Open RP - Ruh Roh!

Dec 13, 2006 11:32

Dean certainly didn't remember passing out last night, but... he was definitely wearing different clothes. He usually just slept in his jeans. With a frown, he shifted in his bed, fingers tangling into his sheets. Everything just felt weird. How much had he drank last night? ...He didn't drink that much, did he? Yesterday hadn't been NEARLY so bad ( Read more... )

benton fraser, rory gilmore, dean winchester, rp, lily potter

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Comments 23

themountie December 13 2006, 23:47:17 UTC
Dean (or Luna) wasn't the only one looking for Gryffindor, nor was he the only one still in pajamas. Fraser was totally and completely ashamed to admit it, but while in his own body he could have tracked an ant over the whole of the Scottish countryside, in Phoebe's body... he was hopelessly lost. The nose was just completely different! And he kept getting distracted by things like hair and... anatomy. It was really all very worrisome for him.

Luna was a familiar face to him, and though he didn't know the girl very well, anything at all familiar was welcome right now. Spotting her in the hallway, he waved hurriedly and rushed over. "Hello, Miss Lovegood! I-- I don't know if you'll remember me -- we met in my Sorting some time ago, except of course I didn't look quite like this at the time..."


wayward_son124 December 13 2006, 23:56:20 UTC
The sound of another woman's voice made Dean bristle automatically before he allowed himself to look up to her. God, please don't let her be--I won't be able to--DAMMIT, she's hot! Luna's body must have looked much like a fish, mouth opening and shutting a few times before she finally spoke. Dean clenched and unclenched the fists, which actually hurt his wrists a little from such tense movements, and who the fuck didn't have the joints to clench her fists?

"I... yeah," he responded slowly, clearing his throat. His eyes shifted slightly nervously. Oh, Jesus Christ, that voice sounded so floaty and... girly. "Right. I... not who you think. You." The blonde in front of him wasn't even sparking any flares, never mind ringing bells. He pointed to himself again, and the sight of the girl's eyes narrowing dangerously must have looked REALLY quite silly. "I'm... not Luna."


themountie December 14 2006, 00:23:54 UTC
For a moment, Phoebe's body appeared to mimic Luna's. The eyes squinted, puzzled, and the mouth opened, then shut. After a moment, though, realization dawned. "Oh! So it's not just me." His-- her eyes widened. "Oh, dear..." If there were a lot of other people switched up like this, it meant two things: 1, chaos was surely ensuing, and 2, the girl whose body he was currently occupying might not be in his body!

What if she was in this girl, for example? Well, no, she didn't seem to recognize the body he was in, but... "Ah -- I'm not... whoever I am, either. Do you know me? My name is Benton Fraser," he said, and it was very disconcerting to hear his self-introduction coming from such a feminine voice! "Er... Constable Benton Fraser, RCMP."


wayward_son124 December 14 2006, 00:47:57 UTC
"Uh... oh." Oh, fuck! It wasn't just Dean? Shit, that meant... Everyone? Sam, even? Jesus, Sam could be in some chick's body! Oh, great. Oh, fucking perfect. How was he supposed to find him? Just yell Sam in everyone's face until he answered? Yeah, that wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. Nope, not suspicious at all. This couldn't be demonic possession or something then... not unless it was some kind of freak outbreak. A curse, maybe? Or a hex? ...Or those goddamn body snatcher. Hmm. Yeah, it could always be the--

Right. He'd been about to talk. "I'm, uh," he started, and trailed off. Oh, Jesus, this was just flat out embarrassing now. That voice? Saying his name? No, no. This never happened. In fact, Dean had slept all day. Yes. "I'm Peter Townshend," he said firmly, hands moving to his hips like they always did when he got defensive. Again, a bit of a different look on THIS body. More like some bossy girl. Or something.


lilypotter60 December 14 2006, 21:31:28 UTC
Lily - in between sitting with Cox-in-House and trying to distract Dresden-in-Murphy and Murphy-in-Dresden, with an added side of Thomas-in-Carrie - was now running through the Ravenclaw common room on her way back up to her room, a huge pile of books in her hands. She had no idea what the bloody hell was going on, but she was fairly certain it'd better wear off on its own before she had any more surprises.

She'd nearly passed Luna completely before she came to a halt and turned around, eyes lighting up. Right! Luna! She was mates with Harry, she thought (at least, she'd been at the reconvened Order meeting back when Voldemort had unpopcorned), and would therefore know Sirius. "Oi," she said, "Luna, yeah? I don't know if you remember me, but could you do me a favour? I need to send Sirius Black an owl but my duck's gone missing. Could you send him a note asking him to find Lily as soon as bloody possible?"


wayward_son124 December 14 2006, 21:42:34 UTC
((You just couldn't resist, could you? XD))

Oh, shit! Dean nearly hid his face in embarrassment. ...Except he looked like this Luna chick, so how the fuck was Lily going to know? "I, uh, no!" he replied quickly, squeaking slightly as he heightened his voice nonchalantly. Only Luna already SOUNDED like a girl, so that was really dumb - he didn't have to go to more of an effort to be a broad, goddammit.

