Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States.
Anyone interested in hitting up Green Flash's 30th Street Pale Ale celebration tonight, at various establishments along 30th St.? I'll be on my own as kirinqueen has other plans.
[UPDATE] I'm aiming to be at the bar at Ritual around 6:30; call (619-846-8434) for more specific locations & times.
I'll be up that-a-way this weekend, for DjangoCon. Getting in tomorrow, and planning an SF get-together with whomever wants to come. WherePhoenix Irish BarWhenTomorrow (Thursday) night, around 9 I hope to see you there!