coxinsox October 18 2006, 04:38:16 UTC
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT. Sirius had seen Lily naked? Cox looked back and forth between the two of them, eyes widening sharply. When, and how, and why had that happened? It hadn't been on Saturday, had it? He was about to do some serious questioning when Lily spoke up. Sirius spying on Lily wasn't exactly something he was thrilled about either, but it was better than, say, the two of them hooking up, and the part where it had happened twenty years ago helped. Slightly mollified, he looked over to Sirius and arched a brow. "Ohhh, Fido," he clucked, "you got some 'splainin' to do."

As Lily began to deal, he groaned, moving to sit down beside her. "Lookit, Red, you don't need to prove anything to anyone here. Fido is, as previously demonstrated, a moron, and I'm more than happy to reassure you on the fact that thinking about you naked is one of the things that gets me out of bed in the morning." Looking hopeful, he reached over and set a hand lightly on her thigh. "So please, for the love of God, do not make me do this ( ... )


toujours_sirius October 18 2006, 06:23:39 UTC
Sirius sincerely hoped there'd be no apparent ogling, because really, those were private moments, and...dammit, he was still twitchy. More Firewhisky down the hatch. For fuck's sake, let people be happy, Black ( ... )


beverlyhillsdoc October 19 2006, 01:26:03 UTC
"Okay, okay," Cristina said, waving her hands in front of her, "Enough about naked Lily and Sirius and James's peeping tom experience and Cox getting it on with Sirius who is apparently a hermaphrodite now and- you know what, let's just play."

She looked down at her cards and after a beat looked up and asked, "Wait, who the hell is James?"


lilypotter60 October 19 2006, 02:21:06 UTC
Grinning, Lily leaned over and kissed Cox lightly. "Oh, come on," she murmured. "It'll be fun. Tell you what. If I must strip - which I'm not planning to, by the way - you can choose what I take off." Then, wrinkling her nose and laughing softly, she kissed him again. "And you think about me naked? Now that's just the sweetest thing you've said to me all day." Sitting back in her chair, Lily hooked her leg across Cox's lap and gave him a cheeky grin. "So, are you going to play, or are you just going to watch me own these two," she gestured towards Sirius and Yang with her glass.

Sirius earned himself a glower, and Lily rolled her eyes. "Right. New rule. Only those who have consensually seen me naked get to bring it up in conversation. Oh, and no more talking about how brilliant my boyfriend is in bed - it's a fact, we've stated it, moving on." Giving Sirius a pointed look, she continued, "Just for the record, also, I'd always rather have you play some silly prank than spy on me naked. For future reference, in case you ( ... )


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