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Comments 40

manriki_chan May 7 2007, 21:03:37 UTC
Gogo cheered along with Molly as the newlyweds kissed, bouncing in her rather floofy bridesmaid's dress.

"Before we eat!" she called, and ran to the side of the room to retrieve something from her Hello Kitty bag.

It was a camera. A pink camera. With a chibified purple bunny rabbit on it.

"I need to take pictures to show the devils," Gogo said. "And they'll be magic pictures. So... wave, or something."


immunityordeath May 7 2007, 21:12:23 UTC
Devi smiled, rather red in the face, and waved obediently, trying not to snicker at Gogo's camera. Her other hand was still locked with Nny's, rings shining in the light of all the candles.


waste_lock May 7 2007, 21:28:29 UTC
The camera made Nny smirk as well, although he was a little less cheerful about being photographed, and did his best to sidle behind Devi, peering over her shoulder.


manriki_chan May 7 2007, 21:44:28 UTC
Grinning, Gogo yelled something in Japanese that was probably the equivalent of 'SAY CHEESE!' and took a picture. Although the camera look very, very gaudy modern, a developing picture popped rather improbably out of it.

It showed a blushing Devi waving weakly and looking like she might burst out laughing at any moment,and Nny looking shifty and trying to hide.

"... well, at least it worked," Gogo laughed.


schizowarrior May 7 2007, 22:58:56 UTC
Molly grinned, folding her notes and sticking them back in her bag. She wanted cake, and she wanted it now.

"All right, you guys, cut this thing so we can eat it," she said. She'd helped pick it out (obviously, since it was bright and cheerful), and she'd been eying it hungrily ever since it was brought in.


waste_lock May 7 2007, 23:53:09 UTC
Herded by Devi, Gogo, and Molly, Nny looked at the cake skeptically. "Does it matter how we cut it?"


schizowarrior May 7 2007, 23:58:03 UTC
Molly, having gone through this, considered herself a wedding cake expert. "Nope," she said. "Just have at it. It's like...cake surgery. You guys have to pose, though, so Gogo can take pictures. I think it's a rule or something." Fortunately, mashing the cake in each other's faces was not--even she'd drawn the line at that one, when she and Theo had gotten married.


assmeat_hunger May 8 2007, 00:32:05 UTC
Tenna couldn't help the gigantic, rather overenthusiastic, 'AWWWWW' upon Devi and Nny's kiss. Even if it was Mr. Crazy McStabbyPants McGee (and his name seemed to get longer and longer every time, in her mind), it was sweet. And Christ and Jeebus, it was Devi. Getting married. Who'd'a thunk?

She had a fluffy dress. She was quite content.

And cake! There was cake. And cake was good. She'd been eying the thing with a look of pure hunger (and a slight chance of rabies) ever since she'd first laid her gaze upon it. The only thing stopping her from diving, quite literally, face-first into it was the super seekrit urge that she kept suppressed quite often in which she was actually behaved, just for Devi's sake.

Spooky sat rather unceremoniously between her boobs.

It was a good day.


immunityordeath May 8 2007, 01:06:32 UTC
Devi grinned at Tenna--even if she'd finally found Spooky (and put it in a rather, uh, interesting place), Devi was glad she was here. "Oh, thank God that's over," she said, shaking her head. "I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life, and that includes all those months I was shut up in my apartment."


assmeat_hunger May 8 2007, 01:10:16 UTC
Hey, Spooky was comfy. She didn't hear any complaints on his end. Other than the occasional contented 'squeak!' when she happened to get too bouncy. Or maybe that was just her cleavage smushing him. ...Whatever the reason! Spooky was happy. Just like Tenna.

Not nearly as spastic, though. Tenna was giggling like a maniac, launching herself towards Devi for a huge hug and it's entirely up to Devi-mun if said hug connects or not and letting out strange, squee-ing sounds. "And you were pretty fucking nervous then!" she commented pointedly, eyes widening. "Seriously. You kept giving Hobo Guy the stink eye. Big time."


immunityordeath May 9 2007, 02:43:12 UTC
Devi staggered, tripping over the hem of her dress. She burst out laughing at the mention of Hobo Guy, fending off Spooky as he threatened to launch out of Tenna's cleavage.

"Yeah, well, it's over now, thank God. Now it's time for cake, munchies, and...whatever's in that fruitcake Molly brought."


squeegeetodd May 8 2007, 01:20:55 UTC
Squee was pretty sure that chainmail, Dr. Seuss cakes, kilts (which were itchy!) and Nigoth, whoever he was, weren't usually associated with traditional weddings, but if that was the case, then traditional weddings were kind of boring. The part about the mutants in the wedding vows had him a bit worried, but he figured that if any married couple could deal with flesh-eating mutant zombies (which was what they'd turned into, in Squee's imagination), it would be Devi and the Crazy Neighbour Man.

He couldn't stop staring at the Dr. Seuss cake. It was so nifty-looking that he was hesitant to eat any of it.


assmeat_hunger May 8 2007, 13:57:56 UTC
...It was a small child she had not seen before!

Tenna couldn't help the overwhelming urge that had come over her out of nowhere, and she took a large bound in front of Squee, letting out a rather enthusiastic, "HI!", and giggling when her dress fluffed up briefly in her spasm. Oh, man, this thing was too cool.


squeegeetodd May 8 2007, 20:20:18 UTC
There was only one possible response to the giant, bounding, foofy-dressed woman leaping in front of him:


After a couple of deep breaths, Squee manged a tiny, cautious "... H-hi?". He was very pointedly trying not to stare at Spooky, especially given the doll's position.


assmeat_hunger May 8 2007, 21:05:48 UTC
Well, giant, she would have something to say about, but otherwise.

Awww, he was so cu~ute. Tenna grinned, a rather wide, pedophile-esque-caliber smile, giving Squee a thumbs-up. "I'm Tenna!" she replied slightly louder than she meant to, and finally removed Spooky from his, er, provocative seat. "This is Spooky!"


Anonymous Floo charlesofdensen May 10 2007, 00:08:20 UTC


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