Open RP - Ruh Roh!

Dec 13, 2006 11:32

Dean certainly didn't remember passing out last night, but... he was definitely wearing different clothes. He usually just slept in his jeans. With a frown, he shifted in his bed, fingers tangling into his sheets. Everything just felt weird. How much had he drank last night? ...He didn't drink that much, did he? Yesterday hadn't been NEARLY so bad as the other day. He hadn't needed to. Sighing, finally, he opened his eyes, staring up at the crimson canopy he'd gotten so used to over his--

That wasn't red.

Eyes jerking open, his hand instinctively coiled for the knife under his pillow that he always -- fuck! No knife! Where the hell was he?! He jumped out of bed, stance automatically turning tense and defensive. Blue... blue and... where the hell did all the blue come from? Wasn't that... wasn't that Lily's house? Shit, something... Crow? Raven? Crowtail. Crow...eye. He had no idea. He just... paused, once his eyes had caught onto the sight of his fists, tiny and pale and washed in the light coming in from the window.

He... huh?

Okay, the taekwondo was forgotten, and his eyes widened in horror as he looked down at himself. How could he not have noticed? He felt... smaller, like he could snap in half, and... Jesus Christ, he had tits! ...Unimpressive tits, but tits! Hands patting at his--her? What?--body, he/she/IT finally grabbed at his crotch, experimentally.

Oh, that was so not right.

Was he in a nightgown? What the HELL was going on? Demonic possession? Shapeshifter? Invasion of the Fucking Body Snatchers? WHAT? He darted down the stairs of the dorm, heart pounding in his throat. Christ, he let his guard down for a few damn hours. He woke up for anything weird. He slept like a fucking log, but supernatural shit it'd always been like he'd had some kind of RADAR and... Jesus Christ, now he was a friggin' teenager!

Find Gryffindor. That was the first step. Hunt the sunuvabitch down. Find your fucking body. And... exorcism? He didn't even know.

Maybe he should find Sam...

((Anyone who wants to jump in at any time on his hunt for Gryffindor, feel free too! Luna!Dean's gonna be looking entirely frazzled, hair all mussed and sneaking around like she's been doing it her whole life xD))

benton fraser, rory gilmore, dean winchester, rp, lily potter

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