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Comments 26

*Floos in* tomowildcat December 19 2007, 14:09:57 UTC
"Hey! I got a dedication!" Tomo has been waiting for this for a while. "John Preston doesn't know what ninjas are. So can ya play Ninjas by Josh Moore to straighten him out? Although everybody knows throwing stars are Japanese, not Chinese!"

((Note: Song is embedded in the artist link, direct link to the song is the title link.))


*Flooing in* chainedbyred December 19 2007, 17:58:32 UTC
Hmm... This had potential. With some research, he found the perfect song. "I'd like to dedicate "Short People" by Randy Newman to a good friend of mine. From one Ed to another."

((Sry, I lack MP3. But if someone wants to comment with one, It'd be great!))


((pssst...i gotcher mp3 right here!)) wh0_kill3d_m3 December 20 2007, 04:54:25 UTC

charlesmacaulay December 19 2007, 18:30:18 UTC
"You realize that if Susan doesn't kill you for this, Camilla will kill you for not telling her it was Susan's birthday?" Charles shook with poorly suppressed mirth. "Well, happy birthday to Susan, anyway, and there isn't any reason you ought to feel old. Sounds like both your radio hosts are older than you are. And so am I. So you'll always be younger than we are."

A thoughtful pause as he realized this meant Susan was older than Henry, thanks to the time-stopping effect that being dead had had on Charles's old nemesis. Hm, did that give her any kind of moral authority over him? Of course Charles ought to have such authority, but having been younger than Henry when they met had a way of setting patterns for future perception.

"I don't know any nice birthday songs, either, but Shaun, Liz, if you could play something optimistic for the poor girl at least, that'd be much appreciated. How about Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, 'Wonderful Life'?"


usethepoker December 19 2007, 23:29:50 UTC
"Thank you, Charles--I'm glad somebody has some taste." She really was pleased by the song, even if she was annoyed as all get out about the broadcast itself. "And Shaun, I really am going to get you for this. You won't know how, or when, but when you least expect it, there will be a bloody reckoning."

"Not literally bloody, I hope?" Shaun said, sounding anything but optimistic.

"No, not literally. I've got something much more creative in mind." There was an unmistakeable malevolence in the words, and Shaun gave Liz a slightly helpless look.

"Christ," he muttered.

"Oh, he won't save you. Nobody's seen him around in a while," Susan said, deceptively sweetly. "And Charles, I didn't tell Camilla about my birthday because I've never told anyone when it was. I don't like to make a fuss over it--" this last with infinite irony.


charlesmacaulay December 20 2007, 00:25:22 UTC
"I like to think I have some taste," Charles allowed. "Though I think a mutual friend of ours would disagree." He meant, of course, his sister. (In the end, everything circled back around to her.) When he'd first arrived, he'd played an all-country-music WART just to needle Camilla.

"Honestly you should've told us. 'The truth will out', as they say. Some things, the best you can do is damage control. And now the whole school knows, so next year you just watch, there's going to be something probably with tea sandwiches."


usethepoker December 20 2007, 01:03:41 UTC
Tea sandwiches. Oh gods. Susan would just have to trust Charles to save her from them, somehow.

"See, Shaun, now you've gone and done it," she said. "Next thing I know it'll be presents, and then there's nothing to do but try to make it to the treeline."

Shaun and Liz looked at each other. "Actually, speaking of that, we got you something," Liz said. "Though it's something I think you'll like." It was, in fact, a high-powered, tricked-out paintball gun, specially designed to fire large pudding-pellets.

Susan groaned. "Charles, next year, please help me make sure there isn't a repeat of this. Or anything even remotely like it."


*Note comes in through the Floo* bantersucks December 20 2007, 00:54:50 UTC
The sender is still a little too weirded out by the Floo System to use it himself, so sends a note instead:

Hey, if Susan hasn't killed you for this yet - I'd like to dedicate Stress by Jim's Big Ego to Brenda Amparo. It's her theme song.


Yes, he was going to get punched. Still worth it.


*Another note comes in through the Floo* ibrokeaplanet December 21 2007, 03:41:06 UTC
Hi. Brenda here. Got a counterdedication for who*ever* could've sent me that? All you need to say is, 'Just call me Slim.'

Jim Croce, Bad Bad Leroy Brown


*Yet another note comes in through the Floo* bantersucks December 22 2007, 21:49:38 UTC
Brenda: Trust me, it's YOU.

Then again, this one made me think of you too.

Roger Taylor, "Two Sharp Pencils (Get Bad)"

((I'm all for Flooing notes back and forth til the group in the booth get irritated with us. Just because.))


*Revenge of the Floo notes* ibrokeaplanet December 23 2007, 11:07:49 UTC
Yeah. Sure. Suck on this, not so secret admirer.

Kelis, Milkshake


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