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Comments 29

estebanmd November 1 2007, 00:29:06 UTC
Having recovered from the latest Halloween ordeal, Stephen rose late with something of a headache, and had to down a pot of coffee and a rather noxious potion before he could face his correspondence. Most of it was routine, but the owl from Henry Winter surprised him. While Stephen had stayed on very friendly terms with Camilla, he hadn't spoken much with Winter since the duel. He supposed that one might be on a first-name basis with a man after what they'd been through together. As far as the closing comment -- well, Stephen could appreciate the man's bluntness, at least, even if he had not the faintest clue what it meant. He wrote back, in a hand that looked steadier than it felt:Henry ( ... )


h_m_winter November 1 2007, 04:16:15 UTC
Henry read the letter with a raised eyebrow--Camilla was right; the two of them really didn't talk, did they? He had to hand it to Stephen, though; he didn't think anyone else had yet realized just how difficult the process had been, nor that it wasn't likely anyone but he could have managed it. (It was Henry. Self-assurance was just part of the package.) Stephen and Camilla had remained friends, and Henry had no problem with that (especially now), but that didn't mean he couldn't have a few sundry urges to be a bastard.Stephen ( ... )


estebanmd November 1 2007, 05:24:02 UTC
Stephen, twice Henry's age and with decades of various subterfuges and subtleties to his credit, had his own ideas as to why Henry might want him to attend this wedding despite the social difficulties it might entail. The note as to the difficulty of Henry's achievement here had not been an idle compliment; like Diana, Camilla might seem more attainable than she actually was, and courting such a woman could involve years of angling. Though the duel had officially cleared the air between himself and Henry, a desire on Henry's part to drive home his present advantage would be understandable, Camilla being what she was ( ... )


h_m_winter November 1 2007, 05:52:29 UTC
No, Henry bet he hadn't. He never asked about Stephen--it was the easiest way for him to deal with Camilla's friendship with the man--but he wasn't at all surprised Camilla hadn't told Stephen about...all of it. Camilla wasn't the sort to pass that sort of information on to just anyone--actually, Henry himself was probably the only one she'd say anything like that to. Being Henry, it didn't occur to him that there was probably something wrong with the fact that he liked being the one to pass it on.


I don't know all the details, but Camilla said Susan's transition back to humanity was...difficult. Apparently Susan cried, among other things--if anyone but Camilla had told me, I wouldn't credit it, really. She said it was terrible, and it's not something I want to risk on Tuesday, if it can be avoided. Camilla is a good friend to Susan, and it would upset her greatly if Susan were to be upset. I gather that Susan is fine now, but one never knows.



fabernathy November 1 2007, 01:08:42 UTC

Next Tuesday? That's awfully sudden, old man. Haven't you ever heard of preparation time? How are we supposd to plan for a wedding in five days?

One of these days, Henry, you're going to be the end of me. I can see it now.



h_m_winter November 1 2007, 04:08:27 UTC

To be honest, I didn't expect Camilla to take me at my word, when I suggested next Tuesday. I really ought to know better by now. Don't worry, we'll make it work somehow.



Return Owl daxtastic November 1 2007, 04:43:07 UTC

My utmost congratulations! Of course I'd be honored to attend.

Have you given any thought to a Klingon Ceremony?

All the best,


Re: Return Owl h_m_winter November 1 2007, 05:35:09 UTC

I'm glad you can come. The very thought of a Klingon ceremony makes me cringe in fear for my kidneys. Camilla has her own ideas, and she'll do what she wants.



Return Owl daxtastic November 2 2007, 16:43:27 UTC

Oh, you've got nothing to worry about, there! Klingons tend to aim for the bowels.

All the same, I see your point. I'm sure it'll be a lovely ceremony nonetheless.

All the best,


chameleonfaust November 1 2007, 05:07:55 UTC
So. There it was.

Richard had been spending more time than was his per usual in the library. Doing 'research' if anyone had asked, which, of course, no one had. Research into what would have proved more difficult to expound on, as he truly did not have any particular goal in mind other than to place his thoughts far from this place, these people, and the loss of Camilla. Faulkner and Marlowe and Dostoevsky consumed at an appalling rate, with lighter fare and various Wizarding literature to cleanse the palate between. And Faust. Always back to Faust. Marlowe's version of it, of course; in his mind there was no other as pure.

“Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is there must we ever be”Ironic that his gaze had just swept that very sentence, his finger trailing along behind, easing across the parchment like a lover, when the owl delivered Henry's note ( ... )


h_m_winter November 1 2007, 05:44:20 UTC
Henry's eyes narrowed at the Greek passage. He could let it pass, mostly--after all, he was the one getting married to Camilla. All Richard could do was...well, insult.



We look forward to seeing you. I'm sorry, I couldn't make out all of your letter--what was it you wanted me to tell Camilla? I'll pass it on when she wakes.



chameleonfaust November 1 2007, 05:51:50 UTC



Ah, no, don't trouble yourself. I'll tell her in person when I next see her.



chance_silvey November 1 2007, 06:28:09 UTC

Are you really sure you want to do that? Marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be. Trust me on that one.



h_m_winter November 1 2007, 06:40:15 UTC

Believe me, I don't undertake this lightly. Camilla and I both know what we're doing.



chance_silvey November 1 2007, 06:46:08 UTC
Chance feels that she and Henry have reached a sufficiently close working relationship over their Nebulonian ordeals that she can speak frankly. When Chance speaks frankly, it's not always pretty.


I thought I knew what I was doing when I got married too. In the end there isn't much to commend it except that if one of you has a job then the other one gets the health insurance coverage. That's not really the case at Hogwarts, though.

You didn't knock her up, did you?



h_m_winter November 1 2007, 06:49:40 UTC
Henry raised a dry eyebrow. He knew Chance could be...blunt, but this was about as blunt as bluntness got.


No, I haven't. Camilla and I have thought this over, though, and we believe the time is right. As both of us would say, it's Fate.



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