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scarysensei September 23 2010, 23:38:08 UTC
Welcome back! I'm glad you got your computer fixed in the end :3 I can't imagine being without internet access for more than a few days... that's probably a really bad thing. Anyway, that picture! Awesome~ I can just imagine Anko and Raidou yelling "chug! chug! chug!" like at some teenage party. Kakashi looks torn between being impressed, surprised and worried XD. Sorry for saying Kakashi had said he'd collect payment later in this comment >> by the time I'd written it it fitted in so well.. :3

Iruka was surprised at just how well he and Kakashi were getting on. They'd spent the best part of the afternoon together and Iruka had had a really good time! He'd bought everything Kakashi had indicated he'd need, and some extra books. Iruka couldn't resist the lure of books.. he'd picked up some magical theory books and spellbooks, but his prize of the day was a beautifully bound book of poetry and excerpts from plays. Kakashi had paid for it all, making oblique references to "collecting payment later" whenever Iruka asked him about it. Iruka wasn't too worried about that, though. The kiss-money from Yukimura would no doubt come through soon enough, and if it didn't.. Iruka didn't really want to think about that, but the man had seemed far too polite and honourable to kiss and run.

All the way back from the village, through the castle and as they neared the Hufflepuff dorms, Kakashi's mood seemed to be incredibly good. Iruka didn't think he'd ever seen him smile so much - although he could barely tell if he was smiling or merely shutting his eye in a facsimile. Iruka was also happy. Even though they'd eaten in town, as they wound their way through the food libraries he reached out and took two peaches from a basket.

There must be charms to keep the food here fresh, he mused. His drifting thoughts were interrupted by Kakashi's voice - a pleasant voice, a small part of Iruka opined, although the rest of him didn't take much notice.

Well. Perhaps a little notice.

"It has been pleasant," he answered. "I didn't think we'd get along so well, to tell you the truth. After that incident.." he trailed off, thinking of the Chuunin Exams, "..well. But I really enjoyed myself today, Kakashi-sensei." He noticed Kakashi's small glance at his stack of books. "Keeping myself busy.. you could say that. Will you be lonely without me, Kakashi-sensei?" he asked, eyes wide and innocent. "I'm sure that you must have many friends here. You were popular back in Konoha with the jounin.. surely here it is the same? Or have you been too shy to make new friends..?"

Only the small, mischievous smile on his face betrayed that he was, in fact, taking the absolute rip out of Kakashi. As he finished speaking, he took a bite from one of the peaches. It was sweet and ripe, and a droplet of juice escaped from the corner of his lips. His tongue darted out to catch it before it fell on the books. He looked up at Kakashi, head tilted to the side slightly.

"Well?" he asked.


kakashi_jounin October 5 2010, 04:51:25 UTC
Herpderp sorry for the continued slowness. ><

Iruka's response wasn't quite what Kakashi had been expecting, but, then, he didn't know what he'd truly expected, honestly. He wondered if there was some genuine slight intended behind the apparently jesting words, or perhaps a hint that he should back off--a look of confusion (and maybe the slightest bit of annoyance) briefly flickered across his features before he replied in a mild tone, "Lonely without you? That sounds like wishful thinking, Iruka-sensei." But he was smiling again a moment later. So maybe Iruka had a point, but he didn't have to be so insufferable about it.

Nor did he have to look so damned appealing eating the peach.

Still, Iruka's words perhaps revealed more than even he was aware of, and Kakashi opted to back off a bit, at least for the moment. This didn't stop him from openly watching the movement of Iruka's tongue, of course. He met Iruka's eyes afterward, then looked back ahead. As they drew closer to Iruka's room, he casually mentioned, "We should do this again sometime. Now before I leave you to your books, there is that small matter of reimbursement..." So much for backing off. But, he could always 'collect' another day, if it seemed best. Patience was generally something he excelled at, particularly when it would be rewarded.


scarysensei October 5 2010, 18:26:45 UTC
Iruka didn't even notice Kakashi's confusion, too busy wishing he'd picked up a napkin or something in the food libraries. The juice from the peach was running down his wrist and as he turned his hand to catch it, the books slipped. "Dammit," he muttered, licking off the juice and shifting the books back to where they'd been. He caught Kakashi watching him and nodded at him. "You want the other one? They're really sweet." He offered it. The books slipped again. As he rearranged them, he answered Kakashi.

"Maybe it is wishful thinking. I don't really know anyone here, so you being here is a blessing. Without you here, I'd never have gone to get my wand by myself. Well, probably not. So.. I'll probably end up spending a lot of time with you." He flushed a little. "I mean, if you don't have anything else to do. I don't mean that I'm going to monopolise your time or anything, it's just that, well, I know you. You know?" He grew silent. When Kakashi mentioned reimbursement as they came to his room, he nodded, a little embarrassed. "Well.. um, I don't actually have any money. Right now. So I can't reimburse you until I get some. You know, from Yukimura-san.." he trailed off, muttering something about the kiss and how he was very sorry and could he do anything for Kakashi?


scarysensei October 5 2010, 18:28:02 UTC
that last sentence should read "..could he do anything for Kakashi to make up for it?" /stupidity


kakashi_jounin October 11 2010, 07:44:18 UTC
XD Don't worry about it.

