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Comments 330

bowchickamaou October 31 2008, 06:05:03 UTC
When Yuuri saw a big cauldron of potion in the Great Hall, he thought immediately:

"It's a Halloween party! Fun!"

Being Yuuri, he decided to help. It didn't look like a very partylike atmosphere aside from the big cauldron. However, he could guess the reason why, since near the cauldron was his worthy former opponent Chef Tako. It must be hard to reach up from a bucket to hang party decorations.

"Hey, good idea!" he congratulated Tako.


wrinklesintime October 31 2008, 16:19:24 UTC
Meg was all upons the idea of a Halloween party, and after she saw the flyers about it, she had to run back to her room immediately to scrape together a costume.

In the end, however, she lacked much in the way of supplies to do anything original, so she simply took one of the sheets off her bed, draped it over herself, and went as a ghost.

The punch in the great hall did, indeed, look spooky. Meg was dubious about trying it, since some of it was rather...frighteningly colored.

Still, she could also see that the place needed decorating. Decidingt, for the moment, to ignore the naked nymph formerly known as Amaranth and the giant octopus, she waved at the most relatively-normal-looking person in the room. "Hey," she called, pointing to some pumpkins the house elves had brought, "Do you mind if I start carving one of these?"

She lacked any artistic abilities whatsoever, but she more than made up for it with enthusiasm.


bowchickamaou October 31 2008, 20:05:05 UTC
"That's what they're for!" Yuuri called back. "There should be paints too!" He'd just told the elves to bring that stuff in. Now he was attempting to hang crepe paper from ... the walls.

Well, the ceiling was just way too high up.

So he was tacking swathes of crepe paper to the walls in huge unwieldy swoops.

"That way," he continued, loudly, to Meg, "if someone is too young to use a knife, or doesn't have hands, they can use a paintbrush to decorate their pumpkin. Elephants can use paintbrushes with their trunks, and some other animals could probably use their mouths. I know Tako can use his tentacles to hold a knife though!"


wrinklesintime October 31 2008, 20:12:30 UTC
"I never thought about painting pumpkins," Meg said with a grin. "It's a good idea though." She came closer to where Yuuri was working, so she didn't have to yell to make herself heard, and set pumpkin and knife on one of the tables. "We n eed apples," she added. "And water. Because what's Halloween without bobbing for apples?"


nerdsexgoddess October 31 2008, 16:04:38 UTC
Who didn't love a party?

Certainly, Amaranth did.

She had not perfected the charm that would allow certain parts of her very out-there abnatomy to be less... out there... to the general public, so she was solving the problem today by carrying a book open in front of her at a strategic place.

Seeing the punch, she grabbed a glass poured some, drank...

...And promptly experienced a moment of nausea as the potion did its work.

When she recovered, she had to sit down for a second. Because it would seem she was now sporting a penis. It would also seem that said penis was not attached to the world's most attractive individual. Somehow, Amaranth had always taken it for granted that if she ever would find it necessary to change her gender, she'd look pretty much the same way she normally did, just with the equipment reversed.

Oh well. She still had a penis. That was kind of fun. And she wondered if it still counted as work if she had sex with anyone in this form.


righteous_pen October 31 2008, 17:24:56 UTC
Mikami wasn't here for the party. He was just here because it was that time of day and he'd stopped eating in his room. (The house elves tended to hang around and wait for him to finish when he did that. It was unnerving. He hadn't yet worked out that since he cleaned everything himself, they didn't have anything else to do in his room.)

His only previous experience with magically altered food had been the soup, which was served as part of a normal meal time, so it didn't occur to him to be more suspicious of the punch than he was of anything else here. It appeared to be non-alcoholic. That was all that concerned him.

...until he tasted it, and felt sick and dizzy and, for some reason, as if his clothes were suddenly far too tight.

"WHAT - ?" he began, then froze, looking horrified. "OH NO. NOT AGAIN."


nerdsexgoddess October 31 2008, 17:58:45 UTC
Amaranth, while a smart girl, had not figured out what was going on, and so, when she spotted that really big, loud guy who'd been concerned about frostbite from her sorting, she was just relieved for a friendly face.

