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kakashi_jounin June 24 2010, 09:18:23 UTC
Kakashi was slouched with his hands in his pockets, and looked up when Iruka opened his door, out of habit giving him a cursory once-over. Evidently a hot bath and good night's sleep in a proper bed were all it took to make Iruka look more himself--which relieved Kakashi, though it didn't show.

"You had quite the welcome yesterday, I thought you might sleep in," he said genially, with only a hint of teasing on 'quite'. The drinking and flirtatious hair-touching with the pretty samurai, and making out with the winged demon for all to see? Oh yes, Kakashi had not failed to notice. The latter had rather perversely amused him at the time, but having overheard their conversation, he realised he was probably obligated to set Iruka straight before he did anything unwise ( ... )


It's all interesting character development, so I'm not complaining. ♥ kakashi_jounin July 18 2010, 10:20:04 UTC
((Sorry I'm lagging with tags again, working crazy double shifts all weekend and into next week. It sucks, but this way I can actually pay to retile my dumb soggy floor.))

Kakashi luckily wasn't having any trouble keeping up with their conversation, while also idly envisioning the many potential ways in which he could have Iruka pay him back. Some were certainly more realistic than others, and the one he liked most at the moment happened to be feasible, as well--a simple kiss, after ensuring Iruka's eyes were really closed, of course. After all there was precedent for it, and since Iruka was willing to kiss a complete stranger, hopefully he wouldn't mind sharing one with someone who actually respected him and considered him a friend. Asking for sex so soon as reimbursement was unfortunately out of the question, as this is not a slashfic.

"Mm," he said noncommittally, staring into the distance for a few moments before he came back to himself. So maybe he had let his mind wander a bit too far. "The Hat once set up an entire... tent ( ... )


Boo to the not a slashfic thing I say! Boo~ (Urgh, sorry for the DOUBLE repost. I'm just not awake.) scarysensei July 19 2010, 03:12:09 UTC
Don't worry about it. I just got my first job and even though my shifts are really short, I'm still tired after them, so take as much time as you need - I'm not gonna judge! Also I hope your floor doesn't cost you too much D:Iruka scanned the grounds. There was a large lake - Iruka remembered Kakashi had said something about something living in there, a giant octopus maybe, and he wondered just how giant Kakashi meant. The green lawns rolled away in front of him, stopping at a rather ominous looking forest. He turned and looked up. The castle was huge from the outside, stretching into the sky, turreted and towered. He thought that it must be very easy to get lost in ( ... )


My inbox was just full of Iruka today. =D kakashi_jounin July 21 2010, 08:07:26 UTC
((Congrats on your new job too then! =D And I luckily get to split the cost with flatmates.))Kakashi thought for a moment and nodded. "A few hundred at any given time," he guessed. "There are usually new arrivals on a weekly basis. Some stay longer than others." He briefly explained the popcorn phenomenon as well, which was the usual method of departure and return for most residents. His own trips back to their home world seemed to happen by other means, as he'd only experienced waking up in salted butter once before ( ... )


I wish I was full of Iruka. (Okay yes that was utterly tasteless. But the set-up! How could I not?) scarysensei July 23 2010, 04:49:45 UTC
"That's less than I thought," admitted Iruka. "The castle looks like it could hold over a thousand. Although I suppose there are no real students here, only those that are brought against their will. Popcorning, though.. that sounds disgusting. Truly. Butter is fine as a condiment, or whatever you care to define it as, but not covering someone's body. That's just.. ugh." He made a face ( ... )


Can't say I didn't set up that punchline on purpose... =D kakashi_jounin July 27 2010, 08:40:28 UTC
"There are a few who come here willing," Kakashi said, "supposedly. And they are aware of what Hogwarts is. But they're certainly the minority." He smiled wryly at Iruka's disgust over the butter. "It wasn't so bad, the one time it happened to me. It did seep into places that really should not be buttered... but a shower took care of that."

