Catelyn was out and about, and that meant her resident bodyguard was with her. Neither one had been into a Sorting in ages, and once Silas had read the application he asked, very quietly, "How do you know if someone deserves to be killed?"
Hey. Coming from Silas, it was a very valid question.
"They should," Silas agreed softly. "The problem lies with those who are evil and do not betray it openly. There is much secret evil in the world." He thought, as always, of those who had used him in his former life, who had lied to him and told him he was doing God's work when in fact he was simply being a tool.
Catelyn had no idea what 'police' were, but Silas had to agree with that assessment--in many places, like his old home, they were intensely corrupt.
"They believe in money, rather than the law," he said. "Rather than what is right." Too often those same laws protected the criminals, too--those criminals who had money, at least.
"The law is useless!" Misa was starting to have trouble keeping her voice down, and she stamped her foot. "Bad people have lawyers that can get them out of anything. The courts are crowded and don't care! And when good people get hurt it doesn't matter."
Hey. Coming from Silas, it was a very valid question.
"They believe in money, rather than the law," he said. "Rather than what is right." Too often those same laws protected the criminals, too--those criminals who had money, at least.
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