Booze, Bollocks, and a Birthday Party; Open RP

Dec 10, 2006 18:19

Tables were set up around the outside of the Great Hall - several smaller ones set up for sitting, eating, and conversation, as well as a few long tables covered with food and drink options ( Read more... )

benton fraser, nac mac feegle, salamander, pippi longstocking, dean winchester, sirius black, rp, lily potter, susan sto helit, remus lupin, tyrion lannister, rumpleteazer, molly weasley, bombalurina, edward elric, karrin murphy, all school, jill, gregory house, matthew, dogen boole, brienne of tarth, ron weasley, perry cox, chiana, harry dresden

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Comments 314

wobblingmolly December 10 2006, 19:19:21 UTC
Molly was in fine form for the festive occasion, although she wasn't much of a free booze kind of girl. She let Lily do all the showing off of the food, but she herself was constantly bustling around, shouting orders to terrified house elves, and doing her best to see that the food never ran out.


toujours_sirius December 11 2006, 16:34:39 UTC
"Molly!" Having availed himself of a large assortment of the refreshments, including a "slice" of the delightful chocolate crepe cake, Sirius, Lily in tow, began to make his rounds of the room. Having been on his own for so long, one of the things he was most excited about was having so many of his friends, new and old, in the same place at the same time.

"I take it you're one of the masterminds behind this whole thing, huh?" he said as he watched the house-elves scurrying around at Molly's command. "It's really brilliant, Molly. Thanks."


wobblingmolly December 11 2006, 20:10:12 UTC
Molly smiled and gave Sirius a warm hug. "Happy birthday, dear. And no, all the masterminding was done by Lily." She produced her wand and summoned over a couple of packages. One, of course, was a Weasley sweater, and the other was a tasteful set of coasters she'd had Arthur send her from Merlin only knew where.


toujours_sirius December 11 2006, 20:24:35 UTC
Grinning, Sirius opened Molly's presents. The sweater was definitely expected - he had seen Molly's children and Harry clad in them a number of times. And while it wasn't the most stylish thing ever, he appreciated it more than people might have expected. After all, it was the sort of thing his own mother never would have done. It was a gift she had put love and time into, and to Sirius, it didn't get better than that.

Well, okay, maybe slightly better. On the verge of thanking Molly for the sweater, Sirius was struck speechless. After a few seconds, he managed to say, "Are you serious, Molly? Where did you - " he brandished the "coasters" at her " - ...Molly, where did you get this?"


canes_can_kill December 10 2006, 20:36:00 UTC
((Reposted for link. *facepalm*))

House normally hated parties. They weren't his thing, he hated being forced to act nice, and he especially hated the crowds of drunken people. But he'd made exception this time, both for Sirius and the fact that he had the best present ever. Compensating for this rare effort to actually turn up to something social, he'd forgone the idea of dressing up nicely, showing up in a Rolling Stones t-shirt and old dark jeans.

Lurking near the jukebox, he spotted Sirius and Lily enter the room. House assumed this was a surprise party, so he gave them a few minutes for Sirius to boggle over everything. Clutching a neatly-wrapped box under one arm, adorned in black and silver striped paper, he limped his way over to the pair.

In lieu of a greeting, or any sort of well-wishes, he stuck the boxed DANGER DONGS present out to Sirius with an ill-contained grin. "There is no doubt in my mind that you'll enjoy this."


toujours_sirius December 11 2006, 16:45:45 UTC
The jukebox most definitely caught Sirius's eye. "Where did you get that?" he said incredulously to Lily, obviously impressed. "And how did you charm it to work in here?"

Then, without waiting for an answer, he strode quickly over to it, where his attentions to the jukebox were immediately distracted by House.

"Hey, and...I know that look. I know that look." It was a look Sirius himself had worn many times when on the verge of playing a damn good prank. And hey, what good would a birthday be if there weren't pranks involved, even if the joke was on him?

He took the box from House and quickly unwrapped it.

