WART 29 - DJ Lupin (and DJ Ella)

Jun 02, 2006 22:43

Hello again. This is Professor Remus J. Lupin broadcasting in Technicolor on Radio WART, and with me tonight is my faithful marsupial companion, Ella. Say hello, Ella...

*Ella makes an incredibly hideous noise*

That's right! So I'll start off the broadcast with a few songs of my own. First of all, I'd like to dedicate Nick Drake's Time Has Told Me (Lyrics) to my dearest Nymphadora Tonks. I don't know what I'd do without you, sweetheart.

Next, I've got a couple of dedications for my friends Lily and James Potter, recently returned to the school after a very long absence. James, you won't remember this, but I remember when we used to listen to the Clash at your flat before you got married, so London Calling is for you. Lily, you are the loveliest redhead I know, so here's a song by another lovely redhead - Deep Red Bells by Neko Case. Welcome back, you two.

Finally, here's Pirate Jenny by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht, as performed by the absolutely marvelous Ute Lemper, which I'd like to dedicate to my fellow devil-owners, the Hufflepuff cadre of crime.

And now, on with the requests!

First off, Amy Hardwood would like to request When I Was a Fair Maid (Lyrics) by the Broadside Electric Band. I was a fair maid once, too - I even wore a corset. It was brilliant.

J. I. would like to request Bottom Bunk Messiah by Ernie Cline. Indeed.

Next we have an anonymous request for Pansy Division's Blurry Down Below. I've always thought that was a brilliant band name. It's a pun, you know - in the Muggle German Army, a Panzer division is a division of armored tanks. Very clever.

Sadako expresses her usual devotion to Professor Cthulhu with Banned from Arkham (Lyrics). Now, I must say, Sadako - you request something for Cthulhu on every broadcast, but when has he ever requested anything for you? That doesn't seem fair to me. Cthulhu, please do acknowledge your servant's devotion and request something nice for Sadako, won't you?

Speaking of tentacles, Admiral ZEX dedicates this "both in general to all and specifically to one some. With all propriety and the utmost respect, of course." How nice! This is Bring Me Back Light (Marc La Cruz remix) (Lyrics) by Grey C. Frost featuring Davey D. Ooh, a remix.

Here's a request from Yuukio Ishida - it's Go Away by Dandelion Wine. I wonder what dandelion wine tastes like?

My favorite student Harry Potter would like to request Overcome (Lyrics) by Live, which he dedicates to "the two most important new students," Lily and James Potter. Harry, I'm so glad your parents are back with you. I wish you all the best.

Some strange pink-haired girl who snogs werewolves has a request for Someone to Watch Over Me by Ella Fitzgerald, which she dedicates to the DJ. I'm verklempt - talk amongst yourselves.

An anonymous listener has a request for River Tam - Say Yes (Lyrics), which happens to be one of my favorite songs by the late lamented Elliott Smith. River, your friend has good taste.

Another anonymous request for Elliott Smith, this one dedicated to Sarah - this is Satellite (Lyrics).

Primavera Bobinski has a request "for all the Psychopuff girls." She'd like to hear The Curse of Millhaven (Lyrics) by Nick Cave, and who am I to say no? I do want to keep my internal organs intact, after all.

Strong Bad would like to dedicate Francis Cabrel's Cool Papa Cool (Lyrics) to Senor Cardgage. Do you think Strong Bad ever takes off that wrestling mask? He could be anyone under there. Maybe he's not Strong Bad at all! What do you think?

Here's Be Gone (Lyrics) by British Sea Power, requested by Susan Sto Helit and dedicated to... well, nobody.

Lord Peter Wimsey shows his usual excellent taste by requesting Cole Porter's Night and Day, as sung by Ella Fitzgerald. He says he's really been enjoying her recordings lately. You know, I'm starting to think Lord Peter and I were separated at birth. Except for the fact that I look nothing like him. Well, never mind.

Everyone loves Fillerbunny, right? And if you don't, you're probably a Communist, or else your name is Dr. Cox. Fillerbunny requests What a Wonderful World, as performed by the Innocence Mission. He dedicates it to his friend Dib, and hopes that Dib feels better. I hope so, too.

And finally, we have an anonymous request for Simon and Garfunkel's Why Don't You Write Me (Lyrics). I really like Simon & Garfunkel, so good one, anonymouse. Anyway, this is rather cryptically dedicated to "Genesis 25-27."

Now, I'll leave you all with the Elvis Costello classic, written by Nick Lowe - (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding? (Lyrics). Given how everyone's been fighting lately, I think it's appropriate. Anyway, do feel free to Floo in with any requests or comments you might have, but I'd appreciate you leaving your baseball bats at home.

Next up on the DJ roster is none other than the Goddess of Love herself, Aphrodite. Unless I'm mistaken, you should leave your requests for her here.

This has been Remus Lupin and Ella the Devinesian devil for Radio WART - have a very nice evening!


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