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kakashi_jounin August 14 2010, 07:29:18 UTC
Iruka's reaction to the bookstore hadn't escaped Kakashi's notice and made it much easier to decide where they should go next. A wand was more important at the moment, and there was no telling how long it may take to find a suitable match, so it was best to get it done first.

His amusement grew as he watched Iruka being put through the wand-finding process, since he was able to enjoy it now that he wasn't the one being subjected to it. About ten minutes in he located a chair to the side of the counter, hidden beneath a tall stack of wand boxes, which he cleared away and then made himself comfortable, pulling out his book to read while he waited. He was in actuality watching Iruka the entire time, though for all intents and purposes he only appeared to be staring at the pages of his book. He glanced up when Iruka addressed him.

"It didn't take quite this long," he admitted, trying not to smile. "None of the regular ones worked for me either, but I had good results with the experimental ones--they have dual cores. And, as I understand it, are even more particular about who wields them as a result." They were also more costly than regular wands, but he didn't want Iruka worrying about it, since of course only then did it to occur to Kakashi that Iruka might need a wand like his own.

He suggested this to the shopkeeper once she reappeared carrying the next stack of boxes, explaining that he and Iruka were 'in the same line of work'. The elderly woman looked skeptical (coworkers rarely had similar wands, though family members occasionally did), but finally nodded and left the boxes on the counter, disappearing into the back to get yet another stack. These boxes were different from the others, and had a locking spell on them which the shopkeeper had to temporarily disable before opening each one.

"You be careful now," the woman told Iruka sternly, but kindly, offering him the first dual core wand. "These little fellows produce dramatic results once they've found the witch or wizard for whom they're intended. Isn't that right, dear?" she said with a glance toward Kakashi, her eyes twinkling with mirth as he cleared his throat and looked slightly sheepish.


scarysensei August 14 2010, 23:10:32 UTC
Iruka rolled his eyes when Kakashi confirmed that he'd gotten his wand easier than Iruka, but sat up and paid attention when Kakashi recommended to the woman that he took a dual-core wand. He looked to Kakashi curiously as the witch warned him to be careful and his eyes narrowed a little at Kakashi's embarassment. He took the wand and lifted his hand in preparation to wave it. "Why're you acting like that? What happened to you when you-"

There was a dull thud and a crash of glass as Iruka waved the wand. All the boxes in the shop had just jumped three inches into the air and fallen in unison. Iruka stared at the wand. "That was me?" he asked the woman, who looked a little frazzled. The crash had been a mirror.

"Yes, dear, but that wand's not quite suitable for you, I'm afraid. A wand that causes destruction without instruction is unsuited to the caster." This didn't mean much to Iruka, but she took the wand back and handed him another. "Try this."

Iruka tried the rest of the wands she handed him, watching the lady ("Call me Madam Owlthwaite, please, dearie") become more desperate as she did so. "This one's the last of this lot," she said, adding "I'll go get more" in a rather fatalistic tone, as though she knew the wand wasn't going to suit Iruka - which it didn't, knocking over a vase with a rather pathetic 'pfut'. He handed it back with a blush and an apology. She waved it off. "I've never failed to match a wand," she said. "But if this keeps up, you'll need to go elsewhere. Maybe even Ollivander's." And with that, she left to the back room once more.

Iruka sighed and leaned against the desk, which wobbled. The wand on it fell off, clattering to the floor. He bent to pick it up, muttering "Maybe I just don't have much magic. I might not get any wand."

As his fingers closed around the wand, Madam Owlthwaite appeared back in the room. "Oh, dear - that's my apprentice's desk, he's making his first wands-"

The wand tingled Iruka's fingers. He stood up straight and stared at it. It was a little rougher than the other wands he'd tried, but not too rough. It was a sandpapered smoothness, not a varnished one. He flicked the wand.

Delicate pale blue silk erupted from the end of his wand, fountaining out and pooling at his feet. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. His whole body felt light. It was wonderful.

"This is the one. This is it."

Madam Owlthwaite looked surprised, but nodded to him. "Just let me varnish it, dear. It'll get dirty otherwise." He handed it to her reluctantly and she cast her own wand over it. Clear varnish appeared over it and hardened instantly. She handed it back with a smile.

"Perhaps I should give that apprentice of mine more credit. Let me just get it's particulars for you, that'll tell you what's in it and what it's made of." She rummaged in the desk, and Iruka turned to Kakashi.

"I'm finally done!" he said with a grin. "We can leave and get the things you want now." His stomach growled and he remembered his apple and milk. "Ah.. and maybe eat something too."

