Brothers on a Hotel Bed: James and Sirius (Closed RP)

Jun 11, 2006 18:43

A drunk James cradled in his arms and draped around his neck, Sirius made his way from an empty classroom on one of the lower floors up to Gryffindor Tower. Towards the end of the trip, Sirius began to wish he had cast a featherweight charm on James's entire body instead of reversing Ron's miscast charm of the same kind, which had worked only on James's upper half. It wasn't that James was particularly heavy. However, the seventh floor was a long way up, and although Sirius had managed to fill out his too-thin frame somewhat in Reno, his strength wasn't what it was twenty years ago. As much as he hated to admit it, he was no longer the healthy, solid boy he had been at James's age.

And it didn't help that James kept squirming and nuzzling Sirius. Not that Sirius minded it, of course. But it did make it rather difficult to keep a firm grip on him and climb so many staircases, especially when the staircases insisted on redirecting themselves at the last minute.

Finally, Sirius made it to Gryffindor Tower and, once inside, to the room he had been sharing with James ever since the night of James's Sorting. No one else had shown up to claim the other beds in the room, at least not while he and James had been present, and for this Sirius was rather thankful. He was not used to having roommates other than Moony and Wormtail and Jim Morrison, and even though the bed he shared with James had very private wood panelling surrounding it, he preferred not to have to anyone around who might question the arrangement he and James had or disturb them in any other way.

After entering the room, Sirius nudged open the wood panelling with his elbow and then laid James down on the bed. Simultaneously smiling down at James and shaking out his arms, Sirius said, "And that concludes your ride for this evening, Mr. Potter. Now, can I get you something to eat, or a beverage, perhaps?"

james potter, sirius black, rp

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