owl to Severus Snape, head of the hospital wing, from Dr. Krogshøj

Apr 05, 2008 23:29

Rigshospitalet was eminent both in research and in teaching. While Hook himself was not a teacher, many of his superiors there were both working doctors and professors. The faculty roster said the hospital wing had just been taken over by one Professor Snape. The situations might be analogous, Hook figured. If not, well, he would see about other arrangements. It would be most useful for everyone if he could work in the hospital wing legitimately.

Sending messages via owl would take some getting used to. In a closet Hook found a half-used box of something called Crunchy Owl Snacks. Excellent. He fed some to an owl before tying a message to its leg and sending it out the Owlery window.

He had written it in a style he himself considered borderline-informal, as cover letters went. Hogwarts seemed to be a fairly informal place, all things considered.

For the attention of Professor Severus Snape, Head of Hospital Wing, Hogwarts:

I am Doctor Jørgen Krogshøj, formerly assistant physician in the neurosurgery ward of The Kingdom Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. I have just been Sorted into the house of Slytherin in this fine school of wizardry, and I wish to make myself useful in your Hospital Wing.

I would happily provide references were it not for the fact I am presently deceased, which ensures any such requests would likely come as rather a shock to my colleagues.

Respectfully submitted,
Jørgen Krogshøj, MD, DMSc

jorgen krogshoj, severus snape, owl

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