Apr 09, 2011 12:04
((OOC: As the mun has lots of other RP drama going on and wanted something light and silly, we'll call this something like an open RP, something like a chocolate plot, something out of time...RP time, that is. So, basically, this mun wanted a time out from the drama of her other threads and you are welcome to the same time out. If you want to play your drama-involved characters out of the story lines, go for it...the point is fun!))
The problem with learning magic was the results of practice could be unpredictable. In some cases, very unpredictable, especially when one of the practitioners tended to make comments about the spells they were trying. The thought had crossed Sakon's mind that he should practice without Ukon, but he didn't want to risk having to try to talk to someone on his own. And, when Ukon was out, he was rarely silent.
Perhaps he also shouldn't have tried a spell to hurry anything up, as well. But, it was the next one in the book. Ukon's ill-timed comment shifted Sakon's concentration just enough to throw the whole spell awry. When Sakon looked around, the air shimmered around the boundary of the courtyard and everything beyond the courtyard looked almost as though he were trying to watch two movies projected over each other, both running alternately too fast and too slow.
"Just what did you do?" Ukon demanded, his hands on his hips, looking around.
"Uh," Sakon managed to say. He turned back to the book, frowning at it. "I think I made a mistake," he said softly.
"How are you going to get us out of this?"
Sakon started flipping pages with his free hand. "I...don't know yet."
death of endless,
tachibana sakon