The Green ((Greenhouse open RP))

Jan 22, 2009 13:54

The greenhouses, though warded now against the various ravages of time and winter, were still in ned of hefty repairs. Greenhouse six, for instance, had become inhabited by a colony of pixies from the Forbidden Forest who decided that said forest was not the place to be in the dead of winter. Kurama would have been perfectly content to let them ( Read more... )

soichiro yagami, kusuriyuri, rp, maddie magellan, hermione granger, youko kurama, alan grant

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Comments 152

edomedpeddler January 22 2009, 20:26:00 UTC
Kusuriyuri had seen the note and was curious to see if wards could be constructed against pixies as he hadn't tried to ward any magical creatures yet. He made his way carefully into the greenhouse, making sure the door was closed behind him. The din was almost enough to make him wish he could ward his own ears.


serrulata January 22 2009, 20:31:57 UTC
Kurama had cast a deafness charm over himself and Belophoebe, who was pouncing at pixies from the tabletops, and didn't immediately see Kusuriyuri (he'd been concentrating so hard on the infestation that he'd hardly even felt Kusuriyuri's presence) until a Pixie had grabbed the back of his hair and yanked his head around to see the door. A good whack with a vine took care of that one, and Belophoebe dragged it off to the little cage where the few stunned and unconcious pixies were being kept.

He grinned at Kusuriyuri, waving a hello in lieu of actually speaking.


edomedpeddler January 22 2009, 22:08:10 UTC
Kusuriyuri bowed slightly to Kurama, amused. "A new passtime?" he asked, glaring at a pixie that approached him. It seemed unphased by the look, though. He summoned a simple ward, like the one he'd used to imobilize Kurama with and, while it kept the creature back, it seemed more to do so because it was bigger than the pixie. "An interesting puzzle," he said.


serrulata January 22 2009, 22:20:57 UTC
He stunned another two pixies before uncharming himself. He then went over to Kusuriyuri, placing a kiss on his cheek. A few of the more vocal pixies shrieked in amusement. "I didn't hear you, I'm sorry."


noseymaddie January 22 2009, 20:27:43 UTC
It's a given Maddie hates her mun. No doubt about it. The mun loves Maddie though.

Maddie is currently lost on the grounds, trying to find a way out of the cold. And, lo, a door rises up out of the mist (pretend with me, please) and Maddie goes in, not seeing the note on the door.

Immediate reaction: She claps her hands over her ears and yells, "Oh, for god's sake."


serrulata January 22 2009, 20:34:09 UTC
One of the pixies, seeing an out, flew over to Maddie and hid behind her. Kurama grimaced and lowered his wand. "Tell me you at least have your wand with you," he shouted over the din.


noseymaddie January 22 2009, 22:09:33 UTC
Maddie scowled. She drew out her wand (conveniently nicked from Wedensday, because the mun is being horrifically lazy, but shhhhhh). "What on earth are these things?" she demanded, her voice covering about three octaves as the pixie pulled her hair.


serrulata January 22 2009, 22:22:19 UTC
"Pixies," he shouted back, managing to smack one to Belophoebe, who caught it neatly and dropped it in the cage. "Nasty, irritating little buggers with no tolerance for cold or quiet."


dinosaurman January 23 2009, 04:54:48 UTC
It was only a matter of time before being the COMC professor meant he actually had to do something about it. Usually Grant was alerted to loose creatures through a desperate owl, but he'd seen the sign and went to help out.

What he lacked in stunning spells he tried to make up for with an idea. He came armed with a spare cage from the COMC shed, and a small enchanted trinket inside of it. The shiny, moving bauble would attract the attention of anything with an attention span shorter than three seconds. He knew from experience that it worked well with cats. The cage was also charmed to mute anything inside of it. That was probably a good thing, judging from the noise that was coming from the greenhouse.

"Hello," he called over the noise as he entered the greenhouse, trying not to let pixies out behind him.


serrulata January 23 2009, 05:00:30 UTC
Grant's timing was excellent; Kurama was ten seconds away from saying 'screw it' and executing the lot of them. A clutch of pixies left off dodging his vines and stupefying attempts to fly at the cage and were instantly, blessedly silent. He sighed, relieved.

"Hello. I'm going to assume you're the Care of Magical Creatures professor?"


dinosaurman January 23 2009, 05:15:09 UTC
He almost automatically responded with, "No, I'm just some guy with a cage," but some little shred of common sense kept him from being rude to one of the few members of the faculty he didn't actively dislike.

"Yeah," Grant said. It was a lot easier to carry on a conversation with some of the pixies quieted. "I've been known to make house calls." At least these weren't tribbles.


serrulata January 23 2009, 05:27:16 UTC
"I appreciate it," he said coolly, bending to pick up Belophoebe, who was licking the remains of a particularly violent and unlucky pixie off her paws. His ears were still ringing painfully from the shrieking, but the few remaining pixies floating around were smart enough to keep quiet for now.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you before today."


curlybrain January 23 2009, 05:59:31 UTC
Hermione was great at stunning spells, and she was more than happy to take her anger out on much-deserving pixies. Not that she had much to be angry about beyond her general and long-lasting sense of WTF regarding the state of Hogwarts.

That being the case, it helped that she liked Professor Kurama. He wasn't Sprout, but he was at least a competent instructor.

Seeing the sign, she knocked briskly to announce her presence and then strode briskly inside.

Assessing the problem, she raised her wand and waded into the fray with her usual efficiency.


serrulata January 23 2009, 06:08:31 UTC
Kurama grinned at Hermione when she entered, and wisely stepped aside to let her target the pixies as she saw fit. When a good number of them were taken care of he applauded, though with no air of mockery. It was quite an impressive thing to watch.

"Very good, Miss Granger," he said, summoning vines to snatch up the pixies and cage them. Belophobe, who had long tired of the hunt, watched them from one of the work tables. "Please remind me never to find myself on the wrong end of your wand."


curlybrain January 23 2009, 06:34:23 UTC
Hermione allowed herself a small smile. "Thank you, Professor," she said. "I wish I could say all this comes from a lot of theoretical knowledge, and this is just an excuse to practice, but... Sadly not."


serrulata January 23 2009, 06:49:01 UTC
"That is no issue; as long as the work is done, who am I to complain about the motivation?" He smiled, and pulled out a stool for her to sit on, perching himself on the worktable. "You are still troubled?"


papayagami January 24 2009, 01:39:33 UTC
Soichiro has a bone to pick with pixies. They stole his glasses once. Hell, when he entered Greenhouse Six, they stole them again!

Sure, he didn't NEED his glasses anymore, since getting shinigami eyes, but it's a matter of principle!

Soichiro glared and stunned some pixies.


serrulata January 24 2009, 02:28:14 UTC
Kurama caught one of the stunned pixies as it fell and stuffed it into his makeshift cage. Another, one holding Soichiro's glasses, whizzed by him and he caught it, giving it a good thwap on the head and taking back the spectacles. He shoved the pixie in with it's pals and stood, handing Soichiro the glasses with a smile.

"I'm guessing this is a regular occurrence?"


papayagami January 24 2009, 02:33:23 UTC
"Let's say it's not the first time this happened," Soichiro grumbled as he put his glasses on. "Only two people get to touch my glasses. And they aren't either of them!"


serrulata January 24 2009, 02:36:26 UTC
Kurama held up his hands. "I apologize, then," he said, trying not to laugh at Soichiro's obvious distress.


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