He'd noticed the sigh, and watched Iruka for several moments out of the corner of his eye. He didn't know Iruka's thoughts, but they weren't terribly hard to guess, given their conversation. He subtly picked up the pace, just a bit, thinking Hogsmeade would offer an excellent distraction from such brooding. Wand shopping in particular could be fun, and he was curious about what wood and core combination would best agree with Iruka even though Kakashi's own mun hasn't even decided on what his wand is yet. "I've had the good fortune to escape the Hat's notice since my own Sorting," he replied with a chuckle. Being able to disappear at a second's notice was especially helpful there ( ... )


Somehow, the best punchlines are the ones we both know are coming 8D scarysensei July 27 2010, 22:43:22 UTC
Iruka was aware, in the sense that he was aware that water was wet and air was breathable, that he probably shouldn't be thinking about Kakashi's not-to-be-buttered places - or indeed, Kakashi showering. He reluctantly tore his thoughts away from pleasant contemplation and said, "Are there any real teachers here? I heard that the classes are.. infrequent at best." It was quite clear that he disapproved of this.

Iruka had noticed Kakashi's slight increase in speed for what it was, although he wasn't quite sure if it was a distraction for himself or for Kakashi. It was probably both. The thought of the town ahead turned his thoughts onto a similar line as Kakashi's - he was wondering what his wand would be like and so was his mun, who was looking at websites to help her and she will send them to you as they are useful. "That's lucky for you," he said, referring to the Hat. "On a different subject, how do you choose a wand?" He'd rather gotten the impression that wands were important, and he wanted to know as much about them as he ( ... )


kakashi_jounin August 1 2010, 11:00:36 UTC
((Thanks for the wand resources! Here's another for HP specific wands. I'm not sure if core materials are limited to magical animals/beings or not. A simple dog hair core for Kakashi's would be apt... =P Gonna have to think about it more.))

"That depends on how one defines 'teacher'," Kakashi said dryly. "Of the appointed professors that I've observed, some appear only to enjoy harming their 'students' for their own amusement, without imparting any useful knowledge or experience in the process." His tone made it very clear what he thought of those so-called teachers: they were scum ( ... )


scarysensei August 1 2010, 18:43:08 UTC
(It looks like Ollivander only used dragon heartstring, unicorn tail-hair and phoenix feather, and Gregorovitch used Veela Hair too, but that makes for "temperamental" wands. But the wandmaker in town isn't either of them, and we could say that the wands our two get are "experimental" - that might give us some leeway as to what we can put in them. Maybe a magical core like the ones above so that it's actually a magic wand, but with something ordinary added to it? Anyway, it's just an idea. I'll shut up now.)

Iruka watched Kakashi as he spoke, amused at his tone. "Maybe I'll teach, to spare the children - or whoever is learning," he suggested. "Once I learn magic, of course. Or I could still teach what I taught before, if people here have chakra. And if not, then I can teach taijutsu." He shrugged, looking away. "I still can't see myself staying here, though. I keep thinking I'll wake up and it'll all have been a dream. A really weird dream ( ... )


kakashi_jounin August 6 2010, 10:39:23 UTC
((I really like that idea, actually... so dog hair and something else for Kakashi, probably. And I've got the wood narrowed down to a few based on the page you linked to. There is already some precedent for unusual non-canon wands in HH, I believe, so we could probably make them as weird as we want.

Sorry for being so slow again, my workload's gotten pretty heavy. To make up for it, I'll move things right along to the wand-getting part! The clerk's an invented NPC, so you can play her too.))"You'd make a good teacher here," Kakashi said approvingly. "Though you would mainly be dealing with adults. There are very few children at Hogwarts--thankfully..." It wasn't that Kakashi disliked children, but that Hogwarts seemed a rather poor environment for them, what with its history of sheltering paedophiles (a werewolf paedophile, no less) and rapists while offering no real protection from those types. "And I doubt very many intend to make this their permanent residence," he added, thinking it couldn't hurt to encourage Iruka's teaching ( ... )


scarysensei August 11 2010, 00:36:04 UTC
(I'm posting a new comment to continue this, instead of replying to this one. I don't like it when they're all squished to the side D: sorry..)


kakashi_jounin August 14 2010, 07:28:14 UTC
((Works for me!))


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