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estebanmd November 1 2007, 05:24:02 UTC
Stephen, twice Henry's age and with decades of various subterfuges and subtleties to his credit, had his own ideas as to why Henry might want him to attend this wedding despite the social difficulties it might entail. The note as to the difficulty of Henry's achievement here had not been an idle compliment; like Diana, Camilla might seem more attainable than she actually was, and courting such a woman could involve years of angling. Though the duel had officially cleared the air between himself and Henry, a desire on Henry's part to drive home his present advantage would be understandable, Camilla being what she was.

For his own part Stephen still felt rather badly about how things had fallen out between himself and Henry (far worse than he was capable of feeling about how things had fallen out between himself and Susan, really), and he liked Camilla, and he would certainly be willing to honor their wedding day by putting on a suit and pretending to be social for a few hours. What made him curious was all this stuff Henry hinted at. From what I gather, it wasn't pleasant, and not in the way one might have expected, he wrote. That prompted a few questions, the obvious being what did happen, the less obvious being what Henry thought one might have expected to happen.

He wrote back, predictably:


I should be very sorry if Camilla had been put to any trouble on my account. I have not heard of any such event. Perhaps Camilla sought to protect a confidence. It obliges me to ask what precisely you mean, so I may best avoid occasioning future difficulty.

- Stephen.


h_m_winter November 1 2007, 05:52:29 UTC
No, Henry bet he hadn't. He never asked about Stephen--it was the easiest way for him to deal with Camilla's friendship with the man--but he wasn't at all surprised Camilla hadn't told Stephen about...all of it. Camilla wasn't the sort to pass that sort of information on to just anyone--actually, Henry himself was probably the only one she'd say anything like that to. Being Henry, it didn't occur to him that there was probably something wrong with the fact that he liked being the one to pass it on.


I don't know all the details, but Camilla said Susan's transition back to humanity was...difficult. Apparently Susan cried, among other things--if anyone but Camilla had told me, I wouldn't credit it, really. She said it was terrible, and it's not something I want to risk on Tuesday, if it can be avoided. Camilla is a good friend to Susan, and it would upset her greatly if Susan were to be upset. I gather that Susan is fine now, but one never knows.



estebanmd November 1 2007, 06:21:24 UTC
... That was not something Stephen had ever expected to read.

That was food for thought, beyond a doubt. What thoughts it fed were none of Henry's business.

Stephen replied with characteristic circumspection.


For your candor, I am grateful. Rest assured I wish to see Camilla's day of joy unmarred. I know she and Miss Sto Helit are quite close, and I would not for the world give distress to either one.


All right, so Stephen was a bit of a bastard too.


h_m_winter November 1 2007, 06:37:06 UTC
((Repost because I know html, really))

...O RLY. Touché, Stephen. Nevertheless, Henry thought, I win. After all, he was the one who was getting married tomorrow--some small subconscious part of him was very much of the My relationship actually worked mentality. As for not giving distress to 'either one'...well, Camilla would surely find that a bit rich, since she was the one who'd dealt with the...meltdown. (Strangely, Henry almost wished he could have been a fly on the wall; it must have been a fascinating sight.)


I'm certain you wouldn't. I thought it prudent, though, to apprise you of things you certainly couldn't have been expected to know about otherwise. It's not something I would have guessed on my own, either--it's a bit hard to fathom. Anyway, we will look forward to seeing you there.



estebanmd November 3 2007, 05:24:03 UTC
... Curiosity got the better of him.


Noted, with thanks, and I shall endeavor not to disappoint on all counts.

I find I must inquire: how on earth did you manage to bring this singular occasion about? In my experience, to land such quarry has taken a number of difficult years, yet here you have managed to do so with almost precipitous celerity; next Tuesday, for all love.



h_m_winter November 3 2007, 05:34:23 UTC
Henry read the letter, amused. He thought he actually might just tell Stephen, at that.


Oh, it has taken quite a while, half of it spent in my former life. The short version is that, when she finally gave me an answer, Camilla told me I might set the date, and when I said "Next Tuesday" she took me at my word.



estebanmd November 3 2007, 05:44:41 UTC
At that, Stephen laughed so hard he had to take off his spectacles to wipe his eyes. When he had quite finished, he dashed off a reply.


It would seem you are luckier even than I had guessed, to have survived such a request. I shall light a candle to the Blessed Virgin that your luck might hold.



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