Open rp- Christine plays on

Dec 08, 2006 18:26

Christine had quickly realized that it is much more difficult to teach yourself how to play the piano than it first appears to be. She had received rudimentary piano lessons at the Conservatoire, but singing opera professionally had given her neither the opportunity nor the desire to hone her skills on the piano.

She methodically plucked her way ( Read more... )

severus snape, strong sad, robin goodfellow, osaka, rp, christine daae, lizzy, elizabeth bennet, jilly coppercorn

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Comments 82

robinthepuck December 8 2006, 23:04:59 UTC
Robin had been wandering the castle, quite lost in his own thoughts when he heard...

A very amateur attempt at playing the piano. Grimacing, shaking his head ruefully, he nearly just walked on when he then heard a lovely voice. Oh, yes. That was worth investigating. The horrific piano started back up again, but, bracing himself, Robin went into the common room (it was fortunate he'd fucked met a lovely blonde woman who roomed in Hufflepuff - now he knew the password! Socking FTW!).

"Your voice is lovely, mademoiselle," Robin said softly, walking up to Christine and giving a small bow. "But the accompaniment does not do you justice. Not as of yet, anyway." Glancing up at her, eyes sparkling, Robin added, "I am Robin Goodfellow, at your service."


every_daae December 8 2006, 23:19:53 UTC
Christine, startled, pressed down on the keyboard, thus creating one of the most horrifically jarring and dissonant note clusters she'd ever heard. She winced and turned to Robin with a shy smile.

" Merci, Monsieur Goodfellow. I'm Christine Daae." Christine closed the piano lid, with a little more force than was characteristic. "That's very kind of you to say, or rather, that was very politely phrased and it was kind of you not to say how horrible my piano is." She smiled up at him prettily. "Do you play, by any chance?"

Anyone would be better at the piano than Christine. When she sang, she could make emperors weep, but she couldn't play a proper chord on a keyboard to save her life.


robinthepuck December 9 2006, 05:19:49 UTC
Ah! Beaming a smile at Christine, Robin bowed again and said, in flawless French, <"No, my dearest Mademoiselle Daae. Your skill is not horrible, only new. There is no shame in being a beginner."> Oh, such a lovely smile, indeed. Robin's own grew, turning into something full of dazzling charm.

<"I am but a poor practitioner, my feeble skill would quail in the face of your voice, dear lady. But, if you command me to play for you, I can only obey. Your beauty compels me."> Again a bow, this time lower. <"Shall I accompany, Mademoiselle?">


every_daae December 9 2006, 11:24:56 UTC
<"You speak French!"> Christine exclaimed, delighted. <"Flawlessly, too, Monsieur!">

She colored at the compliments, though she was insensible to Robin's motives and had no idea what-so-ever that she was being flirted with. Christine was not terribly observant, and her naivety often gave people the impression that she had room temperature IQ.

She vacated the piano bench with another pretty smile. <"I shouldn't force you to play against your will. I would be very pleased if you did play, though, as I'm sure, however you play, it would be much better than me. Do you know any opera songs? I was trying to sing part of a duet from Faust


teamseaslug December 8 2006, 23:16:27 UTC
Osaka stares. "It would be easier to just put on a karaoke tape, wouldn't it?"


every_daae December 8 2006, 23:21:59 UTC
Christine smiled ruefully at the newcomer. "Probably. However, I don't know where the karaoke machine is, and I don't know how to use it on my own." She tried playing the chord again, failed miserably, and gave up. "Though anything would be better than my playing the piano."


teamseaslug December 8 2006, 23:24:31 UTC
"Oh." She pats the girl comfortingly on the shoulder and smiles. "I think I like your piano better than Yomi-san's singing. She was a very good student, but a very bad singer."


every_daae December 8 2006, 23:41:04 UTC
"That's very kind," Christine replied, with a small smile. "I'm sure she's not as bad as all that. Who's Yomi- san? Oh! I'm Christine. It's nice to meet you."


google_agent December 9 2006, 00:44:53 UTC
It had been a long time since he had last heard the piano. He had no idea exactly how long he had been popcorned, but the sound was startlingly fresh to his ears.

He sneered at the "low level" the woman was playing, seemingly untalented. Unsure or not if he should go in and berate talk to her, he stood in the doorway.


every_daae December 9 2006, 01:08:29 UTC
Christine gave up on the piano and wearily shut the lid. She gathered up her music, and stood to leave, before looking up and spotting Snape.