Madam Owlthwaite handed him a small card with the wand's information on it. "Charged to the school account, son?"


kakashi_jounin August 18 2010, 10:09:28 UTC
The great clatter of things shifting and something shattering was only mildly startling to Kakashi, who had fully expected something along those lines, and he tried, and failed, to hold back his laughter. His own first few attempts had been similarly destructive, but Madam Owlthwaite hadn't accepted any compensation for it, instead repairing the damage herself with a few wand flicks. It had been an impressive display of magic to someone as new to it as Kakashi had been, and her kindness made him glad he could bring her more business now.

The blue silk streaming from the wand in Iruka's hand, now that was startling--Kakashi watched with fascination, nearly as certain as Iruka that a wand had finally chosen him. Why that one, he wondered. Just exactly the right wood and core combination, presumably, but it seemed like it might be more than that.

"No freeloading today," he said cheerfully as he got up and dropped a handful of heavy gold coins on the counter--the same amount he'd paid for his own wand, plus a generous tip to cover any difference in material costs as well as thanks for Madam Owlthwaite's time.

"I can't possibly accept-" she began to protest, only to be cut off by Kakashi.

"Your apprentice deserves a raise," he suggested with a chuckle, pulling Iruka along toward the exit before the shopkeeper could attempt to give him change. "He made a wand for a hopeless case! We're both very grateful, thank you."

Madam Owlthwaite clicked her tongue and shook her head, but looked quite happy. "Oh, he'll be ever so pleased when I tell him. You boys take care, and don't be strangers--Iruka and Kakashi was it? Stop by anytime for a chat. I'm sure my apprentice will be interested to know what you accomplish with that wand of yours, dear."

Outside the shop, Kakashi turned to Iruka. "Nice lady," he said, smiling. "That bookshop looked interesting, don't you think? Books or food first? There's a few taverns that serve decent food, a tea shop, a greengrocers'," to his mun's surprise, though it's debatably canon, "and even a sweet shop. We'll have to stop by there before we leave, I think you'd like it."


>> I pushed enter and it posted too soon TWICE! Iruka'll get back to that gold, by the way. scarysensei August 18 2010, 20:49:26 UTC
Iruka was focused on his new wand, but not so much that he didn't notice the ridiculous amount of gold Kakashi gave to the woman without even a glance at Iruka.

"Freeloading- I would never-" he spluttered Kakashi steered him out of the shop, saying something to Madam Owlthwaite about Iruka being a hopeless case. He barely had time to call a goodbye over his shoulder before they were outside and Kakashi was telling him about the shops of the town.

"I'd like to eat first," he said distractedly, reaching into his pocket and getting the forgotten apple and milk. The apple was battered beyond edibility, the red skin broken and bruised by a scroll, and as Iruka lifted the little carton of milk, a little spilled from the cap, which had come loose. It landed on his trousers and he sighed. "Typical. I'll just bin these." He did so. "But you know," he turned to Kakashi excitedly, "this is a good opportunity. Can you teach me a spell to clean it? Or would that take too long? I am hungry, so if it'll take ages then we can just go and eat first."


kakashi_jounin August 21 2010, 08:49:57 UTC
Kakashi nodded. "These are easy," he replied, producing his wand from wherever he kept it. "Scourgify is an all-purpose cleaning spell." He demonstrated the proper wand movements for it. "Tergeo is a little more specialised--it's to siphon material from a surface. In this case, milk from your pants," he said with a chuckle, then demonstrated the wand movements for that spell as well. "Just aim your wand and make the correct movement while saying the spell, and concentrating on what you want to happen... and it should happen.

"The most effective wand strokes are precise, fluid ones. Be careful not to do anything too dramatic, or you might lose your pants altogether," he added in a tone that suggested that might not necessarily be a bad thing, and stood back a little to observe Iruka's attempt.


I didn't even get this comment in my inbox! D: WTF lj. scarysensei August 23 2010, 17:18:48 UTC
Iruka's expression of concentration might have been a little too intense as he watched Kakashi demonstrate the movements, but when Kakashi said he'd lose his trousers if he messed up, he was glad he'd focused so hard. Pointing his wand at the stain (and trying to ignore the fact that Kakashi had sounded rather flirtatious when he'd said that about Iruka's trousers), he flicked the wand and tried to visualise how it had looked when Kakashi had done this to him yesterday. The milk moved out of the fabric in a trickle and Iruka flicked it to the ground.

"That felt amazing," he said, grinning. "Does it always feel so amazing when you do magic, or does the novelty wear off eventually?"


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