Happy Holidays, ishafel!

Dec 22, 2014 23:01

Title: A Beastly Tale
Author: Lumiere
Real Author Name: dkwilliams
Written for: Ishafel
Characters/Pairings: Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Connor, Richie, Ian MacLeod, Joe Dawson if you squint. Duncan MacLeod/Methos pre-slash
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I am so, so sorry for this. My brain is obviously a very strange place. But when Ishafel said “weird AUs” in ( Read more... )

methos, slash, richie, 2014 fest, connor, duncan, joe

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Comments 13

ishafel December 23 2014, 15:18:25 UTC
Thank you-- this was a fabulous and clever idea, and I love it! You definitely made me smile today. I really like the distinction between Adam/ Death/ Methos. And this last line, "And while not all fairy-tale endings are happy, it can be said with truth that this one was." is perfect. Thank you again!


dkwilliams January 6 2015, 01:54:10 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it! I had a great time writing it, and I am so glad that I made you smile.


killabeez December 24 2014, 02:58:38 UTC
I love the Robin McKinley book, and I love fairytale retellings, so this was a particular pleasure to read. You did a wonderful job with it!


dkwilliams January 6 2015, 01:57:04 UTC
I always loved that book, and thought that Disney must have used some of it for the movie. It was fun to rework it for Highlander.


mackiedockie December 26 2014, 03:37:35 UTC
Brave deeds bravely done, indeed. For what requires more courage than love?


dkwilliams January 6 2015, 01:58:55 UTC
One of my favorite bits, I must admit - I love alliteration. And yes, love requires the most courage of all.


jotribe December 28 2014, 02:17:03 UTC
how can you say you're sorry for this? It's delightful -- a truly a grand fairy tale!! *flipping a couple of coins into Bard Joseph's cap*


dkwilliams January 6 2015, 01:59:40 UTC
Well, it's a bit cracky. (sheepish) But it did turn out to be quite a fun little fairy tale


bearshorty December 30 2014, 01:37:30 UTC

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale and this was a wonderful Highlander adaptation of it. It worked so well!


dkwilliams January 6 2015, 02:00:44 UTC
It has always been my favorite fairy tale, and I had thought about all of Methos's masks/personalities, and how it might fit. I am glad that you enjoyed it.


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