WART #75, S to the B

Mar 09, 2007 23:08

I keep hearing all these dedications to "SB" on the radio shows. All right, ladies, I know you know I know SB is none other than Strong Bad. Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around. Just ask Ali and Ali's sister.

I have to say, it's flattering that you ladies are all making these dedications to yours truly. I mean, I know it can't be Homsar making all these dedications. They're far too coherent! So I thought I should return the favor with a WART show dedicated to you, my many feminine admirers.

Which is my face /
Which is a building /
Which is on fire'>

Let's kick it off with a song from yours truly BY yours truly. I did vocals as a little favor to my friends The Kinda Long-Haired Band on a song we like to call "Circles".

If that song doesn't express the kind of love I can offer you, here are some more!

Talking Heads, "Uh-Oh, Love Has Come to Town"

Steve Miller Band, "The Joker"

Talking Heads, "Love (Building on Fire)"

Team America World Police soundtrack, "Only a Woman"

Because weaponry is attractive, I bring you The Shins, "Baby Boomerang". You bring your boomerang, baby, and I'll bring my big knife. Our love slices and dices!

Then there's Coach Z, "These Peoples Try to Fade Me" --

Wait, what does that song have to do with the ladies? NOTHING. Nothing at ALL. Contrary to Coach Z's belief, no ladies are asking him how come he don't dance no more. And if they did ask him, they would be very grammatically challenged ladies and he would be welcome to them.

I'm not sure I want to think too hard about that ... uh, requests time!

Some anonymous person or other wants to hear Belly, "Sweet Ride." This person writes the following dedication: "For D. Maybe some habits can't be broken." Well, anonymous, I hope you feel very fulfilled in your devotion to a letter of the alphabet. I'll try to take comfort in knowing at least you didn't dedicate it to Coach Z.

From Miss Swan to Ah-Derek, Ashlee Simpson, "La La". Swan says, "Ah-Derek always make Swan la la with his special love bump." I'm ... not sure I want to know.

Here's a request from La Fee Verte: Outgrabe, "Love Cream Pie." That sounds kinda messy. Cleanup on aisle YOU!

Here's an anonymous request, no dedication: The Cure, "Friday I'm in Love". Personally, I believe the best day to be in love is Senorial Day. Your mileage, ladies, may vary.

To Devi, from Nny, "Victim of Victims" from A SHOGGOTH ON THE ROOF. ... What's a shoggoth? That makes about as much sense as fhqwhgads. By which I mean none at all!

It looks like Sadako's in the spirit of tonight's theme. She wants to hear Alvin and the Chipmunks singing "I'm Too Sexy". Alvin, I feel your pain.

I'm going to open the Floo lines now, just in case any of you want to confess your love. It's possible to Floo anonymously, but would you really want to? In the words of The Pixies: "Here Comes Your Man."

strong bad, radio

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