Mar 09, 2013 10:46

Welcome to the Hobbit Prompt Post!

PROMPT FREEZE IS IN EFFECT. NO MORE NEW PROMPTS SHOULD BE POSTED. Please continue to fill--a new prompt post will go up in 72 hours.

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Thorin, Durin family anonymous March 24 2013, 06:16:03 UTC
"He stole some bread to save his sister's son."

That's a line from Valjean's Confession in Les Mis. I saw it and when Valjean said "sister's son" I thought of Fili and Kili. So that's the prompt: Thorin steals bread to save his sister's son. Whether he gets caught like in Les Mis or not is up to filler.


Re: Thorin, Durin family mahmfic March 24 2013, 06:35:18 UTC


Re: Thorin, Durin family blue_sparkels March 24 2013, 11:03:31 UTC
I thought I was the only one to think that... Thirded!


Fill: Thief [1/1] lady_wyn March 25 2013, 10:41:27 UTC
{Never posted here before, so hope I formatted correctly. :) Also, hope you enjoy, OP!}

The King under the Mountain is afraid, afraid of what he's tempted to do.

The loaf of bread lies on the counter, just within reach. The baker snores loudly and it would be so temptingly easy.

He thinks of his nephews-of Fili, valiantly giving his portion to Kili, and Kili crying from hunger-and he is no longer afraid.

He looks around quickly, no one sees him, and the baker still sleeps soundly.

Quick as he wields his sword, Thorin reaches for the loaf of bread, and hides it beneath his shirt.

And it's so easy it scares him.

The King under the Mountain has become a thief.


Re: Fill: Thief [1/1] rubynye March 26 2013, 02:40:52 UTC
Brief and spare and perfectly heartbreaking. Ow ow ow ow ow!


Re: Fill: Thief [1/1] lady_wyn March 26 2013, 05:12:44 UTC
Thanks so much!!


Re: Fill: Thief [1/1] anonymous March 26 2013, 07:31:43 UTC
OP here.

Oh, hooray, I got back from work and someone had filled my prompt! I LOVED it - loved the fear and desperation of it all and especially that last sentence. Thank you!!!

(You might not know this but I didn't see this in the Fill Post... FYI fillers generally post their fills to the Fill Post, link above, so others can enjoy their fine work :) Or maybe I missed it.)


Re: Fill: Thief [1/1] lady_wyn March 27 2013, 10:18:42 UTC
Yay!! I'm so glad you liked it. That was definitely the feel I was going for, so I'm glad that came through.

And, I feel like an idiot...posted to the Fills Post now. Thanks for pointing that out! :)


Re: Fill: Thief [1/1] lilyoftheval5 March 31 2013, 09:49:59 UTC
Impactful because it's so utterly plausible.


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