Toki Unpops

Jul 23, 2009 01:58

((There's some NSFW content. Fortunately, it's not with the raptor. =P))Toki Wartooth's head was spinning, and he kept his eyes clenched shut for several minutes, wondering what had happened, and why he felt so warm and oily. It had not been a very good day, although he could only recall it vaguely, as he had been incredibly drunk for most of it. ( Read more... )

wishbone, skwisgaar skwigelf, sunflora, rp, toki wartooth, raptor, unpopcorning, william murderface

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isnotabumblebee July 29 2009, 04:49:30 UTC
Toki didn't even know what the thing was- some sort of dragon maybe? It sure looked like one from his perspective, exaggerated by his terror. He remained absolutely still, which wasn't all that difficult- he was too horrified and fear-paralyzed to do much of anything. He was reminded of the time that he'd almost been eaten by a troll along with the rest of Dethklok, although, the troll wasn't quite this close. He didn't have his Dethphone, or any grandpa's guitars, so he had no idea how to get rid of this huge, hungry-looking creature, who was now rubbing up against his face and licking him, reminding him of a cat. Only, cats weren't so fucking scary. Unless there were lots of them, as the Dethklok Home for Wayward Kitties had demonstrated.

The raptor did seem to be effective at cleaning some of the butter off, but giant lizard drool wasn't the greatest substitute. At least the horrible lizard-thing seemed more interested in the butter than chomping on him- it was almost like it was trying to avoid that, which calmed Toki down a little. It could have easily bitten his head off by now, had it wanted to, but he still didn't think any sudden motions were wise. Even if it was trying to be cautious, its teeth were big, and uncomfortably close. So he let it do what it wanted, afraid that if he didn't, the raptor would stop playing nice.

He wondered if there was any chance that the creature was attempting to make friends, even though things with teeth that big didn't really need friends. Still, it would be a pretty awesome friend, kind of like the Finnish lake troll might have been, at least in Toki's opinion. It could carry him around the school and stuff! He tentatively reached out a hand, very, very slowly, and tried to give the raptor a friendly pat on the neck.


apex_raptor July 29 2009, 10:38:11 UTC
The raptor somehow misinterpreted Toki's patting as the behavior of a hatchling begging for food and obliged by regurgitating part of his last meal onto the ground. There was plenty of half-digested meat, some still on the bone, along with what had possibly once been a sleeve from one of Jasper's robes, and what appeared to be a severed house-elf leg. He daintily separated and lifted the leg with his frontmost teeth, then attempted to feed it to Toki as he would any young raptor chick from his pack. He chirruped again, the raptorese equivalent of om nom nom eat up! A nice meal just might help to cure the sickness he could smell.


isnotabumblebee July 30 2009, 20:44:24 UTC
As if it wasn't traumatic enough to be licked by a reptilian killing machine, being practically vomited on by the thing was almost as frightening as if the raptor had gone for him- Toki had expected the creature react in just about any other way, and the contents of its stomach weren't exactly reassuring. With the obvious chunks of meat, a scrap of clothing, and what looked like a half-digested kiddie leg, it looked to Toki as if the raptor had just eaten somebody, and he was sure that he was going to be next. Perhaps it was just making room for more.

He braced himself for the inevitable flurry of murderous claws and teeth, clenching his eyes shut as he awaited his certain doom. Only to be rather gently smacked in the face with something wet and fleshy- he opened his eyes to find the severed leg being shoved at him, and even in his emotionally wrecked state he could interpret the raptor's chirruping and insistent behavior. The thing wanted him to eat this?

Upsetting the raptor seemed like a terrible idea, considering he was pinned against the wall, and was sure that it might give chase if he tried to run. It didn't appear to want to hurt him, but, offending it might piss it off, and he really didn't want that. And so, he decided to just swallow his disgust, rather literally- he'd chowed down on an exploded troll once, how awful could it be? And cannibalism was pretty metal. Toki attempted to assuage the raptor by actually taking a bite from the severed leg- however, his resolve wasn't quite good enough, and before he could choke it down, he gagged and vomited again- right on the raptor's foot.


apex_raptor August 13 2009, 04:59:36 UTC
((I'm sorry! I never got the email notification for this. Now Toki has a new BFF. =P Skwis-mun's told me the raptor should get a chance to try to chomp on Skwis in defense of Toki one day, probably with Jasper intervention. It could be funny.))

The raptor wasn't perturbed by being vomited on. Quite the opposite, he saw it as a gesture of mutual friendship. He leaned down and started licking up the foul tasting vomit that covered his foot, then braced his arms against the floor and raised his leg in an almost cat-like grooming mannerism, making sure his scales and toe claws were clean.

Since the poor sick human hadn't been able to enjoy his gift, he also re-ate the meaty bits he'd regurgitated. Lowering his leg, he resettled and nosed at Toki's mouth, audibly sniffing him again. The raptor was apparently satisfied with whatever he found, and rubbed his snout beneath Toki's chin, making a sustained rumbling, purr-like growl.


isnotabumblebee August 13 2009, 22:46:31 UTC
((No worries, LJ's been screwing up notices a lot lately, they're often coming late if at all. Heheh, poor Toki, he's naturally a bit freaked atm, but, I'm sure when he sobers up a bit and realizes the raptor's not planning to kill him, he'll decide that it's a badass friend. XD And yes, the raptor should get a chance to try and chomp on Skwis, leading to much hilarity and a distraught Toki, which is always too cute. =P))

Toki had clenched his eyes shut, awaiting the inevitability of his head being bitten off- he'd just vomited on a huge lizard with really big teeth and all, which apparently had no issues with eating people. But, the dreaded chomping never occurred, and he cracked his eyes open to see the raptor calmly cleaning it up, looking almost hilariously like a cat as it inspected itself. He suddenly felt bad about puking on the raptor, even if had puked on him- it didn't seem to be trying to hurt him, and, humans puking on people wasn't really very polite. Not that bothering about being polite was very metal, but, it seemed kind of important when dealing with something that could take his head off in one bite.

"I'm sorry about that. . ." he mumbled very quietly. He wasn't sure why he was apologizing to something that couldn't understand him, but, he was still pretty drunk. His eyes widened and he froze up as the raptor sniffed at his mouth- those teeth were getting uncomfortably close, but he relaxed again as it started rubbing against his chin and. . .purring? A monstrous purr was a very unexpected sound, but, just as it would have been from a cat, it was comforting, and seemed to indicate that the raptor wasn't trying to have him for dinner. Hesitantly, Toki reached up and lightly petted the raptor on the neck, hoping that he was doing the right thing and wasn't about to lose an arm.


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