Toki Unpops

Jul 23, 2009 01:58

((There's some NSFW content. Fortunately, it's not with the raptor. =P))Toki Wartooth's head was spinning, and he kept his eyes clenched shut for several minutes, wondering what had happened, and why he felt so warm and oily. It had not been a very good day, although he could only recall it vaguely, as he had been incredibly drunk for most of it. ( Read more... )

wishbone, skwisgaar skwigelf, sunflora, rp, toki wartooth, raptor, unpopcorning, william murderface

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Comments 92

best_guitarist July 23 2009, 08:59:48 UTC
Skwisgaar had very mixed feelings upon noticing who else had come back to Hogwarts. Toki had made it out of Mordhaus alive and relatively unharmed, by the looks of it, and Skwisgaar had the sudden urge to kick him for it. Hard. Just because. Stupid Toki, making him have to needlessly worry like that -- not that he'd ever, ever admit to it. Rather than kicking him, he eventually sighed in exasperation as he knelt in front of his bandmate.

He was just beginning to feel the effects of the aptly named Sex Bombs that had gone off in the Great Hall, and unfortunately for Toki (unfortunately for them both), he was the first person Skwisgaar had run into into since leaving there.

"Why's you always followings me?" He scowled and reached out as though to shove Toki back against the wall, and quite likely intended to at first, but ended up instead fisting the front of Toki's greasy shirt. And pulled him forward.

Had Toki always had such startling pale blue eyes?


isnotabumblebee July 23 2009, 09:21:43 UTC
Toki had fallen into a drunken trance of depression, and so didn't even notice Skwisgaar's approach. So, he was startled by the sudden voice, and stumbled as Skwisgaar grabbed his shirt, almost dropping his bear. He wasn't really surprised to meet Skwisgaar here- Skwisgaar always had to follow him around, pointing out just how much better at everything he was.

"Skwisgaar?" Toki's voice was tremulous, and he found the way that Skwisgaar was looking at him rather disturbing. "I wasn't followings you! You followings me!" He tried to glare angrily at his bandmate, but, it faltered under Skwisgaar's expression- Toki read the look as a confirmation that he'd done something horrible. He tried to pull back, stammering, "I don't knows what happened! Stop lookings at me like that!" As he was still quite intoxicated, he only managed to slip and fall back towards the wall himself.


best_guitarist July 23 2009, 09:52:09 UTC
((Whoops, should they both be standing? I thought Toki was seated. XD))

"I'm nots lookings at you like anythings," Skwisgaar said, just to be contrary, and continued right on looking. He also didn't let go of Toki's shirt front. "You look likes warmsed over shit, Toki."

Really... sexy warmed over shit. The aphrodisiac was a bit slow in taking effect, but clearly was starting to do its thing.

He glanced from the vomit to Toki with an accusatory expression. "And yous been drinkings too much. How are you expectings to ever gets better at guitars, eh? Can'ts do dat drunks." Skwisgaar wasn't being entirely hypocritical for once. He hadn't gotten as good as he was by spending all of his time wasted. Of course, once it occurred to him that he was actually trying to be supportive of Toki's playing, he immediately stopped. "Pfft, you'll always be dildos at guitars. Don'ts know why I bothers with you ats all."


isnotabumblebee July 23 2009, 10:19:59 UTC
((Yeah, I ended up slightly confused somehow apparently, we can just presume he tried to get up, but didn't do a very good job of it. XD))

Toki looked like he was about to cry again as he entirely failed to get to his feet- Skwisgaar was looking at him, and he thought it had to be accusatory. He'd done something awful, somehow Ofdensen was either very hurt, or dead, and he figured Skwisgaar knew what it was. He, however, had to be contrary too, and refused to actually ask him. That would be confronting the problem. "You are lookings at me like somethings, Skwisgaar! And you looks like. . .like. . .dildos!" Toki was too upset to come up with anything creative, not that he'd do a brilliant job if he tried ( ... )


omg_sunflora July 23 2009, 15:08:56 UTC
"Aww, what's wrong? Smiles go for miles! Please smile. I don't like seeing people sad."


