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Comments 38

totallyluminous September 13 2008, 09:29:34 UTC
((Godmodding okay'd!))

As soon as they got home, Lola saw the note and interpreted this as 'Make sure you're wearing a really posh dress and those heels and the jewellery.' Mel feels a little bit like Cinderella, in more ways than one. It was midnight, was it not, when she fled? If it takes Brice that long to ask, on the first stroke she'll be legging it out of the door.

Her dance idea seems to be wrong; she took the leave to sneak a look in the Great Hall as they were going past, and all it's full of is people eating or studying at the long tables. There may also have been a duel or an incredibly important piece of character development going on; she didn't notice. At this point, until she gets the truth of what is happening, she won't be on angel duty that much.

Lola piled her hair on top of her head and skewered it artfully with the flower so none of it fell; and basically attacked her with makeup brushes. She was beaming. Mel decided not to ask her, because she was the proxy for Brice. So he's probably not cheating on her. This ( ... )


angelicbadboy September 13 2008, 10:10:10 UTC
Brice jumped about three feet when he heard the knock, though he'd been expecting it. Geez. He was really wound tight, wasn't he?

He took a few deep breaths and glanced into a heavy, gold-framed mirror hanging on the wall. His body-language wasn't giving anything away, was it? No, he didn't think so. He tried to smile. It went okay.

Then he walked resolutely to the door and opened it. And froze, blinking at the vision in front of him. Wow. She... wow. Yes. Very, very beautiful. Incredibly so. How was he going to pull himself together enough to ask tonight?

"Wow," he breathed, unable to stop staring for a full five seconds. "I mean, hi, babe. Welcome. Come in." Brice stepped aside, revealing the interior of the room.


totallyluminous September 13 2008, 10:18:37 UTC
He has a serious metallics fetish tonight. Mel walks in, and catches her reflection in the mirror. Lit by candles in silver around her, creating a soft, ebbing light that almost gives her a halo, she ought to be more composed than she is. Giving herself a mental kick up the backside, she stands up straighter, although her belly is roiling.

'Is there a special occasion I've forgotten?' she asks, glancing back over her shoulder. Strike one, he probably wasn't going to break up with her, or he was but now felt like an idiot because she looks pretty. ''Cause I forgot to bring a present if there was. Sorry.' Mel holds out the rose as a peace offering, petals slightly stiff. One falls to the ground delicately. Oooh, foreshadowing.

'You look really good as well,' she assures him. She's not so unaccustomed to him in formal wear she'll faint at the sight of him, but, you know. The tie brings out his eyes and it fits so well, why does he hate getting dressed up while she loves it? Her gaze falls on the table, and she blinks in astonishment. ' ( ... )


angelicbadboy September 13 2008, 10:47:42 UTC
Brice shook his head and leaned in to press his lips against hers for a short moment. She even smelled fantastic. Oh, she always smelled good, but now there was the faint scent of lilacs surrounding her, a little souvenir from Heaven.

"No special occasion." Except that it absolutely was. He took the rose though, sighing inwardly as the petal fell. He knew that had been a shoddy charm. "I just wanted to do something nice. You deserve it." And very carefully, he stuck the rose next to the fabric one already in her hair. That look suited her very well indeed.

He closed the door around her, and heavy red curtains fell down from somewhere and covered the polished wood. They were completely alone. Brice took Mel's hand. "Yeah. The House-elves helped a little bit. But, uh, yeah. So. Are you hungry?"


totallyluminous September 13 2008, 17:04:03 UTC

Mel is slightly hysterical.

'LOLA!' She's hammering on Lola's door. Petals are scattered in her wake, and she now has the fabric flower and a stalk sticking out of her posh hairdo. And maybe she's tearing up again, for the second time today. She feels like a complete idiot, both for not realising what was going on and turning him down and making him feel bad...and probably like a complete idiot. But what can you do when he wants to marry you and you don't?

'Lollie?' Her voice has broken slightly, and please, God, nobody come into the corridor and see a crying lady in a poofy pink dress.


nicknamegirl September 13 2008, 17:31:45 UTC
Hm. This could not be good. Lola had hoped for a slightly less manic voice. Maybe with a touch of 'omigodomigod!' But apparently not.

So it hadn't gone well.

Lola hurried up to the door and flung it open. "Boo!" And she pulled her hysterical friend inside. "Oh babe... Are you okay?" She did not look okay.


totallyluminous September 13 2008, 18:07:24 UTC
She looks terrified. Mel shakes her head, hands shaking, and then solves the problem by putting one over the other. No, not that way around, you nit.

'You knew,' Mel gasps. 'But you thought I'd say yes, and I didn't and it's all gone to pot, omigod, Lola! I am such an idiot, and I'm sat here--' she plucks at the dress, pink bodice and pearls, '--in this dress and he's asking me and it's like a fairytale and I should say yes but I can't!!'


nicknamegirl September 13 2008, 18:21:33 UTC
"Okay, babe, calm down..." Lola gently but firmly pushed Mel down into one of her red beanbags on the floor, and closed the door behind her. "Sit. Breathe."

She'd said no. So he'd made a mistake and messed it all up.

"I'm making us both some hot chocolate," she said, because everything could be fixed with Gran's hot chocolate recipe. "And I'm putting marshmallows into yours. Okay, sweetie, just relax. Okay? Everything's gonna be alright." She did not want to think about Brice's mood right now. Oh, this was going to break him...


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