Application for Blythe House from House, M.D.

May 31, 2007 21:09

Blythe House remembered ushering John onto his train, tuning out his usual complaints about how trains were too slow and how some idiot was going to do some such thing that would surely make him late.  She remembered turning away from the distinctly normal-looking Amtrak train and having the idea to go to the market to buy herself some vegetables ( Read more... )

blythe house, charles foster ofdensen, geoffrey tennant, john house, damien thorn, mathayus, tako, application, the old man, bert the chimney sweep, gregory house, pufnstuf, yellow-eyed demon, tinky winky, sandra bennet

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Comments 161

tako_time June 1 2007, 07:09:30 UTC
"Oh, hello!" An octopus in a bucket hopped into the Sorting Room.

"I saw this movie where a woman was examined by several tentacles. I thought it was odd, but she seemed to enjoy it. Would you like me to offer my services?"


hidden_house June 2 2007, 01:43:46 UTC
Blythe blinked, pursing her lips and watched the octopus in the bucket as it entered the room and offered to examine her.

"If I told you I've eaten your cousins for dinner, would you go away?"

She was too shocked that an octopus seemed to be sexually harassing her to stop herself from saying the first thing that came to mind. Usually, she kept such thoughts to herself, but...


tako_time June 3 2007, 07:00:37 UTC
"Oh no, I've got plenty of them!" Tako said, waving a tentacle dismissively. "Being a chef can make it a bit awkward at the family reunion, but once everyone remembers how rich and handsome and famous I am, they can't help but hang around me." Having no eyelashes to flutter, Tako settled for fluttering his eyelids. The effect was somewhat disturbing.


hidden_house June 3 2007, 15:19:49 UTC
"I'll keep that in mind," Blythe muttered, raising an uneasy eyebrow in the eight-legged creature's direction. In a lower voice she said, "It's nice to know you'll sacrifice your family members at a moment's notice. Congratulations on proving that money will make anyone do anything."


crazynotstoned June 1 2007, 07:33:51 UTC
Geoffrey seriously had no idea what had happened. He could have sworn he was on the way to the Owlery, and yet somehow... he was here. The good news was, he'd been here before! The bad news was, he didn't remember how the hell he'd gotten out last time. He'd gone to find Ellen, and then there had been a bar, and then some moving stairs after a lot of drinking... Basically, he was fucked.

But hey, there was someone here. Maybe she had a clue. She looked... motherly, or something. "Excuse me," he said, shuffling towards her, making an extremely cursory attempt at straightening his rumpled coat. "Do you know where the hell we are?"


hidden_house June 2 2007, 02:04:06 UTC
Blythe tensed up for a second, thinking at first that the young man coming toward her was drunk. She saw upon closer inspection that his reddened eyes weren't glassy and, aside from the rumpled state of his clothing and the confused expression, he seemed quite sober. If he had gotten drunk at all, he wasn't now.

"I'm not entirely sure, myself, dear," she said, keeping her voice soft and noticing how he didn't seem to be able to concentrate. "Are you alright?"


crazynotstoned June 2 2007, 03:28:51 UTC
((Haha, whoops, I meant that the bar thing had been after his Sorting. I just realized how that sounds.))

No, Geoffrey was indeed completely sober -- which might have been worse, in a way, because it meant he was just this way naturally. He looked kind of like a bum, without the smell and with fewer holes in his clothing (although they were there); although his crazy was, at least for the moment, under wraps.

In fact, the poor woman seemed a little withdrawn, so he made an effort to be friendly. The place was scary enough as it was. "Me?" He gave her a reassuring smile. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Do you mean this room in particular, or in the grander sense?"


hidden_house June 2 2007, 03:35:18 UTC
Blythe tried to smile back and shook her head. "No, I'm...well, I'm as fine as I can be at the moment. You asked me if I knew were we were. I told you I didn't. You don't remember?"


damien_thorn June 1 2007, 07:34:03 UTC
"It's amazing how much people let modern media influence their children, don't you think?" Damien Thorn asked the new applicant. This seemed to be a woman after his own heart. "We feed such drivel to young, impressionable minds, and they soak it up, and later we wonder what's wrong with the new generation. This is the future that some people are willing to let rot in front of the television, instead of taking the chance to mold their children into strong, responsible individuals." There was a gleam in his eye as he got warmed up about the future of today's children, a topic that interested him greatly.


hidden_house June 2 2007, 02:19:06 UTC
Blythe smiled at the man who came in, wondering if he was a teacher. "My son wasn't much for television when he was very small. He was more interested in watching ants cross the sidewalk. He once asked me how they knew to walk in a straight line like soldiers. If anyone's responsible for his overwhelming curiosity, it's probably me."

She chuckled and reached out to shake his hand. "Blythe House."


damien_thorn June 3 2007, 07:14:25 UTC
Probably burned them with a magnifying glass, Damien thought, but smiled cheerfully. He wasn't concerned with any particular child, and his own mother's initial optimism had convinced him that a woman would attribute even a growing career in vivisection to an overly developed sense of curiosity, if it would explain away Junior's bad behavior.

"Damien Thorn," he said. "Your son sounds very clever. How old is he, five?"


hidden_house June 3 2007, 15:03:28 UTC
Blythe smiled sweetly. "Forty-seven, as of December," she clarified, now slightly amused. "And no, he didn't burn them with a magnifying glass, if that's what you're thinking. He would pick one up and watch it crawl over his arm, then he would come ask me what their parts were called. For a while, I thought he might be a veterinarian or a zoologist. He certainly surprised me."


charlesofdensen June 1 2007, 21:16:42 UTC
"I'm afraid you didn't really answer the Slytherin question."


hidden_house June 1 2007, 21:27:04 UTC
Blythe paused and glanced at the application that the man who entered the room had handed back to her. "Oh, dear, you're right. My mistake."

She thought for a moment, reading what she had put down and wrote in an answer before handing it back to him.

The Blind, Surly Combatant, it now said.

"How does that look?" she asked, slightly amused at her unintentional misstep. Well, if one couldn't laugh at little things, they'd go mad. She was fairly certain she already had that covered.


Vote: Slytherin charlesofdensen June 2 2007, 00:36:01 UTC
"Hm. Interesting answer."


Re: Vote: Slytherin hidden_house June 2 2007, 00:48:46 UTC
((I'd just like to tell you how happy you made me with that vote. I did a dance. *bright grin* I hope John House finds out and chokes on his coffee. Hee.))


oldyelloweyes June 2 2007, 06:00:27 UTC
Smirking at the woman, the demon studied his nails, leaning against the wall with his ankles crossed. His eyes were normal brown, for the moment, and, to all outward appearances, he seemed completely nondescript.

"Bit far from home, aren't you?" he commented casually.


hidden_house June 3 2007, 15:11:32 UTC
Blythe felt her skin begin crawling as though there were bugs under it. Gregory had told her the name for that feeling, but she didn't remember it at the moment. All she knew was that her terribly uneasy. She didn't feel the slightest urge to be polite with him at all.

"I'd say the same about you, really? Is the Devil missing one of his favorite toys?"


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