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lilypotter60 October 17 2006, 05:30:59 UTC
Though she might be oblivious in several areas, Lily did notice that Cox suddenly seemed to be hexshy about PDAs and Sirius was trying to kill himself with odd Muggle sodas. Right. She gave Cox a quick, questioning look. Nothing much, just a bit of a query in her eyes as she grinned in response to his question. Not like they had to be attached at the hip or any such nonsense, but it wasn't like Cox to really be the one to pull away. Maybe he was still angry with her? Brilliant. "Just last week. Out of a book, from the Muggle Studies section of the library. Why? Worried I can kick your arse?"

Turning to Sirius, her grin widening as she laughed at him, she shook her head sadly. "Oh, poor bloke. See, if you're going to taste test, at least don't go straight for the most foul things you can find." Cocking her head as she considered the bottle he'd just drank from, Lily reached over and picked it up. Giving Sirius a wink, she tipped it back and took a long swallow. Making a horrible face, Lily started to laugh harder, banishing the bottle away with a flick of her wand. "Oh, bloody fucking hell that was disgusting. What in Merlin's name is something that horrific doing in the bar?" Sticking out her tongue as she shuddered, Lily summoned over another glass and poured Sirius some Firewhisky. "That's it. I insist you drink something normal." Taking a drink of her own in an effort to get rid of the nasty taste in her mouth, she spluttered a bit at Sirius' suggestion.

Considering, she looked over at Cox and arched her eyebrow. "I'm game if Ginger is," she said finally, giving Perry a wicked grin. "Though, if you all have to walk back to your rooms with no pants on, don't come crying to me."


coxinsox October 17 2006, 05:41:31 UTC
If Cox was still annoyed about anything, it was Lily and Sirius's karaoke night -- and he was still kind of annoyed about that, but that definitely wasn't what was stopping him. He wasn't about to explain the whole Sirius thing to Lily, though, and so while he did catch the question in her eyes, he chose to ignore it.

Which meant that rather than fighting with Lily or talking about issues, he got to listen to a proposition for strip poker. "I'm... sorry, I think my watch is slow. Is it crazy o'clock already? Listen, Fido, I know you de-hesperately want me to get a good look at Fido Jr., but this is really a terrible way to go about it. And, i~f I remember correctly, you can also play this game for cash."


toujours_sirius October 17 2006, 22:21:54 UTC
All right, Sirius could handle this. It was the same old Lily, smiling and winking and being silly, and the same old Cox, cranky and sarcastic and, as much as he would probably hate to admit it, being funny, and what more could Sirius ask for than to be around two of the people he liked the most at the same time? And Yang, she was pretty damn cool, too - and seemed like a girl who could appreciate a good bottle of booze and a party. This would be fun, and Sirius was determined to let go of whatever it was that was bothering him.

Feeling slightly warmed over (likely from the sip of Firewhisky, toasty, calming, wonderful Firewhisky, oh, how you were missed!) as he smiled back at Lily, Sirius leant back in his chair. "Told you it was disgusting. You're just as daft as I am, tasting something that clearly advertises in its name that it is bitter and nasty. This - " he raised his glass of Firewhisky at Lily and took another sip, eyeing her over the edge of the cup " - is much better, and I've missed it greatly." He grinned at her.

Ah well, so he had broken his streak of sobriety. It wasn't as if he were abusing the stuff yet, and anyway, Remus hadn't asked Sirius to stop drinking entirely; he simply had wanted Sirius not to use to the stuff to escape from his problems. He was intent on having fun right now, and whatever had just happened, well, it could go to hell. Time to move on.

"Oh Evans, talking smack so soon?" Sirius shook his head mockingly at her. "I'm afraid it'll be you who's sitting here pantsless and ashamed after just a few rounds. And no, no, no," he continued, turning to Cox, "it's already half past crazy, and the crazy train is about to depart from the station. Are you on, or are gonna stay back in Dullsville with all the lame, boring, clothed people? C'mon, mate, let's stir things up around here. Fido Jr. is just the icing on the cake, and if I wanted to show it to you just like that, my trousers would already be around my ankles. And it's not about Baby Cox either, because I've already seen that." He grinned wickedly. "It's just, I don't think money is enough incentive for a real competitive game. C'mon, raise the stakes, live a little. Whaddaya say?"

He pushed the bottle of Firewhisky over to Yang. "Oh, and try this. I dunno what you're drinking, but I think you'll like this a lot better."


beverlyhillsdoc October 18 2006, 00:07:31 UTC
Yang was by now wondering exactly what role it was that Sirius played in this sordid little love triangle. She took the Firewhisky, not knowing what it was, and took a swig.

"Burns like hell, what is this crap?," she asked aloud. "Ugh, anyway, don't be a wuss, Cox. Afraid you'll lose?"


lilypotter60 October 18 2006, 00:28:51 UTC
Both eyebrows going up, Lily gave Cox a look. "Now, now," she told Sirius and Cristina, voice playfully serious. "Don't tease Ginger. After all, he's terrified that his girlfriend is going to hand his arse back to him. Better he should just lose all his money than his dignity, doing the walk of shame, naked, back to his room." She shook her head sadly, eyes sparkling as she struggled to keep a straight face. "Isn't that right, babe? You fear my mad skills." Really, there was no way Lily could ever describe how much she enjoyed using American slang at random times.

