open RP: Valentine's Day Party -- Everybody To The Limit!

Feb 14, 2007 18:14

Strong Bad had been at a loss for a party theme. He wracked his brains. He asked himself the classic WWSCD (What Would Senor Cardgage Do?). No matter how he strained, he couldn't think of anything great enough to top the Entrapment All Up On the Moon dance he'd crashed back in Free Country, USA. Then, one afternoon, musing on this problem and ( Read more... )

jo march, rp, paris geller, fitzwilliam darcy, tomo takino, carrie white, jadzia dax, penelope creighton-ward, robin goodfellow, sansa stark, phoebe buffay, scrooge mcduck, simon tam, all school, rube sofer, anthony crowley, konstantin bothari, ford prefect, strong bad, susan sto helit, orient, stephen maturin, tyrion lannister, molly weasley, josh christ, chance silvey, bombalurina, homsar, karrin murphy, simkin, elizabeth bennet, tick-tick, catelyn stark, demyx, harry dresden

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Comments 524

ugly_imp February 14 2007, 23:53:18 UTC
Tyrion was still highly disappointed by the lack of scantily clad women for the party, but he was intrigued enough by Strong Bad's decorations. Entering the Great Hall, he went looking for his partner in crime, pleased that not many people had arrived yet.


homsarhomsar February 15 2007, 02:02:28 UTC
Just then, Homsar blibbled into the room. This time, however, the blibbling had a more elongated sound, for Homsar had at some point transfigured himself into one of his alter egos, Immodestly Hot Homsar.

((The linked picture is of Homsar's head on a very sexy naked woman.))

Hey, the administration of The Three Broomsticks had owled Homsar and told him they had a job for him, and Homsar was never one to disappoint. They had also told him to look for a really ugly dwarf, and Tyrion was not hard to spot at all.

And so Homsar blibbled up to him. Normally, Tyrion would have been about Homsar's height. However, because of the sexy naked body underneath Homsar's head, Tyrion was a good couple of feet shorter.

Looking straight ahead, but positioned right in front of Tyrion, Homsar announced, "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! My angel is a centerfold!"


ugly_imp February 15 2007, 02:23:43 UTC
Tyrion remembered seeing Homsar stripping at the bachelor party for Professor Maturin, but this disguise hadn't been anything he'd expected.

"I... can see that you are," he replied, not before having had to decipher Homsar's speeches before. "Are you offering to be the live entertainment?"


homsarhomsar February 15 2007, 04:21:10 UTC
An obvious question deserved an obvious answer. "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm the pride of the peaches!" He blibbled to the side a little, his "peaches" jiggling up and down.


sgtbothari February 15 2007, 00:07:07 UTC
Bothari wasn't sure why he was here. Parties weren't really his thing, but he'd met Tyrion in the halls, and the younger Lannister reminded him of an uglier, more twisted and older version of Miles, so here he was, having appropriated a bottle of firewhiskey. He stood near the door, holding the bottle, his usual scowl on his face. Every once in a while, for a change, he'd start pacing.


onceacop February 15 2007, 04:01:00 UTC
"You know, I hear it helps if you drink what's in the bottle," she suggested, dryly.


sgtbothari February 15 2007, 04:25:06 UTC
Bothari shrugged. "Probably," he allowed, and took a swig, after which he offered her the bottle with a raised eyebrow.


onceacop February 15 2007, 04:29:20 UTC
She takes the bottle, sniffs it delicately, and then nods when it meets her approval. She takes a swig, letting it roll down her throat easily. "See? Better already."


usethepoker February 15 2007, 00:21:59 UTC
Susan was of two minds about this party.

On the one hand, it was good to be out again, to be social, without any worry or unease. On the other, it was one year ago today that the horrible, horrible mess that had been her life for months began, caused by the prank of a foolish godling. Yesterday had marked the two-month anniversary of the breaking of her compulsion--the compulsion that had held her since last Valentine's Day.