"No," he repeated firmly, scratching at the back of his head nervously. Shit, she was going to know something was up - she ALWAYS knew when something was up. "No, I can't. I... I'm allergic to owls! Yeah, new thing. Can't help myself." You fucking dumbass. "Damn... damned owls!" You are so in for it.


lilypotter60 December 14 2006, 21:56:52 UTC
((Dude, Dean as a girl? How could I? :D And, er, I am so very sorry for this... Poor Dean.))

Now, Lily was a bit frazzled and her mind was scattered a thousand different directions at the moment. It had been an interesting day, to say the least. So, probably, if Dean had just smiled or nodded or even wandered away Lily would have grumbled a bit and moved on. But, as it was, the obvious skittishness of the girl caught her attention and her eyes narrowed marginally, scanning Luna's (??) face.

"Oh," was all she said, but one eyebrow went up. Scratching the back of their head - a nervous habit of many people, but one in particular leapt to mind. And a Wizard allergic to owls who didn't have their own alternate form of communication? Something was up. Why wouldn't they just say they weren't Luna? Bloody rude, that was ( ... )


wayward_son124 December 14 2006, 22:07:06 UTC
((Yeah, yeah, sure you're sorry, yeh great loon xDD I think that post just killed me.))

Dean's -- Luna's -- eyes widened in... a look that was almost horror. Wait, wait. WHOA. Either... she was really onto something or Lily had some kind of pent-up secrets that she wasn't telling him. He fought the urge to take a step back, gaze horridly searching her skewering, oh-so-sexy one and completely blanking.

Code phrase? "Code phrase." Cleared his throat. "Of course not... How could I forget?" he offered nervously, racking his brain -- Luna's brain, really -- for ideas. "Uh." He scratched his head again, slowly. "Well. Actually. I'm, ah. Out of it this morning. Lily. Could you... remind me?" And not get upset about it ( ... )


zerotostudying December 15 2006, 01:09:05 UTC
It took a while for Rory-as-Dean-no-wait-Sam to get out of what she assumed was Sam's bed and try to get to the bottom of this. Mostly she kept trying to sleep it off. like it was some weird dream. Like the time she'd dreamed Madeleine Albright was her mother. Or the time her mother dreamed Paul Anka the Dog was Paul Anka the person. Dreams are weird. But not weird like this, usually. This is incredibly weird. And wrong. On so many levels ( ... )


wayward_son124 December 15 2006, 01:23:05 UTC
He knew that voice. HE KNEW THAT VOICE. YES. Dean whirled around, eyes wide as he took in the sight in front of him with a relaxed slump of his (her) shoulders. "Sammy!" he sighed in a relieved voice, grasping at Sam's shoulders and shaking slightly. Sam, right in the flesh, finally. Dean'd been looking for a while now - he'd been about to... almost give up, even. "Man, you have no friggin' idea how good it is to see you."

Uh. This might be a bit odd. He could see the confusion knitting at Sam's brow. He was going to get so teased for this later. What the fuck ever - he wanted out of this damn body. It was annoying... lack of that familiar... feeling... between his legs and the... Christ, he really hated feeling so damn weak. "Right." He rubbed his (LUNA'S, Jesus) face and sighed. "It's Dean, man, I'm in some weird chick's body and... Jesus, no idea what's going on here. How the hell you been?"

The concept that other people could have possibly been switched into other people's bodies? Completely lost on him.


zerotostudying December 15 2006, 03:20:18 UTC
Sammy? So she did know him. It was pretty evident, what with the nickname and the...well, the way she was grabbing and shaking him. Rory threw Sam's hands up in front of his face, in that particularly feminine gesture that almost seemed to imply 'I don't know what you're doing, but you're endangering the life of my mascara'


And then a pause. No, of course not that Dean. That Dean didn't know Sam. It would have been a world of endless weird if he did. But, oh, duh, Sam had a brother named Dean. Who... looked like a little blonde girl? Oh! No! Body switching! It wasn't just her! oh thank God

"Oh! Dean Winchester. You're Sam's brother!"

She was too relieved to process how strange that must seem coming out of Sam's mouth.


wayward_son124 December 15 2006, 16:13:21 UTC
Dean automatically paused, looking so utterly confused. What the hell was with the hand thing? Since when was Sam afraid of little blonde girls? Come on, he wasn't THAT much of a wuss. He blinked a few times, letting Rory's words soak in slowly and instantly letting his shoulders slump a good few inches. "Not Sam," he sighed, rubbing at Luna's chin with a wince.

He looked so damn disappointed. Sam could've helped him. The two of them could've gotten to the bottom of all of this crazy shit. Body-switching, honestly. What the hell?

"So more people are friggin' switching in the school?" he asked curiously, which must have sounded equally strange coming out of a seemingly sweet teenage girl's mouth. "So... Wait." He pointed to Sam -- well, not Sam. Whoever the hell was in Sam's body -- matter-of-factly. "So then... who the hell are you?"


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