Application for Griffin: H.G. Wells' Invisible Man

Feb 26, 2009 21:46

The Sorting Room appeared unchanged from one minute to the next, but a new student had joined Hogwarts. The most perceptive persons might have heard the sound of bare feet on stone, but there was no movement until a sheet of paper lifted itself up into the air. Even the quill seemed surprised when a Voice came out of thin air to answer the ( Read more... )

lucien caron, m, wishbone, dr horrible, sunflora, ryuk, application, soichiro yagami, griffin, starman, lezard valeth, teru mikami

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Comments 133

m_otherhen February 27 2009, 05:51:01 UTC
M arrived in time to see the parchment rise of its own accord. She walked around the apparent source of the voice, sharp eyes alert to any sign of its owner. But they found none.

"And just why do you imagine someone might be 'after you,' as you put it?" she asked.


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 05:53:53 UTC
Too close, woman. The owner of the voice took a step away from her. "They want what they can't see," the Voice said. "I also find that one mob might be paranoia, but two is a sign that can't be ignored. It is not my imagination that leads me to believe that people are after me."


m_otherhen February 27 2009, 05:57:35 UTC
One eyebrow raised. "Are you quite sure that hadn't more to do with the charm you find in petty theft and terrorism? To say nothing of voyeurism, no doubt. Mobs in my experience tend to focus less on acquisition and more on vengeance."

She tapped a finger against her lips. "I can see where one might find you a valuable asset. That could be an attractive bribe offer. To the right person, of course."


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:04:35 UTC
"A mob is nothing more than the clamoring of simple minds into a destructive force set against something too advanced for the masses to understand," the Voice said angrily. "Like even the lowliest animals, they strike back against what they can't comprehend."

There was silence except for the sound of callused feet moving against the stone floor in a circle around M. "Show me the man who wishes to bargain, and we might do business," the Voice said.


arrogantmage February 27 2009, 06:05:39 UTC
Lezard Valeth was nothing short of delighted. Apparently, invisible rapists were his idea of congenial company.

"Have you dematerialized?" he inquired of the unseen voice. "It's quite a handy skill to have, isn't it?"


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:14:46 UTC
"If you are asking about my physical state, let me assure you that all of the material to make a man is still present," the Voice said, and there was a slight tinge of uncertainty. It wasn't every day the Invisible Man met someone as unhinged as he was. "If having the power of being the sighted man in the land of the blind is what you might call 'handy,' then I would agree."


arrogantmage February 27 2009, 06:23:51 UTC
"I should say so!" The young mage shoved his slipping spectacles higher up the bridge of his nose. "Why, that must be even more entertaining than dematerialization. I confess I do enjoy spooking the ladies with unseen attentions of a verbal nature, but I can do no more than that when dematerialized. Whereas you, in material yet invisible form, can pursue rougher amusements. Once one has shed the silly moral scruples of the common herd, such vistas of possibility are disclosed. I salute your pioneering spirit, good sir!"


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:35:31 UTC
The sound of the Invisible Man getting animated in his speech was the sound of one hand clapping, but even without visible gestures the Voice was becoming more excited as the conversation went on. "Those were the morals of the old order, where all men were equal. Now, I can slip unseen to wherever my fancy takes me, and the lives of the masses are my plaything. I can take what I want, be it money, goods, or women."


unluckiest_star February 27 2009, 06:06:15 UTC
Starman sidled up to the approximate location of the Voice, striving for inconspicuous. Unfortunately, he was completely unaware of how very much a glittery spacescape spandex bodysuit worked against inconspicuousness.

"Jacques?" he hissed out of the corner of his mouth. "What gives? Did Brainy rework the Plan again?"


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:17:25 UTC
The Voice was silent, as glittery spandex was enough to make even the Invisible Man avoid the crazy. Let the man talk to himself.


unluckiest_star February 27 2009, 06:22:10 UTC
Starman nodded sagely. "Ohhhh, I see. This is one of those Espionage Squad thingies, isn't it?" He looked over one shoulder, then the other. "Don't worry, you can count on me!"

And he sidled oh-so-casually off a few steps to the side, whistling a commercial jingle and pointedly not looking in the direction of the Voice. He might as well have put up a neon arrow reading 'Invisible Dude Here.'


invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:29:24 UTC
The Invisible Man moved around Starman until he was just in front of the superhero's costume. "Is there a man in there, or just a collection of incredibly dense hot air?"


omg_sunflora February 27 2009, 06:35:57 UTC
Sunflora looked around for a creature to go with the voice.

She saw none.




invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:45:12 UTC
"A talking plant," the Voice said. The sound of feet came up behind Sunflora. "I wonder if I should ask permission before I examine such an oddity."


Vote: Squib omg_sunflora February 27 2009, 06:47:47 UTC
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!" Poor Sunflora randomly used Razor Leaf (most likely missing the Voice) and ran as fast as her stalky legs could carry her.

... )


Vote: Squib times two. papayagami February 27 2009, 06:41:13 UTC
"WHAT?" Soichiro and Caron said at the same time, and let their outrage be known by their votes.

The mun relishes playing two detectives.

... )


Re: Vote: Squib times two. invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:47:05 UTC
"You cannot see them, but I assure you, I have ears in good working order," the Voice said in reply to the outcry. "Your collective volume is unnecessary."


Re: Vote: Squib times two. papayagami February 27 2009, 06:50:20 UTC
Caron had already left the room, but Soichiro heard that voice and stayed to argue with him.

"How can you just so casually say you'll rape someone? Have you no morals?"


Re: Vote: Squib times two. invisiblemadman February 27 2009, 06:53:29 UTC
"I have my morals," the Voice said, moving closer. "They fit the world as it is now, where I am a king among men. I can be just, in the way that I see fit. However, who is to deny me what I deem mine for the taking?"


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