Over the ruins of Hat Shore, Lezard Valeth hovered. Levitation allowed him to cross the seared and acid-sodden patches of ground without damaging his boots or soiling the hem of his cloak
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It was the whooshing sound that snagged Lezard's attention.
The whooshing sound that was ... not exactly a whoosh, but rather a person attempting to replicate vocally the effect of a natural whoosh.
Lezard blinked.
"I find your artless onomatopoeia rather charming," he called to the red-suited ... manpersonthing. "Are you not a wizard as well? Or some manner of magical creature? Perhaps the consort of a centaur, or the lovechild of a house-elf and an exceptionally acrobatic goblin?"
"Neato torpedo, a wizard!"
Yeah he kinda forgot he was in a school for wizardry.
The whooshing sound that was ... not exactly a whoosh, but rather a person attempting to replicate vocally the effect of a natural whoosh.
Lezard blinked.
"I find your artless onomatopoeia rather charming," he called to the red-suited ... manpersonthing. "Are you not a wizard as well? Or some manner of magical creature? Perhaps the consort of a centaur, or the lovechild of a house-elf and an exceptionally acrobatic goblin?"
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