Ten hadn't been to a sorting, well that he could remember. And of course it had to be this one he turned up to first. He flailed slightly. Not who he wanted to see.
...Waitaminute. He tilted his head. "How did you do this? I'd hate to think I'm giving you too much credit, managing to reverse the effects of my screwdriver and somehow sending us to wherever we are now, but with you, I can never be too sure."
"I didn't do anything. You're in a castle, apparently a magic school." Ten folded his arms, he was still trying to work a lot of things out for himself. Three Time Lords at Hogwarts, certainly not alone anymore.
He stared. And then laughed, a small, incredulous laugh. "A what? Oh, come on! You of all people would never believe in some silly fantasy like magic!" He snarled. "How did you do this? Answer me!"
Things were just getting curiouser and curiouser, weren't they? "For you, handsome Jack, I would've bribed you with freedom, but seeing as you already are..." Insert glare here. "I assume the Doctor has something to do with this little mishap?"
"Yes, free, very." He smirked. "Being here? No, people just turn up. Since this wasn't part of your insane plan you are one of them. People also become snack food round here suddenly." To counter the glare there was a slightly sinister grin. "Wouldn't want to get eaten would you."
"Oh, I don't know," he replied easily, "maybe if it was a particularly talented person, I wouldn't mind--oh, my, that's not what you're talking about at all, for once, is it? And my plan? Insane is only one way of looking at it. I happen to think it was completely genious."
"You know, I once had to carry several planets under my belt, for safekeeping. Proto universe brought on by a subspace wormhole anomaly." She threw her hands up in an ‘eh, these things happen’ kind of gesture. "Bit of a long story, I'm afraid. Anyway, they stain, planets, so be sure to wear pants that you don't mind ruining."
That was the sort of thinking he could get behind! Planets in a pocket? Why didn't he think of that? He smiled at her. "I'll keep that in mind. I was just going to offer off whole planets--planet-sized planets, you know, like this one. Well, not this one, I rather like having this one. But you know, those sort of trousers are always the best to wear, anyway, unless you don't plan on actually landing on the ground."
"Oh, gravity. Ruins everything." She sighed. What was with the students at this school, and thinking they ruled the world? It was getting a bit cliché, really. "So are you with the Hyperspace Engineering people, then? I recently took a trip through your facilities. Absolutely ingenious work. Aside from a few tilted axis, of course!"
'You like Earth?' Maia's face is full of 'WTF'. 'It's staffed by complete losers!' And she doesn't mean humans--or Time Lords, even--so she doesn't mean to be insulting. This, for Maia, is unusual.
'Mind you,' she admits, face shifting back into its usual gorgeous-and-bored expression. 'I agree with you on the Gryffindor answer.'
"Yes, it is." He couldn't agree more. "It's nice to have a little change of staff once in a while." Like, for example, replacing all of the leaders of Earth with him. "They can't very well run themselves, can they? And...ah yes, well, sometimes a good shag is all anyone really needs. Doesn't exactly help anyone but themselves."
Maia nods almost wistfully. Just once, can they have Hell on Earth that the Agency won't mess up?
'They try. It's quite sweet, really. Then when it all goes to pot, they just run around blaming everybody but themselves!' The demon gives a tinkling laugh. 'The same can be said for sex, too.'
"I know! Isn't it hilarious? And a bit sad. It happens far too often. What they really need is someone to run them who knows what he--or she--is doing. Nobody likes being controlled and dominated over, but if they just want to run around like headless chickens and destroy themselves, they don't leave very much choice."
Well, normally I'd be inclined to squib you - nothin' personal you understand, it's just that we're so top-heavy with underhanded world-domination types around here right now you just wouldn't believe - but since you've got 'taste in music' in the plus column, I'm willing to go a vote for Bitchiwitch. And we can call the song a bribe. That work for you?
I was under the impression that there were four places I could be voted. I don't think that was one of them. I never thought of myself as particularly bitchy--that'd be the Doctor. But I do pride myself in my musical selections. Whatever works for you, my dear, works for me.
Comments 130
...Waitaminute. He tilted his head. "How did you do this? I'd hate to think I'm giving you too much credit, managing to reverse the effects of my screwdriver and somehow sending us to wherever we are now, but with you, I can never be too sure."
"Yeah, two weeks..." He laughed, he knew something the guy didn't. "Oh yeah, you're bribes suck, going to have to do better."
'Mind you,' she admits, face shifting back into its usual gorgeous-and-bored expression. 'I agree with you on the Gryffindor answer.'
'They try. It's quite sweet, really. Then when it all goes to pot, they just run around blaming everybody but themselves!' The demon gives a tinkling laugh. 'The same can be said for sex, too.'
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