Staff Meeting

May 21, 2007 20:06

Cheese and crackers, pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes, and pies and tarts of at least a dozen varieties were laid out by house-elves along the sides of the Staff Room. And when all the staff had assembled in the chairs provided (a short chair was even provided for the Easter Bunny), Kahnooloo leapt up onto a desk at the front of the classroom and ( Read more... )

anthony crowley, blair sandburg, sorting hat, johnny c, daniel jackson, ford prefect, dean winchester, albus dumbledore, headmistress, richard papen, lily potter, agnes nutter, pufnstuf, stephen maturin, jadzia dax, homsar, the exile, minerva mcgonagall, easter bunny, bertie wooster, alan grant

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Comments 84

Ddore's signup sheet lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 00:32:03 UTC
A piece of parchment lay on the podium, a Dictaquill beside it, as well as a normal quill and inkpot. It was headed: Sign-Up Sheet for Diagon Alley Trip Chaperones.

(( Comment to this thread if you want to serve as a chaperone! ))


Re: Ddore's signup sheet richardthegreek May 22 2007, 00:51:56 UTC
I found myself signing in, although I understood little yet of portkeys. I'd learn, though.


Re: Ddore's signup sheet fullofjelly May 22 2007, 20:48:31 UTC
Heh. Chaperone. In other words, a chance to terrorize little brats and leer at hot schoolgirls. It was like a Christmas present for the big guy.

With a flourish, he signed his name. Let the world tremble.


Re: Ddore's signup sheet daxtastic May 23 2007, 02:25:32 UTC
Feeling that she owed the students of Hogwarts for whatever nonsense Michael was sure to inflict, Dax sighed and signed her name.


richardthegreek May 22 2007, 00:35:23 UTC
I walked into the room, and sat down at the table. There was quite a collection of persons there, and I knew very few, as yet. I decided it was best to listen, and go along as a good faculty member should.

"I need a wand, too," I added. "I only have school-issue, and I am told that personally crafted and selected wands are much more effective."


lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 05:45:28 UTC
"You are correctly informed, then," Dumbledore answered as he helped himself to a cauldron cake. "I do not believe we have met."


richardthegreek May 22 2007, 15:31:36 UTC
I smiled up at the very distinguished-looking old man, and held out my hand in greeting. "Richard Papen, sir. New professor of Ancient Runes. Only newly arrived at Hogwarts, as well."

I pulled out my rather shoddy looking school-issue wand. "It hasn't achieved much for me, yet, except enable me to lock and unlock my office door, and the random drawers and cabinets and things." I laughed. "Do you have any recommendations for a new one?"


lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 23:00:29 UTC
"Coming along to Diagon Alley will be a good start," said Albus pleasantly. "The wandmakers there will fit a wand to you, or as they might think of it, fit you to a wand. Every wand is suited to a different purpose, and every wand is suited to a different master. Different kinds of wands indicate different strengths. Tell me where you studied runes."


nannynutter May 22 2007, 00:40:22 UTC
Agnes breifly wondered exactly why Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry had employed an over-sized rat as it's headmistress, and beyond that, one that couldn't speak English, but she banished such musings from her head, along with going through the mental catalogue various rat-traps she knew of, and listened to professor Dumbledore. She looked about at the other staff members around her, and sat in her chair, wondering what people were thinking.


homsarhomsar May 22 2007, 01:36:24 UTC
If Agnes was concerned about Kahnooloo, she'd have a field day with Homsar. Which, of course, Homsar had no idea about. He just saw Conrad, from his Sorting. She had been such a lovely board game piece, and he thought he'd have a chat with her to see if her yesterday was indeed bright, as he had wished it.

He blibbled over to her and announced, "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! Hi, Conrad! And now it's time for a breakdown! Kashoooooooo!"


nannynutter May 22 2007, 01:38:36 UTC
Agnes looked shocked at the talking marshmallow-like figure for several seconds, before realization dawned. "You." she said, sneering. "You're a Professor? What of, idiocey?"


homsarhomsar May 22 2007, 01:48:13 UTC
She remembered him! Homsar was very touched. Not everyone had his incredible memory and ability to remember names. Conrad was quite the smarty.

Of course, he wasn't the professor of idioc(e)y. That was Homestar. But Homsar forgave the mixup. A lot of people seemed to mix the two of them up, even though he thought they looked nothing alike.

"DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA!" he replied. "I'm just a friendly reminder!" That should clear things up.


waste_lock May 22 2007, 00:41:26 UTC
The headmistress gave Nny the creeps.

The serious creeps.

Still, he hadn't had a 'real' job before, and he took it seriously. Staff meetings were a job thing, weren't they?


lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 23:02:59 UTC
Staff meetings were indeed a job thing, and Albus was gratified by the turnout, if secretly a bit surprised given the laxity of the staff where the holding of classes was concerned. If anything, the caretaker was a bit too zealous at his job, from what Albus had heard; no need for reproaches on the work-ethic front here. Still carrying a half-eaten cauldron cake, he came over to introduce himself.

"I suppose you remember the old me," he said without preamble. "The shadow-self. I am not that man. Not all of us are what we're thought to be. I think you may be one who understands that well."


waste_lock May 22 2007, 23:08:12 UTC
Nny, of course, remembered him clearly... or, at least who he'd been before. Remembered him with something like amused disgust.

"The old you," he mused softly. "People... reset, here. So many people. It's almost as confusing as when the universe resets around you."


lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 23:15:13 UTC
It was a Muggle concept, reset. Albus thought fondly of the 8-bit Nintendo a friend in low places had shared with him once. Blowing on it fixes everything. That was a sentiment that would have meant something very different in the mind of former-Dumbledore, the shadow Albus.

"It has something akin to Transfiguration in it," Albus said. "The body transmutes into popcorn; the popcorn houses the dormant self; or does it? I taught Transfiguration here, once upon a time."

He studied the caretaker from behind his half-moon spectacles. "You'll have your own wand for certain, I think. May I ask what its components are?"


tourettesbunny May 22 2007, 00:42:09 UTC
Having quickly assumed that the short chair was indeed for him (unless there were any midgets around, that is), that Easter Bunny had arrived on time and had spent a few minutes eyeing up the Headmistress. He'd thought Furbies had gone out of fashion. Did kids even know what they were anymore?

Reclining back on the chair, the Easter Bunny promptly helped himself to the food that was nearest to him. It was probably rude to climb all over the table to reach the further plates. He wasn't entirely sure if he actually needed a wand, but it might be a good idea, anyway.


fullofjelly May 22 2007, 01:03:17 UTC
Plopping down in the chair next to the rabbit, Santa reached over the Easter Bunny to snatch up a plate of assorted pastries. "What'd I miss?" he mumbled around a mouthful of cookie. "Fucking old man blathered on, I stopped listening halfway through."

As a TA, he figured he had every right to be at the staff meeting. Plus, professor chicks were hot.


tourettesbunny May 22 2007, 03:59:51 UTC
"Absolutely fucking nothing," the Easter Bunny replied irritably, spreading out the newspaper he'd brought along to entertain himself. Of course, he made a huge deal out of rustling the papers in the loudest way possible.

Over the top of the paper, he glanced from Santa to Dumbledore, and smirked slightly. "Old man? Bitch, you two could be brothers."


lemondrop_party May 22 2007, 05:49:37 UTC
The aforementioned old man, having keen ears and a keen sense of humor to match, felt it incumbent upon himself to join the conversation at this juncture.

"So glad you could join us, gentlemen," he beamed. "The party would be not half so bitchtastic without you."


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