Whoa, big black dicks! A highly amused smile growing on his face, he looked up at House. "Is this an invitation? Looks like there are two of them."


lilypotter60 December 11 2006, 20:28:24 UTC
Trailing after him, grinning, Lily leaned up against the jukebox to watch Sirius' eager perusal of the Muggle machine. Lily tapped the side of her nose and winked. "Never reveal my secrets, Black," she said soberly. In truth, she'd found the jukebox in a dusty closet near the Muggle Studies classroom and spent one very interesting evening attempting various charms to make it work. She'd actually lost her eyebrows at one point - a big cheer for hair-regrowing charms - but, in the end, had done a rather decent job, if she did say so herself.

She flashed a smile at House in greeting. "Oh, Merlin." The smile faded at the eagerly beaming look on the doctor's face. "This can't be good."

At the sight of the present, Lily's jaw dropped slightly. "Are those..." Reaching out, she plucked the danger dongs from Sirius' hand, turning them over, brow furrowed in puzzlement. "How would you even use them? And why do you need two?" She looked up at House with a patient expression on her face, as if waiting for an explanation. Or a ( ... )


canes_can_kill December 11 2006, 22:02:40 UTC
"There are two of them because they're connected by a chain and you whack people in the face with them," House rolled his eyes. "Not because I want to have double-dildo sex with you, Siris. Christ. Get your mind out of the gutter."

In exasperation of the uninitiated who clearly didn't know how, or for what purpose, to use them, House reached over and plucked them out of Lily's hand. "The Danger Dongs can have many uses, especially in party situations," he said, as if voicing over a nature documentary, "Watch, as the wise master cunningly dupes his unaware victim."

Looping the chain over the end of his cane, House looked around for the nearest target, and ever so slowly inched the dangling dildo-nunchucks towards their back, before promptly lowering one of them into Dean's drink while the man was looking in another direction.


onceacop December 10 2006, 20:49:26 UTC
Well, she didn't have a present, but she figured showing without one was better than not showing up at all. And he had been rather nice to her, teaching her how to fly.

She ambled in and made a beeline for the punch table. She's not exactly the life of the party, and he'll come 'round, she's sure.


ugly_imp December 11 2006, 02:50:08 UTC
One might say that Tyrion had been sulking and/or brooding for the past week. One would be right to do so, although Tyrion, of course, would have to dispute that opinion.

He'd decided to come to the party, though, not because he knew Sirius or anything, but because he was a fan of free booze.

He was slightly flummoxed upon entering to discover that he didn't actually know anyone except the other sarcastic crippled man, but, having spotted the well-stocked bar, he gamely hobbled into the room.

House appeared to be in conversation, so Tyrion made his way over to a woman standing by the punch bowl. He picked up a cup, eyed the punch skeptically and inquired, "If anyone drinks that, they aren't going to be poisoned or enchanted, are they?" Because he was really, really not up for either option tonight.


onceacop December 11 2006, 02:58:48 UTC
"God only knows," she says, with a snort. She brushed at the bottom of her buttondown shirt and sniffed at the cup in her own hand. "It smells like fruit, at least. I don't know if magic has a scent, but it's not obviously bad."


dresdenfile December 11 2006, 05:34:57 UTC
I spotted Murphy as soon as I came into the room--for a short woman, she was easy to find in a crowd.

"Magic smells like soylent green," I said gravely, sneaking up behind her in flagrant disregard of my own personal safety.


profmoony December 10 2006, 21:15:32 UTC
Remus had recruited a small army of house elves to bring as much booze as possible from the Ravenclaw bar. He figured that what with the drinking habits of most people at the school - the little blue men in particular - they would need to have plenty of alcohol on hand. The bar was even better-stocked than he realized - along with the usual Firewhisky and so forth, he had found everything from arak to zivania, and quite a few other liquors that seemed to be of alien or otherworldly origin, besides his favorite Ol' Janx Spirit. He wondered if the Doctor could be persuaded to tend bar.