She contemplated staying in, and decided to hell with it. Freedom was still too heady an experience to be curbed with any doubt--she was going out, dammit, and she was going to enjoy herself come hell or high water. Even if somebody did do something stupid at this party--as she had little doubt would happen--it would be worth it to prove she had her bloody life back.

The Hall was more or less empty when she showed up, but that was all right. She avoided the fog-machines (wisely) and took up residence at a table, waiting for the inevitable herd.


wobblingmolly February 15 2007, 00:29:23 UTC
As this was the first Valentine's Day Molly had spent without Arthur in years, she was depressed about it. She'd decided to attend the party mostly just to get out of her room, although the decorations weren't exactly to her taste.

She walked in and found herself standing near the dry ice/love potion machine, drinking a butterbeer and trying not to look as depressed as she actually was.


fabpenny February 15 2007, 00:48:59 UTC
If there was anything Penny loved (next to kicking one of the Hood's goons into tomorrow), it was a party! She'd never been in any of the other houses before and looked around interestedly as she helped herself to a cocktail, which actually consisted of eyeing a few of the unfamiliar alcoholic beverages and then throwing caution to the winds and choosing one by color. Pink, actually.

There was no one there yet that Penny knew, but shyness had never been a problem for her. One lady in particular, standing by a fog machine, got Penny's attention for two reasons: one, she reminded Penny rather forcibly of her mum (although Lady Creighton-Ward would probably not understand the comparison) and two, she was obviously related to Fred Weasley, given the hair and the general resemblance.

Penny crossed the room with a smile and held out her hand. "Hullo. I'm Penny Creighton-Ward."


wobblingmolly February 15 2007, 01:30:55 UTC
Molly was glad for the distraction, and shook the other woman's hand warmly. "Hullo yourself. I'm Molly Weasley." She sipped at her butterbeer and eyed Penny's glass. "What is that?" she asked curiously. She hadn't seen her sons yet, and was hoping they hadn't gotten to the alcohol. It never occurred to her that someone had gotten to the dry ice mac hines first.


fabpenny February 15 2007, 01:53:55 UTC
For her part, Penny stayed well out of the dry ice fumes - she was well acquainted with the smell, thanks to Brains, and hated it. She eyed her drink too. "No idea," she said, giving Molly a mischievous grin. "Goes with the outfit, though." She essayed a careful sip. "Not too toxic, fortunately."

"I was sure you had to be a Weasley. I met Fred at my Sorting. Lovely chap - very amusing. Is he...?" Penny let the question hang delicately in the air.


dresdenfile February 15 2007, 00:29:31 UTC
((With holiday-appropriate icon!))

Okay, I was panicking. Hardcore. This was an important holiday (or at least, it was now, now that I had a girlfriend), and I didn't want to screw it up. I'd asked Bob for advice, but his advice was all along the same lines, and therefor not very useful to me.

I'd bought roses (you couldn't go wrong with those, right?), but I hadn't know what the hell else to get Murphy--she wasn't exactly the easiest person to shop for. I just hoped that, for once in my damn life, I'd do this right.


onceacop February 15 2007, 16:08:35 UTC
She'd sucked it up and rather than her usual suit and neat hair, she'd done her hair up and slid into a somewhat low-cut top and silk trousers that clung to the curve of her hip. Happy valentine's day, Dresden.

"You look like you're waiting for the firing squad," she notes, coming up behind him and putting a hand on the small of his back. "You've got the shoulder crunch again."


dresdenfile February 15 2007, 22:01:10 UTC
I didn't jump, but it was a near thing. I turned, spotted Murphy, and somehow managed not to choke.

"I...well, yeah," I admitted. "You look...beautiful." Really beautiful. Jeeze. And she was my girlfriend? I grinned.

"I got you these," I said, handing her the roses. "You're hard to shop for, you know that?"


onceacop February 16 2007, 00:45:34 UTC
"Yeah, I've heard that a lot. I've gotten more chiapets for Christmas..." she's kidding, but she stands on her toes to kiss him on the cheek for the flowers. She's not always a roses kind of girl, but for Valentines Day, she'll give him a pass. "Thanks. You clean up pretty good yourself, you know."


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