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Comments 45

kakashi_jounin June 24 2010, 09:18:23 UTC
Kakashi was slouched with his hands in his pockets, and looked up when Iruka opened his door, out of habit giving him a cursory once-over. Evidently a hot bath and good night's sleep in a proper bed were all it took to make Iruka look more himself--which relieved Kakashi, though it didn't show.

"You had quite the welcome yesterday, I thought you might sleep in," he said genially, with only a hint of teasing on 'quite'. The drinking and flirtatious hair-touching with the pretty samurai, and making out with the winged demon for all to see? Oh yes, Kakashi had not failed to notice. The latter had rather perversely amused him at the time, but having overheard their conversation, he realised he was probably obligated to set Iruka straight before he did anything unwise ( ... )


Reposted cause I hate it when I use the same word too often >.< scarysensei June 24 2010, 13:40:01 UTC
Iruka stepped out of the door and locked it. He had heard Kakashi's inflection on "quite", and was attempting not to rise to the bait. He's joking, he told himself. Just joking. Still, he felt he couldn't let it go without saying something..

"I'm not- not usually like that, you know," he said. "I wasn't myself yesterday. It still feels like a surreal dream, to be honest. I don't know that I'm really here or not.."

As he spoke he glanced around himself, taking in the corridor with it's paintings and wall hangings.

"D'you know.." he said, looking at a portrait of an old man, "I might almost say that that picture just- oh!" The old man had just stood up with a grunt and left the frame. Iruka stared.

"I can see I've got a lot to learn about this place," he said in amazement. "The more you teach me, the better."


kakashi_jounin June 26 2010, 09:19:23 UTC
Kakashi made a noncommittal sound as he turned to watch the painting as well. "The paintings move," he pointed out, unnecessarily. "As do the suits of armour, and the staircases. You'll want to be careful on the latter, it can occur quite unexpectedly."

While the Slytherin common room and dorms were dank and dreary in Kakashi's opinion, those of Hufflepuff, which were also housed in the dungeon level of the castle, were somehow warmer--the cheery yellow hangings probably helped.

Connected to the Hufflepuff common room was an impressively large 'food libraries' a former prefect had installed--that is, a fully functional grocery store.

"This is the Hufflepuff food library. You may help yourself to anything you see," he said as they made their way past the aisles of food. "At no charge," he was careful to add, watching Iruka out of the corner of his eye. "So have you received your payment yet?" His teasing was much more pronounced now. 'Wasn't himself' indeed. Iruka wasn't getting off that easily.


scarysensei June 26 2010, 14:38:23 UTC
Iruka made a mental note about the staircases, but his attention was elsewhere. He found that as he and Kakashi moved through the common room, more of the paintings were moving. The people in the pictures appeared to be able to walk through into any painting next to them. Iruka was fascinated.

"I'll be careful," he answered as they entered another room, which was full of food. Iruka's stomach made an unhappy noise at him as he remembered he hadn't eaten since the morning of the day before. He wondered for a moment how the castle could afford to feed them for free, then decided it was probably magic. He paused to look at a shelf of the food. Some of it was.. odd, to say the least.

He rolled his eyes surreptitiously at Kakashi's question. Honestly. "No. No, I haven't. Have you eaten?" I don't really want to talk about that. Now that I think about it, it was probably a very stupid thing to do..


scarysensei August 11 2010, 01:20:22 UTC
Iruka realised suddenly that although he was disappointed at the thought of not many children being at the school, he wasn't as sad as he thought he'd be. "I'll miss working with kids," he said, "it's a bit of a shame. Maybe working with adults will be just as rewarding.. a new experience." He looked cheekily at Kakashi and added, "Although it's not that new - working in the missions room was like looking after a bunch of pissy, hyperactive three-year-olds with access to sharp pointy things. I can't count the amount of times I've had to yell to break up a fight between a couple of jounin or chuunin over something petty like pushing in line."