Then, rolling her eyes at Sirius, she raised her own glass back and took a drink. "First of all, there is nothing 'baby' about Cox," winking, Lily looked smug. "Which I'm sure you know. Second, you two have the worst pet names for your ickle monkeys ever." She flashed a wicked grin at Cox. "And third, I'm not daft, Black. I prefer to think of it as 'mildly adventurous and open to experimentation.'"

Turning her attention back to Cox, Lily smiled innocently. "So, what'll it be, love? Going to join in the fun? Or are you afraid my week of research gives me too big of an advantage?"


coxinsox October 18 2006, 00:45:43 UTC
If he hadn't been so incredibly used to Sirius, nearly to the point of immunity, Cox might have been kind of horrified. Certainly, a few months ago, he would have been. As it was, he was just irritated, although the 'baby Cox' line did get Sirius an angry stare.

"Okay, ha~s it ever occurred to any of you that I'm afraid of her losing?" he asked, nodding towards Lily. "Because, buh-lieve me, not only can I kick all of your asses at poker, but, come on..." He smirked and flexed, posing. "Why wouldn't I want to show this off? If I wanted to stand around and watch people ogle my girlfriend, on the other hand, I~'d be dating Miss July. Not to mention, I don't particularly want to be forced to look at your pasty body, Fido, and while Cristina here is certainly far more attractive than you are, she's also a surgeon and that pretty much kills any interest I might have had in her. Plus, again, hot girlfriend," he added, placatingly, to Lily.

"By the way, Fido," he continued, taking a swallow of his non-craptacular drink, "You know you don't have a leg to stand on with that 'baby Cox' crap, so you might as well just give up on that one now."


toujours_sirius October 18 2006, 02:27:23 UTC
Grinning at Yang's brilliant goading of Cox, Sirius said to her, "It's Firewhisky. Best stuff on earth. The burning is the whole point - hence the name. Just keep at it."

Merlin, he had missed Firewhisky. He swirled it around in his glass, took another sip of it, and then smirked at Lily. "Okay, first, I'm well aware of Cox's manly proportions and how he puts them to use." That comment deserved a naughty look directed at Cox, and indeed, it got one. "Second, I dunno about ol' Coxy here, but if you wanna have a crack at re-naming Fido Jr., be my guest. It's not like you haven't seen it." That thought was still a little bit embarrassing to Sirius, for some reason, but even so, he was never one to act shy. "And third...I'm not even going to touch that one. It's too easy. C'mon, challenge me."

After downing some more Firewhisky, he glanced over at Cox. "As for you, first, no need to be protective; Evans is no shrinking violet. Anyway, you've already seen it, and so've I. So it's just Cristina here who hasn't, and they're both girls. Therefore, no ogling - only good, dirty fun. Second, I highly doubt you could kick my arse in poker. I did live in Reno for a while; I'm quite good. Third, I'm not pasty - wasn't when we did the wild thang, and am not now. And...Evans is all right, I suppose. I mean, she's no me - " Sirius glanced over at Lily and winked at her so she knew he was joking, as she had seemed a bit sensitive about her own assets when she had seen his - "but she's, you know, not bad."

Sirius raised his drink in a toast to Cox. "And yes, I already said you MONSTROUSLY HUGE and impressive, dear. Would you like me to go on, or would you just like to sit down and get going on this game?"


beverlyhillsdoc October 18 2006, 03:22:36 UTC
"Uh, did those two-," Yang gestured suggestively at Cox and Sirius and then looked at Lily. "Er, anyway," she drank a bit more of the firewhisky, taste be damned, "Let's do this. What's the worst that could happen?"


lilypotter60 October 18 2006, 03:44:34 UTC
Lily gave Cox a brilliant smile. "Too right, I'm hot. And no one here is going to ogle anyone. Well, I'm going to ogle you, but I'd do that, poker or no." Raising her wand, Lily summoned over a deck of cards and began to smoothly shuffle them. "All talk, Ginger. I think I can take you - why don't you sit down and prove me wrong?" Her smile turned to a wicked smirk and she cocked an eyebrow at him.

Her fingers fumbled on the cards, though, when Sirius told the 'seeing Lily naked' story. Giving Sirius a fierce glare, Lily growled softly. "Oi! No telling that story if you're not going to tell it right. I believe the theme you're looking for is 'Peeping Tom'. Cheeky bugger, sneaking about the girl's dorms. Not like I was sprawled out drunk in the common room with my bits hanging out. You're lucky McGonagall didn't walk in - you'd have gotten worse than detention." Her angry expression changed to one of affronted pride. "'Not bad'?" For a second Lily looked as if she was going to take off her shirt right then, to prove Sirius' assesment wrong. Then, tapping the cards smartly against the table, she began to deal.

"Sit down, Ginger," she said, glaring again at Sirius. "We're going to take Black for every stitch of clothing and then send him back down to Slytherin with nary a sock to cover up poor Phyllis." She flashed a grin. "Oh, I named your 'Fido, Jr.' Phyllis, Black. Hope you don't mind."

Laughing at Cristina, Lily shrugged. "Yeah. But Sirius was a girl at the time."


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