Happy Holidays, hafital!

Dec 30, 2013 23:26

Title: The Midnight Clear
Author: Eggnog Is My Kryptonite
Written for: hafital
Characters/Pairings: Duncan/Methos
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Thank you to my jolly beta elf!
Summary: When the quiet war comes at last, MacLeod is the first soldier taken.

The Midnight Clear )

methos, slash, 2013 fest, duncan

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Comments 22

hafital December 31 2013, 08:01:49 UTC
Oh my goodness, I was not expecting a story! Things have been so nutty that I haven't been able to check the comm but tonight I did and thank god because wow I loved every word of this story. Methos being the hero and rescuing Duncan, Duncan needing rescuing, THE LITTLE SPOON OMG.

And then, "Methos slipped his fingers between Duncan's, let out a long breath, and squeezed." *lots of flailing*

I would say that my one complaint is that there isn't more (which is true), but in actuality I love how we only see this one night in the greater story, this moment of caring and friendship and maybe something more between two friends. I loved this so much, thank you Eggnog, thank you! Happy New Year!


killabeez January 6 2014, 18:32:17 UTC
*drive by extra hugs!!*


tryfanstone December 31 2013, 12:57:30 UTC
Oh, author, this is gorgeous - not just for Duncan and Methos, for the tension and chill and warmth of your story, but for the vulnerability you've written for both men. So very well drawn - loved this.


killabeez January 6 2014, 18:32:01 UTC
Thank you so much, kind person! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thank you again for your most excellent help with the other one. :)


dswdiane December 31 2013, 15:57:49 UTC
Why oh why does everyone usually make better remarks than I? What Hafital said and what Tryfanstone said and yes--this was a lovely and wonderful story contained and tense and satisfying.


killabeez January 6 2014, 18:33:21 UTC
Thank you so much, my dear! I am chuffed that everyone didn't guess me for this one right away.


slb44 December 31 2013, 19:59:44 UTC
What a perfect little gem of a story. I enjoyed reading it immensely. Well done!


killabeez January 6 2014, 18:33:46 UTC
*beams!* Thank you again. ♥


mackiedockie January 1 2014, 05:57:44 UTC
Oh, I know this part of Vermont, and it is definitely cold enough to freeze the marrow of an Immortal! Warm spoons with Methos will never get old.

The premise is just as chilling. And altogether too believable. There is an epic behind this cold, spare start, and I'm glad the post-Millennial champions are coming together to ride again...


killabeez January 6 2014, 18:35:55 UTC
Ahaha, yes. I totally agree-spooning is always appropriate!

I would love to read the epic behind it. I can't help it-I always think that sooner or later, the Watchers are going to age past their sell-by date and both Immortals and Watchers will pay the price.

Thank you so much for your comments. ♥


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