isnotabumblebee July 23 2009, 21:12:13 UTC
Toki peered at the flower that was talking to him, and sometimes looking more like two flowers, in his intoxicated state. "Hi little flowers, how cans you talk?" He vaguely recalled that Hogwarts was full of strange things, and so he wasn't shocked or frightened by Sunflora, but, he thought that maybe Skwisgaar had been right, and he shouldn't have started drinking when he woke up that morning. Although he couldn't recall it well, it had been a very bad day, and smiling was difficult. He thought he might have been responsible for burning down Mordhaus and getting his manager killed, and desperately hoped he was wrong.


omg_sunflora July 23 2009, 22:17:51 UTC
"I've always been able to talk. I'm just the only Pokemon here, so I look weird to you humans."


isnotabumblebee July 24 2009, 00:15:14 UTC
"Yous a nice little flower, and you don't looks weird. You looks pretty, with alls your petals." He was still feeling quite dejected, but, Sunflora seemed like a pleasant creature, and not likely to pick on him like his bandmates did. "I don't knows if I met you here befores. I can't remembers it very well."


woocha July 23 2009, 15:13:25 UTC
I SMELL MORE BUTTER! A doggie voice shouted as Wishbone barrelled through the hall, nearly ramming into Toki.


isnotabumblebee July 23 2009, 21:13:06 UTC
Toki smashed himself further against the wall as he was nearly knocked over by something furry and fast. He blearily looked up to see a . . .talking dog? Hogwarts was a funny place, from what he remembered of it, and so he supposed that it was a real talking dog, and not a product of far too much to drink. And even if it was a hallucination, it seemed solid and worth talking to, as a distraction from his woes, if nothing else. "You talks? Hi theres, talking doggie." He reached out a buttery hand to try and pat Wishbone on the head.


woocha July 23 2009, 22:19:32 UTC
Yeah! Wishbone began licking at the butter with gusto. I'm...yum! I'm Wishbone!


isnotabumblebee July 24 2009, 00:19:48 UTC
Toki flinched slightly as Wishbone started licking at him, but, the dog did seem to be doing an efficent job of getting rid of some of the disgusting butter that coated him. "I'm Toki. How did you learns to talk? It's a really good trick, you knows." He slurred somewhat, due his inebriation, but on the whole, his accent wasn't quite as bad as that of a certain Swede who was also at Hogwarts, but he had the same issue with strange cadence.


apex_raptor July 25 2009, 00:41:17 UTC
Since Jasper was busy being emo and inconsolable over almost eating Toki's bandmate and the human in the funny hat, the raptor was left to wander the castle if he wanted entertainment. He tended to follow his nose more often than not in such circumstances, which led him back to the strange, smelly room he'd appeared in so long ago.

And someone was there, outside in the corridor, covered in the same slimy substance he had been. He remembered it had tasted pretty good when he'd groomed himself. Perhaps this human would taste good, too.

The raptor cautiously crouched low to the ground and made a chirruping noise at Toki, staying a few feet away. Something about the human smelled a bit off. Maybe he was sick?


isnotabumblebee July 25 2009, 01:15:17 UTC
This was definitely a bit much for poor Toki. He was already feeling a bit nauseous, displaced, miserable about events that might or might not have happened, and now, there was a huge fucking lizard-thing sniffing at him, making funny noises. He was sure that any lizard-thing this big had really big teeth that could probably bite his head off, and that those claws could seriously shred some flesh. Ok, the raptor was definitely metal, but, Toki had the feeling he was about to be its dinner.

He was just plain terrified and didn't know what to do. Running away seemed like it would just attract the creature's attention even more. So he tried to sit perfectly still, clutching his bear tightly against him in both arms as he attempted not to look at the raptor. Maybe if he pretended it didn't exist, it would go away.


apex_raptor July 28 2009, 23:33:41 UTC
((Re: NSFW warning, well, the raptor could always hump Toki like he did Jasper if you wanted him to. ;)
And also Toki can do whatever he wants to the raptor within reason.))

