The Midsummer's Festival!

Jun 21, 2007 19:36

Posters appear magically all over the school that say:

Midsummer's Festival

When: Tonight!
Where: By the lake
What: A party celebrating the summer solstice.

There will be food, drink and a bonfire! All students are invited.

((OOC: All RPing for the festival should take place in this post.))Down by the lake, there is a large, magical bonfire ( Read more... )

george weasley, albus dumbledore, sirius black, rp, sergeant schlock, lily potter, miles vorkosigan, remus lupin, dr killjoy, carrie white, michael scott, jadzia dax, merlin, stephanie brown, john house, kelly kapoor, jemima, mr universe, pam beesly, lola sanchez, all school, simba, brice de winter, veronica mars, charles foster ofdensen, ford prefect, bun-bun, strong bad, arthur dent, jaime lannister, susan sto helit, sandra bennet, stephen maturin, strong sad, the cheat, nemo, archie kennedy, foxxy love, mel beeby, aayla secura, camilla macaulay, jim halpert, brienne of tarth, tinky winky, minerva mcgonagall

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Comments 352

medievalhippie June 22 2007, 04:37:31 UTC was good to see people still celebrated it, even if their celebrations were rather...different...than they had been in his time. It was a strange thing, seeing echoes of his own age in this present time--strange, but on the whole it was nice.

He paused at the bar, eying the selection--he didn't know what half of it was, but a bit of digging produced a bottle of mead. That poured, he settled back to watch, curious.


avaloncest June 22 2007, 23:58:41 UTC
((Slight canon overlaps FTW!))

Morgaine had been watching the festivities and trying to decide what she made of them. They were both like and unlike the solstice celebrations she was familliar with. She was trying to decide what her opinion on the subject of pirates vs. ninjas was when she caught a glimpse of a familliar figure drinking mead.

She walked over to Merlin and gave him a respectful curtsy. "What do you make of... all this, Lord Taliesin?" she inquired.


medievalhippie June 23 2007, 00:09:55 UTC
Merlin turned, and stared. The likeness was not exact, and the voice was certainly different, but this woman looked uncannily like Morgan LeFay. Morgan had died, though--died centuries ago, killed by Mordred. He did not know the name she called him, either; he'd had many names, but 'Taliesin' had not been one of them.

Belatedly, he bowed. "Do I know you, madam?" he asked, in a curious tone that suggested he could well guess, but wasn't certain. "You are...extremely familiar, but I am afraid I do not know your name."


avaloncest June 23 2007, 00:21:27 UTC
Morgaine frowned. "Perhaps not," she said distractedly. "I am Morgaine, priestess of Avalon. You remind me of... the man who was once the Merlin of Britain."


anythingawesome June 22 2007, 04:53:49 UTC
A party? Kelly was there, and looking fabulous.

Did she know anything about the solstice? Absolutely not. But her horoscope this month told her to 'possibly expect new things to happen'! Things totally happened at parties - the people at Cosmo really knew their stuff!


fathalpert June 22 2007, 05:03:21 UTC
Jim wasn't entirely sure why he'd come, other than the fact that the castle walls were making him a little stir-crazy. He was typically kind of a homebody and wasn't really one for going out. But... it couldn't hurt to just drop by, have a drink, maybe see if any of the four or five people he actually knew and liked were around to say hi to.

Kelly was, sorry to say, at the bottom of that list, but she was also the only one on it in immediate view. So, grabbing himself a glass of punch, he made his way over to her. "Hey, Kelly." Wave.


anythingawesome June 22 2007, 05:21:05 UTC
Ohmigosh! It was Jim! One of Kelly's favorite people. Well, one of Kelly's favorite people from work. She grinned and waved back.

"J~iiim! Hi! I love your-" actually, Jim looked exactly the same as always. He really needed to update his wardrobe. Maybe Hedwig would be willing to set him up? "-punch! The punch is really great!"


fathalpert June 22 2007, 05:28:27 UTC
Hey, now, he didn't look exactly the same. He wasn't wearing a tie, and his sleeves were rolled up in deference to the heat. That was a big difference! (He was never going to wear a short-sleeved button-down shirt, not after seeing Dwight sport them and look like an idiot for way too many years. Not unless he were to impersonate Dwight, anyway. Hmmm...)

"Uh, I... didn't make the punch, but thanks anyway." He smiled uncertainly and raised his glass to her. There was a pause, at the end of which he realized he was probably supposed to say something else. "You look nice," he tried. "Very festive."


nicknamegirl June 22 2007, 13:48:33 UTC
Oh how lovely, a party! Lola hadn't been to one in ages. She'd put on the cutest dress and was currently walking around the tables, checking out the buffet. Oh, peanuts! Yum! She took a fistful, and munching on them she scanned the party, looking for someone nice to talk to.


moonlit_jemmers June 22 2007, 20:53:48 UTC
Jemima entered the party and, at first, saw no one she knew. Then she spied Lola near the buffet table and immediately hurried over to her, "Hi, Lola!" she called.


nicknamegirl June 22 2007, 21:13:49 UTC
"Jemima!" Lola brightened and walked over to the girl, nibbling on her nuts. "Wow, I haven't seen you in ages. How've you been?"


moonlit_jemmers June 23 2007, 14:12:27 UTC
"No complaints. Been rather bored, though," replied Jemima, "Which is why I guess I'm here. How about yourself?"


hernes_son June 22 2007, 15:33:53 UTC
((I am going to be slow at this, but Robin can't pass up Midsummer's Night! :) ))

Robin got himself a mug of ale and stood by the bonfire, one hand in his jeans pocket, enjoying the scent of smoke on the wind and the sight of people making merry. This was the part of being alive that he loved. (Aside from his time with Renata, that was.)


angelicbadboy June 22 2007, 18:03:10 UTC
((God-modding okayed by Mel-mun!))

Brice and Mel came to the party together. They were holding hands, but Brice had a gift at making something as utterly fluffy as hand-holding into a cool statement of something or other. Glancing over the party area, he noted the tables, the food and the dirt without commenting at all, apart from a raised eyebrow. And then he saw the mock-marriage, and casual interest became real intrigue.

Mel still hadn't forgiven him for confusing Maia for her a while ago. Not even him taking care of her after she'd been human and sick had really helped. ...Maybe this would? It was a crazy idea.

He nodded at the dude with the licenses and gave Mel's hand a little squeeze. "Hey Mel?"


totallyluminous June 22 2007, 18:10:15 UTC
Mel's in a pretty good mood. She's an angel again, she's got Brice up to the holding-hands-in-public stage, and her dress is completely fabulous.

Busy admiring the lake and scouting for Lola, Mel isn't really aware of what he's doing. 'Yeah, babe?'


angelicbadboy June 22 2007, 18:30:39 UTC
Brice tugged at her arm, calling her attention at the... well, not priest. He certainly didn't look like a priest. The bearded bloke.

"That looks like fun," he commented casually, and looked at her face to see how she reacted.


totallyluminous June 22 2007, 18:33:01 UTC
'What, annoying Dumbledore?' Mel asks, still clueless--or desperately clinging onto her cluelessnessity, at least. 'He'd turn you into a frog.'


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