SECRET post!

Mar 03, 2006 16:14

Like ljsecret? Comment anonymously to this post with a graphic your character would make to represent his thoughts/feelings about something or someone. Then feel free to comment to anyone else's graphics, either ICly or OOCly.

A few minor points to bear in mind:

Images that are just spam or are so big they'll stretch the page will be screened, as will anything likely to 'trigger' muns or has been created solely for the purpose of causing wank. Under 800x600 is best, please.

Please don't char-bash without consent from the player. A loose or vague image that doesn't name the character or have a picture of them is fine, but nothing that explicits targets a character unless their mun okays it first. If you want your char free for any sort of image about them, feel free to comment with your list of chars to this post, and I'll add them to the list of free-speech chars. Please bear in mind that the characters will see the secrets, ICly, and probably try to guess who they're about. XD

Chars that are open to unhappy images being made about them:

Eros, Ryuuji, Sal, Mystique.
Steerpike, Nny, Door, Bernard, Caligula and (assuming anyone cares enough) Ayla and Luna.
Sark, Ray.
Oz, Emma.
Luggage, Hideki, Seto.
Crowley, Adam, Bertie.
Chase, Stewie, Joan, Granny Weatherwax, Aang, the Weasley Twins, and Deloris Herbig.
Aerith, Lucius, Nagini, Little Tom.
Walden, Sluggy.
Edgar, Teatime, Jimmy.
Eiko, Ultimecia, Yuffie, Ed, and Riku.
PDBW, Susan, and Fillerbunny.
Wilson, Victor, and
Grant, Damien, Inara.
Impulse, Ryuuzaki.
Chii, Ran, Freya, Armstrong.
Devi, Mark, Angel, Book, Simon and House.
Emma, Oz, Wolfram, and the Rons.
Stephen, Cooper, Paul, Bothari, Primavera.
Nny, Steerpike, Luna, Door, Caligula, Sadako, Bernard, and Ayla.
Nightwing, DEATH, Alice, Jack Aubrey.
Psyche, Jeeves, Logan, and Sugar.

Also, if you REALLY want secrecy and are posting about a crush on someone, then comment to Ryuuji's journal and I'll put the image in comments with "REDIRECT" in the subject line. And I swear I'm not just doing that because I'm dying to find out who made the Ryuuji secret.

Most of all, have fun and remember, all comments are made ICly unless marked by OOC brackets.

There is a new noticeboard up outside the Great Hall and one by one, images are appearing pinned to the corkboard, with students tacking up thoughts on the images on index cards. Nobody can ever catch anyone posting an image, only the comments, and there is no way to use magic or science to know who posted what.

fanworks, secret

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