Toki's reaction was luckily the right one if he was looking to avoid being chomped on. The raptor couldn't help but be reminded of a terrified raptor chick when the human huddled, obviously trying not to move or be noticed, except it wasn't terribly effective in the middle of the hallway with nothing to camouflage him and no pack to protect him.

The raptor edged closer making a soft, crooning growl, and when Toki still didn't move, he cautiously sniffed the human's buttery hair, then rubbed his lower jaw against Toki's equally greasy forehead. There was still an underlying smell of sickness clinging to the human, but the raptor proceeded to lick his face and the bare skin of his arms anyway, being mindful not to tear any delicate flesh with his teeth. The butter was as delicious as he'd remembered.


isnotabumblebee July 29 2009, 04:49:30 UTC
Toki didn't even know what the thing was- some sort of dragon maybe? It sure looked like one from his perspective, exaggerated by his terror. He remained absolutely still, which wasn't all that difficult- he was too horrified and fear-paralyzed to do much of anything. He was reminded of the time that he'd almost been eaten by a troll along with the rest of Dethklok, although, the troll wasn't quite this close. He didn't have his Dethphone, or any grandpa's guitars, so he had no idea how to get rid of this huge, hungry-looking creature, who was now rubbing up against his face and licking him, reminding him of a cat. Only, cats weren't so fucking scary. Unless there were lots of them, as the Dethklok Home for Wayward Kitties had demonstrated ( ... )


notarybassist July 29 2009, 06:14:54 UTC
Murderface walked through the hallway, trying to fins which hallway he was supposed to be walking in. That butterbeer was some good shit.

He saw a suit of armor and said hi to it, then slipped on a puddle of something. He tripped for a second and steadied himself by grabbing the suit by the codpiece. That was when he saw Toki on the floor.

"Holy shit," he said, "hey Toki! and...holy shit how did you get covered in all that crap. Jeez I thought you Scandamavarians were a sick bunch but damn."


isnotabumblebee July 30 2009, 20:36:56 UTC
The familiar voice caught Toki's attention, and he looked up from where he was huddled in a puddle of butter and vomit, still too drunk and traumatized to be surprised that his bandmate was at Hogwarts. Even Murderface's grating voice was a welcome bit of familiarity, shaking him out of his catatonic state enough that he could muster a half-decent answer.

"Yous here too, Murderface? I don't knows how I got heres, but I was all covered with disgusting butters, and I got puked on by this big fucking lizards-thing, and I need another drink reallies bad." He hadn't unpopped with anything but his deddy bear, which both looked and smelled a great deal better than he did. The combination of butter, vodka, vomit, and raptor spit had pretty much assured that his clothes would be better off burned than washed.


notarybassist August 11 2009, 05:53:27 UTC
(ooc- late post is late but RL FINALLY took a break from kicking my ass)

He'd probably seen Toki worse, but then he didn't remember. Ah well.

"Jesus Christ dude, you smell like a movie theater took a shit, I mean not like I've ever smelled that before but if I knew what it smelled like you'd be it," Murderface said.

He reached in his pocket and found a tiny bottle of really crappy American vodka (the good stuff was in his other pocket) and handed it to his bandmate.


isnotabumblebee August 13 2009, 02:56:03 UTC
((No worries! I've been slow too, thanks to RL.))

"But then how do you knows if you nevers smelled it?" Toki slurred, sort of missing the point. But, he was pretty good at that even when he wasn't inebriated.

Toki took the bottle gratefully, really not caring how crappy it was- he was at that point where drinking more was the only way to avoid one hell of a hangover. All he could really do was put it off, but, that was good enough for now, so he unscrewed the top and downed the vodka, which did help him look a bit more alive. But, he still wasn't about to try getting to his feet. "That tastes likes you say I smell. . . I do need a baths, but, don't feels like walking now. Some big fucking lizards-thing puked on me. It mights still be hanging around someswhere." He glanced up and down the hall, hoping it wasn't going to show up again.


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