OOC: Real Hogwarts planning

Dec 05, 2010 20:38

Hello all!

Beowulf is holding the Yule Goat party on the winter solstice, which this year falls on Tuesday, December 21. Christmas this year falls on a Saturday.

Given this timeline, we were wondering when might be the preferred time to start the new event: the Real Hogwarts reality show. Of course, like everything else, this is opt-in. Characters who aren't opted in can be in the audience. The opt-in is OOC only; ICly, it'll be understood that the Hat and its assistants have put the whole thing together, and the usual house-elf posse can enforce compliance.

We envision Real Hogwarts as being like a combination of The Real World ("This is the true story... of seven strangers... picked to live in a loft...work together and have their lives taped...") and Survivor with a little bit of Double Dare mixed in. ICly, the show's planners are to be Vladimir Harkonnen, Valentine Wolfe, and Ariane Emory. (Yes, this is what Ari's compy post was really about!) Characters who've brought themselves to the attention of those characters will be natural picks for the show, but characters can be opted in who know nothing about them and have no interest in socializing -- we'll just blame the Hat's caprice.

Ari, Vlad, and Valentine will also be tapping student talent for set design/construction, challenge planning, and color commentary. Maybe other things too -- we're open to suggestions.

In order to ensure that you're able to keep up with whatever hijinks go on, please don't opt more than one or two of your characters to be cast members on the actual show. When choosing characters, keep in mind that our goal is crack rather than angst or character torture.

If you're interested in participating in any aspect of the show, please comment to this post and let us know what you're interested in doing:

Cast member / participant in show [any number -- we will split them into teams a la Survivor]
Referee for challenges
Cameraperson? (we can use house elves for this, but if someone's interested ...)
Personal assistant to the producers (anyone want to wield a palm frond fan?)
Rabble-rousing dissenter against the Hat's tyranny?
Other thing we didn't think of

Note added: The planning-type characters won't get a lot of RP out of the event itself, since the planning is mostly handwaved. The real RP will be in the contestants interacting with one another, the camera/catering/referee sorts of people interacting with one another and with the contestants, and of course the audience can interact with one another when the Hat premieres the show in the Great Hall ...

Edited to add: here is the list of peoples so far! Edited again to add: looks like we have a fair assortment of offcamera people involved so now we really need more contestants!

Also let us know via this handy poll what timing you think would be the best for kicking this event off.

Poll Real Hogwarts kickoff

mod, ooc

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