I was going to put up a notice for the next meme, unfortunately, the LJ-notification problem, coupled with mod's real-life business kind of prevented that. But since we're so much later than usual, I'm just going to put the post up. I'm sorry I haven't been around to respond to you guys. We should be back on track now!
How's My Driving?∞ comment
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Tommy Shepherd (crotcharrow) ➝ Young Avengers
Axel (maskedinferno) ➝ Kindgom Hearts
Simon (drillpower) ➝ Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (vespaphile) ➝ Teen Titans: Animated Series
Dug (dislikesthecone) ➝ Up
Ms. Lion (justadog) ➝ Pet Avengers
I totally get that! I mean, if I had a tiny device with a billion buttons i could use to send texts to other people, packed with the impatience and constant ON THE GO Tommy has got going on (not to mention in the context of CLOVERFIELD WOOPS) I'd really not care about the shift button. AND YEAH, it does give that extra special jerk-y troll-y detail. 8) So I totally get where it was coming from.
IDK ABOUT XI, I have a billion characters at CnC but I'mwaiting to have a little more time to figure out if I can handle another place. I love the random awesome highschool shenanigans it's got going on not gonna lie.
Yeah, obviously you have to know if you can handle it xD I wouldn't want you taking on anything you can't handle. I just know I would absolutely love to be in the same RP as you. I might still app Chase at CnC if you don't have one though. If I can get over my AAAA over it.
Simon is agjgagfd so amazing. When I finish my canon review, dude, and Yoko is thrown back in the mix? They need to interact. :C I just think you've captured him and his fucking adorableness wonderfully, and it's always awesome to read the threads and stuff he's in. ♥
Aahh thank you ;; I've been fretting over Simon a lot lately, and, just to hear it from someone is great! I miss your Yoko! They def need to thread when she gets back, because he could've really used her for romantic advice lmao 8(
/pets him
Give me, like, a few more days, and all will be good!
also, i'm friending you now lmfao SHHHH I KEEP FORGETTING.
Issues 4-6
Issues 7-9
Issues 10-12
8D 8D
Tommy doesn't show up till right at the end but 8( HE IS STILL AWESOME.
sweet <3
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