Over the ruins of Hat Shore, Lezard Valeth hovered. Levitation allowed him to cross the seared and acid-sodden patches of ground without damaging his boots or soiling the hem of his cloak
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It was the whooshing sound that snagged Lezard's attention.
The whooshing sound that was ... not exactly a whoosh, but rather a person attempting to replicate vocally the effect of a natural whoosh.
Lezard blinked.
"I find your artless onomatopoeia rather charming," he called to the red-suited ... manpersonthing. "Are you not a wizard as well? Or some manner of magical creature? Perhaps the consort of a centaur, or the lovechild of a house-elf and an exceptionally acrobatic goblin?"
It was a lovely spring day, and Jherek Carnelian was outside, practicing his peacocks. The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen had voiced a desire for some specially-concocted ones to serve as part of the decorations at the curious party called a 'wedding' that he was holding with Lord Wolfe, and had wanted to get them just right. Jherek was not one to slack when a chance to show off his talents presented itself
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Jherek's choice of skin, hair, and attire put Lezard in mind of certain Midgardian monsters. He found the effect most aesthetically agreeable, and he conveyed his compliments with a deep bow. "It is mine, for the present; and yet I think it is not a complete work, nor entirely to be shaped by my choosing. I sense ... distractions, a current that tugs at my attention ..." He raised his face to the mild spring sun. He looked rather as though he were sniffing the breeze to discern what it carried.
"Ah, yes, the architects of chaos!" He had a curious regard for the Shoggies, and for their lord Cthulhoo, whom he felt to be far more akin to his own spiritual state than the insipid gods of Asgard. As a token of his esteem, he called forth a shower of roast chickens. They cascaded onto the ground nearest the main pack of Shoggies. Bits of parsnip and fluffs of stuffing bounced away from the impact site.
Jherek was delighted to learn that Lezard had in fact created the unusual landscape now occupying the former dome space- it wasn't that often that he chanced upon a work of art that he could appreciate at Hogwarts. Sure, there were moving and talking paintings everywhere, and he was amused by these, but he maintained the general attitude of his own time. Art was meant to be experienced, something immersive, and if not grand in scale, at least grand in concept. "You will complete this, I hope! It is one of the most inspired things I've seen at Hogwarts. There aren't very many artists here. Is the breeze making it difficult?" Jherek of course misunderstood all of Lezard's subtleties. "Weather here is rather difficult," he offered in condolence. "I've tried at weather, but, it's not very cooperative."
"Ooooh, we're architects!" a Shoggy exclaimed, provoking the predictable sooo cool from there rest. The shower of roast chickens prompted a sustained oooooh from the entire Shoggy horde, who left off tormenting Jherek's peacocks to descend
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Having finished her first few orders, Rarity had spent some time organizing Carousel Boutique Hogwarts in Sparklypoo. Of course, most of her gem supply had been used up in fulfilling her previous orders, so out she went to search for more.
She looked around nervously as she trotted along with a house-elf carrying a basket following behind her, ready to dig whenever her horn began to glow and pull toward any gems that were in the ground, of which there were depressingly few compared to her home. The grounds of Hogwarts reminded her uncomfortably of the Everfree Forest, as both gave off a horribly uncivilized impression, and the longer she was here, the more certain Rarity was that it cared for itself, as well. It was unnatural.
But when the glint of one of the spires caught her eye, she gasped happily. It was almost like Canterlot, the most wonderful and elegant city in Equestria! And it was here, in the middle of this wild place! She ran over to get a closer look, gems temporarily forgotten, though the house elf did scurry to
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"Ah, but it can, if we shape it to be." Lezard Valeth: the Willy Wonka to talking horses everywhere. "Shall we not mold this wasteland into a fitting vessel for our dreams, equine ethereal?"
Rarity glanced back at the house elf, who had just caught up by now. The basket wasn't even a quarter full. "It would certainly take a lot of magic... oh, if only Twilight Sparkle were here." Her friend was the most magically talented unicorn that Rarity had ever met, and creating a pretty little place here in the middle of this wild ground was so much more her speed than Rarity's.
Even so, Rarity was no slouch when it came to making beautiful things. "But Hogwarts... ugh, what a name... needs something beautiful! I'll certainly do my part!" She turned back to the house elf with a flutter of eyelashes and a smile. "Would you please take those back to the boutique with the rest? Thank you, there's a dear." As it scurried off, she turned back to the man. "I may not have the raw power, but I certainly have an artist's eye. I'm Rarity, and it's so nice to meet someone else interested in bringing some beauty and class to this school."
Comments 11
"Neato torpedo, a wizard!"
Yeah he kinda forgot he was in a school for wizardry.
The whooshing sound that was ... not exactly a whoosh, but rather a person attempting to replicate vocally the effect of a natural whoosh.
Lezard blinked.
"I find your artless onomatopoeia rather charming," he called to the red-suited ... manpersonthing. "Are you not a wizard as well? Or some manner of magical creature? Perhaps the consort of a centaur, or the lovechild of a house-elf and an exceptionally acrobatic goblin?"
"Ah, yes, the architects of chaos!" He had a curious regard for the Shoggies, and for their lord Cthulhoo, whom he felt to be far more akin to his own spiritual state than the insipid gods of Asgard. As a token of his esteem, he called forth a shower of roast chickens. They cascaded onto the ground nearest the main pack of Shoggies. Bits of parsnip and fluffs of stuffing bounced away from the impact site.
"Ooooh, we're architects!" a Shoggy exclaimed, provoking the predictable sooo cool from there rest. The shower of roast chickens prompted a sustained oooooh from the entire Shoggy horde, who left off tormenting Jherek's peacocks to descend ( ... )
She looked around nervously as she trotted along with a house-elf carrying a basket following behind her, ready to dig whenever her horn began to glow and pull toward any gems that were in the ground, of which there were depressingly few compared to her home. The grounds of Hogwarts reminded her uncomfortably of the Everfree Forest, as both gave off a horribly uncivilized impression, and the longer she was here, the more certain Rarity was that it cared for itself, as well. It was unnatural.
But when the glint of one of the spires caught her eye, she gasped happily. It was almost like Canterlot, the most wonderful and elegant city in Equestria! And it was here, in the middle of this wild place! She ran over to get a closer look, gems temporarily forgotten, though the house elf did scurry to ( ... )
Even so, Rarity was no slouch when it came to making beautiful things. "But Hogwarts... ugh, what a name... needs something beautiful! I'll certainly do my part!" She turned back to the house elf with a flutter of eyelashes and a smile. "Would you please take those back to the boutique with the rest? Thank you, there's a dear." As it scurried off, she turned back to the man. "I may not have the raw power, but I certainly have an artist's eye. I'm Rarity, and it's so nice to meet someone else interested in bringing some beauty and class to this school."
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