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tamwood July 3 2007, 05:16:31 UTC
"Remind me to stay away from chocolates, then," Ivy replied dryly, although she really had no idea why a chocolate would turn Rachel into a pixie. At first she'd thought that Rachel had done it deliberately for a mission, and it was a relief to hear that it wasn't. The thought of Rachel doing runs by herself was not a pleasant thought, knowing how her runs usually turned out ( ... )


tamwood July 3 2007, 08:04:34 UTC
Ivy allowed herself a brief grin as she contemplated thinking about breakfast in bed. Normally mornings were a mission in of themselves, having to get out of bed and grunt at whoever was in the kitchen, make her own coffee and dodge Jenks' kids. Of course, there was the other kind of breakfast in bed, the thought of which made Ivy's pupils dilate slightly against her will.

It had probably been the wrong thing to be thinking about when Rachel suddenly turned back into regular size. No, scratch that, it was the wrong thing to be thinking out, because the sudden familiar scent tickled her instincts. Not to mention the fact that she was being straddled and there were arms around her neck, and...

Inhaling slowly, Ivy closed her eyes in attempt to hide her blackened eyes. It didn't stop the fact that she could feel and smell everything, and... by the Turn. "Guess we don't have to worry about that transformation spell, then," she murmured, clenching her hands into fists to stop them from moving and giving into a certain temptation to roam


racheltherunner July 3 2007, 08:12:12 UTC
I should have moved. Right then, as soon as I got my balance, I should have gotten some distance between myself and Ivy. But I was just so...shocked. "Oh my God," I breathed, pulling back to just sit up, still on top of Ivy, but looking down at my hands in wonder. "I'm...oh, man, I'm me."

Not even really looking at Ivy - maybe all those months away had made me forget - I just laughed shortly and started to grin. A huge weight fell off of my shoulders and my heart started racing with a giddy kind of excitement. And, hey, the 'nectar diet' had apparently done wonders, because my top - which had been fine when I was a pixie - was too big now, the straps of the tank top sliding down my shoulders. "Turn it all, I can't believe it." I'd honestly begun to think I'd never get back to normal. Now that I was, I couldn't stop grinning.


tamwood July 3 2007, 08:21:45 UTC
It was all well and good that Rachel was happy and laughing about the sudden return to human-size - Ivy was happy for her, really - but Rachel was still on her. And by the Turn, Ivy was damned if she could resist. It was an abrupt sensation overload, and as Rachel was grinning and not moving, Ivy opened her eyes again.

Her gaze went straight to the straps of Rachel's tank top. Which wasn't far below her neck, and while Ivy wasn't desperate for blood, the vamp instincts were certainly clamoring for attention. Did Rachel even know what she was doing? It wasn't as much as fear, but it was enough.

"It's a a definite improvement from wings and four inches of height," Ivy replied absently, reaching out to gentle tug one of Rachel's tank top straps up and settle it back on her shoulder. She should have stopped there, but Ivy let her hand curve around Rachel's shoulder, halfway between pushing her away and keeping her there.


racheltherunner July 3 2007, 08:27:58 UTC
The second that Ivy's hand touched me, as soon as I felt her cool fingers brush against my skin, I froze. "Ivy?" My voice was small and quiet and there was a sudden rush of panic. I wanted to move, then. To push back and away and off of Ivy. But my heart was clamoring and making it hard to think - I needed to not set off any more of Ivy's instincts than I already had.


I was suddenly very grateful she was practicing again.

Taking a quiet breath, I struggled to tamp down my fear. It wasn't working so well. It had been far too long since I'd lived, day in and day out, with Ivy. I'd made a mistake and now I couldn't figure out how to fix it. It was like we'd gone back to those first few terrifying weeks together. My scar gave a sudden, quick throb and I hissed in an intake of air. "Ivy?"


tamwood July 3 2007, 08:39:02 UTC
If Ivy's pupils could have dilated any more, the sudden rush of fear would have pushed it further. In the back of her mind, she knew it was a bad thing, that she didn't want Rachel to be scared about this, and her typical self-loathing would have risen. But that part of her was firmly suppressed by vampire instincts, and the want - no, the need - for this.

Letting her fingertips brush over Rachel's shoulder, Ivy cocked her head and watched as she trailed a light touch over the scar. She could almost feel it reacting underneath her fingertips, combining with the vampire saliva being pushed through her blood and turning what would be an unwanted touch into pleasure.

"Rachel," she replied quietly, nothing more than a simple response to her name. "If you keep doing things like this, I'm going to think it's deliberate," Ivy purred. Resisting this and trying to push Rachel away were the furthest things from her mind right now.


racheltherunner July 3 2007, 08:46:53 UTC
Oh, God. A soft, unbidden moan teased out of my throat and my entire body rocked from the sensation of her fingers over the ridges of my scar. My mind was scrambling for an exit plan even as my body reacted in ways I didn't want. It was false pleasure, I knew that, but damn, if it didn't feel good. The vamp saliva was tricking me into feeling something that wasn't there, but that didn't make it any easier to resist.

"It's not," I whispered, terrified and wanting it all at the same time. The terror was mine. The rest was my scar and vampire pheromones. Or so I told myself. "God, Ivy, it's not. Please." That last word was lost in a breathless whimper. Whether I was pleading for her to stop or to take it further, my saliva addled brain couldn't sort out.

I forced my eyes to meet hers, firmly clamping down on the fear that jolted through me when I could find no brown in their depths. Only a hungry, soulless black. Swallowing hard, I struggled to find the strength to tell her to stop. "Please."


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