"Oh excuse m-" She stepped on the hem of her dress, toppling over the piano bench and sending her music flying.

The sheets fluttered down around her like autumn leaves and Christine blushed. "Um, sorry Monsieur. You startled me."


google_agent December 9 2006, 01:16:05 UTC
Snape raised an eyebrow, watching the elegant-looking woman nearly fall flat on her face - thinking it was a pity she hadn't. He certainly hadn't planned on helping her tidy her clumsy mess, but a sheet landed at his feet and so couldn't help but pick it up and hand it to her.

"I can assure you that wasn't my intention, Mademoiselle. I was simply observing your playing. If you can indeed call it that."


every_daae December 9 2006, 01:22:53 UTC
Christine turned a delicate shade of pink and let her blonde hair swing forward to hide her face. "I'm sorry. I'm not very good; I haven't played in years. I'm much better at singing."

She looked up, with a timid smile, and took the music back. "Thank you."


so_strong_sad December 9 2006, 01:03:13 UTC
Strong Sad was wandering the halls trying to imagine what it felt like to be a cold, empty corridor when he heard piano music from a nearby room. Slowly following the sound, he ended up in the doorway to the room where Christine was playing the piano.

"Do you know how to play any Morrissey?" he asked by way of greeting. "I'm particularly fond of 'We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful.' Except I don't really have any friends whose success I can hate them for." He paused and then added, his voice all drawn out and draggy as usual, "Well, I guess Homsar's sort of my friend. But I wouldn't say he's really successful at anything but saying things that don't make sense."


every_daae December 9 2006, 01:11:07 UTC
"Hm?" Christine looked at Strong Sad curiously. "I'm not familiar with Morrissey, I'm afraid. Is he a new composer?"

She was a bit startled by the rest of Strong Sad's statement. "Oh, that's terrible! I'll be your friend, Monsieur!" She twisted around on the piano bench and held out her hand. "I'm Christine Daae."


so_strong_sad December 9 2006, 01:40:03 UTC
"Ummmmm, well, he's newer than David Bowie, I guess." Strong Sad walked a bit further into the classroom, slightly dazed at Christine's offer to be his friend. Usually, people threw dodgeballs at him instead of offering friendship.

Well, okay, mainly Strong Bad threw dodgeballs at him. But still, everyone at Hogwarts had been so nice to him! It was...disconcerting!

"Wow, you really want to be my friend? Ummmm...." He stood there flailing slightly for a bit and then walked over to Christine and shook her hand. "I'm Strong Sad. like music? Do you like arts? And crafts? And arts and crafts? And safety?"


every_daae December 9 2006, 01:51:25 UTC
"Oh, yes, of course!" Christine replied, beaming. After all, Chistine had made friends with an unknown voice from behind her mirror and saw nothing at all wrong with it. A blobby gray man who wanted friends in order to hate them for their successes was fair game too.

"I love music. I'm an opera singer. Actually, I used to work in the Opera Garnier in Paris before I came here." She considered his other questions seriously, head tiled to the side. "Arts... um... I do like embroidery from time to time. Safety is... useful. Do you like all those things, then?"


artsy_jilly December 9 2006, 01:50:58 UTC
The door to the Hufflepuff common room was left open, and Jilly had been attracted to the sound of bad piano music, so she breezed in, smiling at Christine.

"You play better than I do, at least," she observed with a rueful chuckle.


every_daae December 9 2006, 01:58:09 UTC
"Oh, I doubt it," Christine said ruefully. "I studied piano briefly in the Conservatoire but I've lost any skill I ever had with it. All I've really done is sing for the past few years." She plucked out the melody with an amused smile, then smiled at Jilly. "I'm Christine Daae. I don't think we've met before."


artsy_jilly December 9 2006, 03:47:29 UTC
"No, we haven't," Jilly said, returning the smile. "I'm Jilly Coppercorn. I'm in Ravenclaw, but I got curious about the music. You've studied music? That's interesting. I studied art myself."


every_daae December 9 2006, 04:14:45 UTC
"I'm in Hufflepuff. I suppose that's a bit obvious." Christine laughed, slightly embarrassed, but nodded. "Yes, I did. I went to the Conservatoire and I studied under the Ang- a private voice tutor. Do you have private tutors for art? I know that there are schools for art."


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