He shook his head absently as they walked, zoning out a little. He wasn't really thinking about the missions room, although he still felt like he was going to wake up from this vivid and nonsensical dream and have to go to work. He was thinking that Kakashi hadn't pulled away. The side of his hand tingled. It was where his skin had brushed Kakashi's, and he curled his hand into a fist as if to ( ... )


kakashi_jounin August 14 2010, 07:29:18 UTC
Iruka's reaction to the bookstore hadn't escaped Kakashi's notice and made it much easier to decide where they should go next. A wand was more important at the moment, and there was no telling how long it may take to find a suitable match, so it was best to get it done first ( ... )


scarysensei August 14 2010, 23:10:32 UTC
Iruka rolled his eyes when Kakashi confirmed that he'd gotten his wand easier than Iruka, but sat up and paid attention when Kakashi recommended to the woman that he took a dual-core wand. He looked to Kakashi curiously as the witch warned him to be careful and his eyes narrowed a little at Kakashi's embarassment. He took the wand and lifted his hand in preparation to wave it. "Why're you acting like that? What happened to you when you ( ... )


kakashi_jounin August 18 2010, 10:09:28 UTC
The great clatter of things shifting and something shattering was only mildly startling to Kakashi, who had fully expected something along those lines, and he tried, and failed, to hold back his laughter. His own first few attempts had been similarly destructive, but Madam Owlthwaite hadn't accepted any compensation for it, instead repairing the damage herself with a few wand flicks. It had been an impressive display of magic to someone as new to it as Kakashi had been, and her kindness made him glad he could bring her more business now.

The blue silk streaming from the wand in Iruka's hand, now that was startling--Kakashi watched with fascination, nearly as certain as Iruka that a wand had finally chosen him. Why that one, he wondered. Just exactly the right wood and core combination, presumably, but it seemed like it might be more than that ( ... )


This calls for a new thread! kakashi_jounin September 23 2010, 10:29:42 UTC
((And finally, NET ACCESS!! Was sent the wrong modem the first time (typical.) Aww, Kakashi's birthday was a few days ago too and I missed it. Not that he would have celebrated it anyway. XD

Now for some fast forwarding. *presses button* Oh yeah, a friend showed me this. You just keep drinking, Iruka... =D))The remainder of Kakashi and Iruka's time in the village passed companionably, with Kakashi picking up the tab at each shop they visited, rather than letting any of it get charged to the Hogwarts account. His intent wasn't wholly noble, of course. For every galleon spent, he envisioned receiving a kiss--for the bare necessities alone this amounted to a considerable sum, and he'd watched all too happily as Iruka also chose a few additional items. Books, unsurprisingly ( ... )


scarysensei September 23 2010, 23:38:08 UTC
Welcome back! I'm glad you got your computer fixed in the end :3 I can't imagine being without internet access for more than a few days... that's probably a really bad thing. Anyway, that picture! Awesome~ I can just imagine Anko and Raidou yelling "chug! chug! chug!" like at some teenage party. Kakashi looks torn between being impressed, surprised and worried XD. Sorry for saying Kakashi had said he'd collect payment later in this comment >> by the time I'd written it it fitted in so well.. :3Iruka was surprised at just how well he and Kakashi were getting on. They'd spent the best part of the afternoon together and Iruka had had a really good time! He'd bought everything Kakashi had indicated he'd need, and some extra books. Iruka couldn't resist the lure of books.. he'd picked up some magical theory books and spellbooks, but his prize of the day was a beautifully bound book of poetry and excerpts from plays. Kakashi had paid for it all, making oblique references to "collecting payment later" whenever Iruka asked him about it. Iruka ( ... )


kakashi_jounin October 5 2010, 04:51:25 UTC
Herpderp sorry for the continued slowness. ><

Iruka's response wasn't quite what Kakashi had been expecting, but, then, he didn't know what he'd truly expected, honestly. He wondered if there was some genuine slight intended behind the apparently jesting words, or perhaps a hint that he should back off--a look of confusion (and maybe the slightest bit of annoyance) briefly flickered across his features before he replied in a mild tone, "Lonely without you? That sounds like wishful thinking, Iruka-sensei." But he was smiling again a moment later. So maybe Iruka had a point, but he didn't have to be so insufferable about it ( ... )


scarysensei October 5 2010, 18:26:45 UTC
Iruka didn't even notice Kakashi's confusion, too busy wishing he'd picked up a napkin or something in the food libraries. The juice from the peach was running down his wrist and as he turned his hand to catch it, the books slipped. "Dammit," he muttered, licking off the juice and shifting the books back to where they'd been. He caught Kakashi watching him and nodded at him. "You want the other one? They're really sweet." He offered it. The books slipped again. As he rearranged them, he answered Kakashi ( ... )


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