Kakashi waved off the offered peach and reached out to help keep the books from spilling. A somewhat uncharacteristic gesture from him, but after the day they'd shared... Well, blame it on his unusually good mood. "A kiss," he said simply, just managing to hold back his laughter, "for, let's say, every 5 galleons. One to be collected now, the rest at a later time. Sound fair, Iruka-sensei?" he asked seriously, though there was a fair hint of amusement--not mockery--in his tone. He wanted to have fun with this 'reimbursement', and was hoping that Iruka would too, and not see it as some kind of mean-spirited jape about Iruka's behaviour during his Sorting. Kakashi seldom censored his unflattering opinions of others, so it wasn't as though he was suddenly deciding to take issue with Iruka's behaviour now, when he'd been fine with it before (if a bit worried about how naive Iruka could be).

If Iruka seemed adverse to the idea, he was fully prepared to agree to a more traditional monetary reimbursement. He'd just be a bit disappointed.


scarysensei October 12 2010, 13:01:36 UTC
Iruka stared at Kakashi. His fingers went slightly limp and the books threatened to slip again. He put them down on the floor and then wished he hadn't. His hands felt odd without something to hold on to.

"I- what? Are you serious?" He shook his head. "I can't tell if you're making fun of me or not. Just because I kissed one guy-" He stopped and looked at Kakashi properly. "You're not- I mean, you're serious. Aren't you?"

Iruka didn't really know what to do. On the one hand, if Kakashi was making fun of him, saying yes would lead to months - maybe years, God knew how long they'd both be here - of teasing. On the other hand, if he was serious.. Iruka didn't even try to pretend he didn't want to kiss him. And Kakashi didn't look like he was teasing. He looked.. very serious.

"Sure," he managed to get out before he could stop himself. "Sure."


Why do I not have a kissing icon? Damn. kakashi_jounin October 20 2010, 08:07:37 UTC
He was perfectly serious, and was glad that Iruka seemed to recognise that. When asked as much, Kakashi squinted slightly in that way that meant he was smiling--genuinely, not teasingly. He was pleased, but carefully dialed it back before it could be misinterpreted as smugness. Couldn't have Iruka's temper ruining their little moment, after all.

The affirmation was all he'd needed. A step brought their bodies nearly together, almost but not quite touching, and he cupped Iruka's jaw, gently tipping his chin up to accommodate their slight difference in height. Kakashi simultaneously leant in and deftly slid his mask down to catch on his chin, the secret of his identity now preserved by virtue of their proximity, and his lips were still curved into a smile as he pressed them to Iruka's. The kiss was light, but by no means uncertain. He was merely testing the water, as it were.


I have one :D scarysensei October 20 2010, 22:52:08 UTC
Apparently "one kiss to be collected now" meant right now, thought Iruka, managing not to step back as Kakashi stepped forward. He actually felt his heart rate increase. He was sure he hadn't been this nervous when he'd kissed Yukimura, but then this wasn't the same thing at all, was it..

Kakashi's lips were warm and quite soft. Iruka had only been able to catch a glimpse of the pale skin that the mask revealed before Kakashi was too close for him to see anything much, apart from his eyes. The sharingan spun very slowly. Iruka tried to ignore it - it gave him an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach. He closed his eyes instead, but the feeling didn't vanish. It was then he realised that he had butterflies in his tummy, which was patently ridiculous and twelve-year-old-esque, but it was happening anyway. He took a deep breath, trying not to think about how nice Kakashi smelled, and deepened the kiss. If he was going to kiss a good-looking man, he'd be damned if he did it halfheartedly.


Ohh VERY nice. :Db kakashi_jounin October 29 2010, 07:31:56 UTC
As pleased as Kakashi was to catch Iruka off guard--which had of course been his intent--it didn't begin to compare to what he felt when his kiss was not only returned, but deepened. He made a sound low in his throat, maybe a little surprised, himself, and with one hand deftly pulled loose Iruka's hair tie so he could twine his fingers through Iruka's hair. This was a proper kiss.

He'd backed Iruka up against a wall, having forgotten about their respective purchases that they were still holding and which made full bodily contact impossible, unfortunately. Perhaps next time... Catching Iruka's bottom lip between his teeth, he bit it teasingly, before leaning away, his mask already in place as though it had never been removed. He watched Iruka closely for a moment then stepped back, adjusting his hitai-ate to cover his scarred eye once more.

Kakashi wasn't the type to linger, though he'd be lying if he claimed he didn't want to, in this case.

"Enjoy your books, then," he said with an almost playful edge to his voice.


:3 I'm glad I finally got a chance to use it. scarysensei October 29 2010, 19:51:45 UTC
Iruka's scalp tingled as Kakashi undid his ponytail and ran his hands through his hair. He shivered, half at that sensation, and half in response to the noise Kakashi had made, which seemed to go straight to his groin. Kakashi stepped forward again and he stepped back, pressing against the wall. He felt his books nudge against his chest and suddenly felt glad that Kakashi couldn't come any further forward. He was sure that if he'd felt the man's body press against him, he'd have let this go further than he was prepared for right now.

Kakashi bit his bottom lip and then pulled away. Iruka made a small noise of disappointment, opening his eyes and looking at Kakashi who - of course - had his mask back up already and was readjusting his hitai-ate.

Iruka blushed at the book quip, and managed to say "I will" without stammering, which was quite a feat. He felt like his brain had been removed. All he wanted to do was drop his books and pull Kakashi back over to him.

Really good kisser, Iruka thought absentmindedly. Really good.

Kakashi seemed like he was leaving, and without really thinking about it, Iruka said, "Will I see you tomorrow?"


by the way, how much does Iruka owe Kakashi, d'you think? Like, how many kisses?


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