She strutted over to Mikami. Doubtless watching Dwight's body do that was highly disconcerting. So was the fact that now Dwight's voice purred, "Hello there, handsome. You look remarkably... civilized today."


righteous_pen October 31 2008, 19:47:23 UTC
"...GAHH!" Mikami averted his eyes, quickly, but not before noticing that the name above this person's head wasn't Dwight Shrute. Apparently the shinigami eyes still worked under the influence of the potion, which made sense.


...it was hard to sound indignant while shouting like that. Mikami gave it his best effort, though.


nerdsexgoddess October 31 2008, 20:07:37 UTC
Amaranth pouted. "I never wear clothes. I'm a nymph. And if you're not Beowulf, who are you?" Dwight pouting like that might have been as disconcerting as Dwight purring.


steff_is_a_girl October 31 2008, 19:03:12 UTC
Steff liked to party as much as the next three girls so she high-tailed it on over to the main hall as soon as she saw the notice.

It didn't take her long at all to notice the punch spread all about. She figured it wouldn't be spiked, owing to the fact that the rules seemed to be so strict in this place, and as she took a big swig of the first glass she came to she hoped she was right because Viktor would certainly have something to say about any alcohol consumption.

As it turned out, she didn't have time to realize the brew had no alcoholic content. After the one big swallow, her stomach gave a violent twist and just as she was certain the contents of her stomach were going to see the light of day once again, her stomach settled again.

The thing was, the rest of her body felt very, very different. She felt, all at once, as if she had lost something vital and also gained something that never should have been absent.

Looking down at her body and seeing Amaranth's body instead, she didn't know whether to scream in horror or jump for


chaotic_miles October 31 2008, 19:31:59 UTC
A short (though not quite dwarfishly so) man wearing some kind of military-style uniform came hurrying into the Great Hall. He ignored the bowl of punch, because his metabolism was such that alcohol would be extremely bad for him, and he had no idea how much alcohol it had been laced with already. Plus, he'd heard enough of the aftereffects of eating random food left out that he wasn't generally inclined to try it ( ... )


steff_is_a_girl October 31 2008, 19:47:27 UTC
Steff was still a little shell-shocked from the sudden, potion-induced transformation. But she had to admit that it was more than a little exhilerating to have some make a b-line for her upon entering a room ( ... )


chaotic_miles October 31 2008, 19:56:28 UTC
Miles nodded. "It looks... rather potent," he agreed. He realized that he had totally run out of conversational gambits. Dammit.

"There needs to be music," he observed, falling back on saying the first thing that came to mind. "Then we could dance."


beets_r_god October 31 2008, 19:18:35 UTC
When Dwight entered the Great Hall, the first thing he picked up on was the mysterious potion. The next thing he picked up on was the fact that there was someone impersonating him. Someone not wearing any clothes.

"I'M GOING TO REPORT THIS," he shouted to nobody in particular. "And whoever is being me, just... stop it right now!"


bowchickamaou October 31 2008, 22:35:05 UTC
Yuuri, who didn't know any of these people so far and who had missed out on the potion-induced transformations since he'd been tacking decorations to the wall this whole time (and therefore facing the wall in so doing), came over to the yelling guy, a placatory cup of punch in hand.

"No need to report anything," the friendly young Maou reassured Mr. Angry, "it's a Halloween party, that's all. Here, have some punch. There's going to be pumpkin decorating too." He gestured toward the table o' pumpkins.


beets_r_god October 31 2008, 22:47:16 UTC
Dwight took the punch from the young man and eyed it dubiously. It was a strange purple color.

"Are you sure you're of age to be drinking this?" he asked. And then he took a sip, because, as a person concerned with the safety of everyone in his new Dunder-Mifflin Hogsmeade family, he wanted to make sure no one was bringing drugs on the premises, and he knew that, as a Schrute, he had an unusually strong constitution.

He had not, however, counted on the strange tingly sensation that overwhelmed him, which caused him to fall to the ground with a strange jingling sound.

He actually began to flail as he kicked his feet in the air. He tried to say something, but the only thing that came out was a piteous, "Mikaw!"


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