Now he sat in a corner with Sirius's present (neatly wrapped in gold paper) in his lap, sipping a glass of cachaça. He had privately determined to sample as many types of unfamiliar liquor as possible in the course of the evening. Sirius would expect nothing less.


lilypotter60 December 10 2006, 22:53:52 UTC
Walking past the table loaded down with drinks, Lily paused, surveying the spread with a low whistle. "I...honestly did not know that this many varieties of alcoholic beverages existed." She flashed a quick grin at Remus. "Sirius will be thrilled."


profmoony December 10 2006, 23:27:52 UTC
"I'm determined to try all of them," said Remus cheerfully. "Or as many as I can manage before my digestive system revolts. It's all in the name of scientific inquiry, you know." Remus was not normally a heavy drinker, and had very low alcohol tolerance, so he figured he wouldn't get very far tonight. But he was still going to try his hardest.


lilypotter60 December 10 2006, 23:44:59 UTC
Laughing, Lily nodded sagely. "Ah. The lengths we go to in the name of science." In the spirit of Remus' quest, Lily selected a bottle at random and poured herself a healthy shot. Raising the glass to Remus in a silent toast, she tossed it back...

...and immediately started coughing, eyes burning. "Oh, bloody Merlin's arse!" Laughing again, Lily held a hand to her chest as if to try and prevent the drink from burning a hole through her esophagus. "Save that one for later, love," she advised Remus, giving the bottle a baleful glance. "When you're too shite-faced to notice the wretched taste."


coxinsox December 10 2006, 21:32:15 UTC
Cox's hatred of parties was universal, deep-seated, and notorious. Even at his own party, he had managed to be totally miserable. So it was completely, totally ridiculous that the extravagance of Sirius's bash (although it was pretty damn extravagant) was getting under his skin. Lurking by the punch bowl, he tried to tell himself that he didn't give a crap if Sirius had about a billion more guests than he had, or that Lily had obviously put a ridiculous amount of time into this. He especially didn't care that Lily was walking into the place with Sirius instead of him. No sir, no way.

As soon as they entered the room, he forced a huge smile and moved to intercept them. "Congratulations, Fido," he offered brightly, clapping the Animagus on the shoulder. "Nice going with that whole getting older thing." Winking, he turned to pull Lily into a quick hug. As he leaned in to kiss her cheek, he muttered to her, "Gosh, Red, couldn't find the doves or the live band?"


lilypotter60 December 10 2006, 21:42:30 UTC
Arm dropping from Sirius' to go around Perry, Lily's eyebrow went up slightly. "If you get doves, there's this whole union thing," she murmured back, pulling away slightly to study his face, a puzzled little smile tugging at her lips. Then she reached up to give him a light kiss. "And live bands are just overrated. I mean, who wants to hear a cover of 'Wind Beneath My Wings' over and over, yeah?"

She hadn't been dating the man for five months for nothing. Her arm dropped from his waist so her hand could find his, lacing their fingers together. Something was up, but Lily honestly hadn't a clue what. Unless it was the simple fact she'd made him attend; he hated social gatherings. Whatever it was, Lily would get it out of him eventually. "What's there to drink? Remus was in charge of the booze, so I'm betting there'll be a variety, if nothing else."


coxinsox December 10 2006, 21:53:24 UTC
It wasn't exactly like he was being subtle about it. Even he knew that. Perry was fantastic when it came to shutting up his emotions, but once they were out and making themselves known, he had a pretty tough time holding back. Despite the cheerful grin still plastered onto his face, he gripped her hand just a little too tightly. At the mention of Remus's name, he snickered. "Well, he hasn't tried to poison me yet, i~f that's what you mean."


lilypotter60 December 10 2006, 21:58:32 UTC
Right. And they were going to do something about this. "Excuse us," she smiled at Sirius. "We're going to go get drinks."

Then, turning away, she led Perry over to a secluded corner of the room - very much not next to the drinks table - and dropped his hand. Arms going around his neck, fingers winding into his hair, Lily pulled his head down for a soft kiss. "Hey," she murmured against his lips. "What's going on?"


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